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The prodigious decade, so called the 60s, a decade that lived great political and social moments,

was the era where sex, society, fashion, music and politics changed forever. The sexual revolution,
the liberation of women and the struggle against racial discrimination were the trigger.

Rock and roll, became a very popular form of expression and the appearance of the members of
these groups, marked a before and after in the world of fashion. The Psychedelic Rock, of some
American groups, became very influential.

The wars, motivated a whole pacifist philosophy with an ideology of a wonderful but utopian
society, the hippies became an important element in the fashion of the 60s.

In Spain, all this was lived differently, because of our political situation. The arrival of tourism to
our beaches, showing those swimsuits that showed so much skin, the bikinis, that left the men
open-mouthed and scandalized the women of the time. Little by little also here, the influence of
the 60, began to quiet, with all that entailed of revolution.

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