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- Learn the three components of all Arabic words

Learning Objectives
- Be able to define Ism, Fi’l, and Harf and give examples of each

Lesson Review

Arabic is made up of three types of words. Every word in Arabic will fall under one of these
three categories:

1. ‫اسم‬: An Ism can be a person, place, thing, idea, adjective, adverb, and more. Let’s look at
some examples:
a. Person: Muhammad, Fatima, he, she, I, we
b. Place: New York, Texas, Egypt
c. Thing: car, building, desk, pen, bag (any item or object)
d. Ideas are things we have names for but can’t touch. Examples: happiness, love,
patience, education, reflection
i. Note that words that end in ‘ing’ can also be ideas, given the appropriate
context. Examples: I love learning, I like writing
e. Adjectives describe things. Examples: big masjid, small desk, handsome vase,
ugly carpet, beautiful car, happy cat, sad person
f. Adverbs describe an action being done. Examples: running quickly, eating slowly,
worked sleepily, will exercise happily
2. ‫فعل‬: A Fi’l is a word which is always in the past, present, or future tense. Fi’ls are similar
to verbs in English but not exactly the same.
a. Examples of Fi’ls in English: ran, created, eating, reads, will write
3. ‫حرف‬: A Harf is a word that does not make sense unless there is another word after it.
a. Examples of Harfs in English: in, at, for, with, to


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