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ASME Code Safety Valve Rules— A Review and Discussion M. D. Bernstein Foster Wheater Energy Corporat Penile Corporate Park, Chto NBS Snel nosure-relieving devices. rary somewhat amen the fe, nukes for overpressize protection by dhe se off various fice book sections of the ASME Butler & Preswure Vessel Cade which require sch protection. This papyr eeiews done R. G. Friend rosy Valve & Gage Compary, rena 02093 les hy discussing the following finetion. The problem of ovenyessure protection. Conde rues for ovempesaune preset ules for derennin presure und set pressure rolenmnce: for blensdonny The loples: Pressure relief device terminology and required relieving capacity; for allowable oterpressue, Jor set ‘rious presse relief devices Perna! by the Code, Design of pressure relief values. How reering capacities tre established and certified The gualificuion of pressure wvlief device manufacturers AInstaltaon guidelines. Conclaling remarks, 1 Introduetion ‘The ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code (the Code) wits developed between 1911 and 19L4 as a set of safety rules to address the serious problem of boiler explosion in the United States. which at that time were almost a daily occurrence. Average steam pressures in boilers in those days had teached shout 30% psi, and the explosions took it heavy toll of lives and property. The principal design hasis for boilers and pressure vessels is the safe containment of design pressure Protection against overpressure was therefore a very impor. lant aspect of pressure vessel design. Accordingly. that frst edition of what is now Power Boilers, Section fof the Code included rules for the overpressure. protection of boilers, based on the best industry practice at the time. The princi ples of today’s Code rules for overpressure protection are Tittle changed from those of the first code ‘That first ASME Code of 1914 has now grown into eleven sovcalled “book sections,” covering a wide variety of subject, Five of these book sections deal specifically with the design of pressure vessels and include requirements for overpres. sure protection, These five book sections are: Power Boil. ets (Section Nuclear Power Plant Components (Section HID, Heating Boiters (Seetion IV), Pressure. Vessel, (Section VIN, and Fiberglass Reinforced Vessels (Section X). Rules for overpressure protection vary with the type of vessel t0 be protected. The various pressure relief devices used for over. Pressure protection may be categorized as “pressure relief valves” (commonly called “safety valves," and ""nonteclosing eviews,” such as rupture disks. ‘The function of a pressure relief device is to open at & specified pressure and pass a sufficient amount of uid (0 Ne pressure in the vessel or system being protected from ‘ding aw allowable overpressure above tlie design pres. Dibhion of Te Aw ational Conterems in Pressne Vent Tech 104, Vol. 117, MAY 1995 sure. In some book sections, the design pressure is referred {0 as the Maximum Allowable Working Pressure (MAW), Ench book section provides rules for determining the te quired relieving capacity of pressure relict devices, for estab. Uishing allowable overpressure, for determining the maximum Sel pressure of the pressure rele’ devices. and for ensuring that pressure relief devices will function as required should an overpressure condition occur. Alfhough fundamentally similar, the rules vary somewhat in detail and complesily. reflecting the nature of the application, and somewhat difer ent design philosophies of the committees. governing the various book sections. It happens that the Code offers only limited explanation of its rules on overpressure protection and aside from certain functional requirements, very. Le rules to guide the designers of prossure relieving devices. The ‘objective of this paper is to summarize the rules and to provide some explanation and diseussion of them, and how they are applied, ASME has a policy that rules on a given subject that ‘appear in more than one book section should he similar and Consistent, insofar as possible. However, dic t0 the diversity, of application, there ¥s some variation among the pressure relief device rules which have evolved in five book seetions Of the Code. A governing subcommittee of the Boiler and Prossure Vessel Committee has the fundamental responsibil ity for writing, revising, adding to, and interpreting the rules bf each book section of the Code. Assisting the book section subcommittees with technical advice are so-called “service committees,” such as the Subcommittee on Design (SC-D) ind the Subcommittee on Safety Valve Requirements (SC- VR), The purviews of the hook and af the service commit- fees overlap somewhat, and the demarcation oF their respec. live responsibilities is sometimes unclear. Traditionally, with regard (0 pressure relief devices, matters of application and installation, such as which devices are permitted, and where, fall within the domain of the hook section committees. Tech, nical matters dealing with desiga. testing, and capacity cen. fication are covered by the SC-SVR. When inquires dealing Transactions of the ASME. with these devices are received ty ASME, they are sent to the concerned book seetion committees, Only if those com. mittees think it necessity or advsible isthe inquiry fo warded to SC-SVR for a Fecommersled eeply or uke and eve in seh caves, the book section commitee is frev 10 accept, moufy, or reject that recommendation. Thus. despite ASME policy on consistency of rules, the independence of all the committees involved has resolted in some slight gradual divergence among the book sections with respect to their rules for overpressure protection To provide overpressure protection, the designer must frst determine potential sourees of overpressure, caleutite the rate ut which uid must be removed under emergency cond tions to maintain pressure within masimum allowable limits, and select appropriate relieving devices 10 provide this te {aired capacity. The Code provides a variety of rules for the design. manufacture, capacity certification, selection, and application of pressure reli devices ased to protect broad ‘ariets fired and wntited vessels, Eatly applications of the Code dealt with steam boilers. where the source of pressure is the application of heat 10 water in san enclosed vessel producing steam, If the quantity of steann allowed to Teave the vessel is les than that being generated, the pressure in the vessel rises. The same principle applies t0 other aids heated in closed vessels, Providing stilficient ovenpressure protection is not ahvays straightforward. however, and the Code rules uifler depending on the Iype of vesiel to be protected, 2s described in Section 2 2 Overpressure Protection Relieving Capacity Required. The first task in se appropriate pressure relief deviees for a vessel or system is to determine the required relieving capacity (the Tate at which fluid must be removed feom the system during. aan emergency condition t© maintain a safe level of pressure). This requires that all sources of Mid flow oF energy into the system be considered and evaluated, Sources of energy might be heat, fire, chemical reaction, or mechstical work, Sources, of fluid Now could include compressors, pumps, pressure-re acing valves stuck in the open position, “malfunctioning control valves. inadvertent opening of closure of a valve connected to the vessel. failure of an internal tube ia a heat texchanget, or some combination of these events. Each possi bie source of excess energy or fluid flow into the system must bye taken into aecount to determine the worst case overpres sure condition, The required relieving capacity is determined fom this worst case; this determination can often require careful engineering study. The various book seetions of the Code in some cases provide directly applicable rules, and in other cases only limited guidance for determining the worst. case overpressure condition. The following is a brief sum- mary of those rules 2.2 Summary of Rules for Determining Required Reliey ing Capacity, by Book Section Section . Power Boilers, till uses the cule from the first ASME Code in 191 which, in briel, requires safety valve capacity sufficient to relieve all the steam a drum-type boiler ‘can generate without allowing the pressure to rise more than 6 percent above the highest pressure at which any valve is sel, and in no case more than 6 percent abave the MAWP. This rule is now supplemented by others, for certain types of boilers anu for various other components covered by Section 1. For example, the required relieving capacity in h/h for an isolable economizer (one with valves of either side, which could be inadvertently left closed) is equal to the maximum hheat absorbed in Btu/h divided by 10K! (paragraph PG-67) This rule ws based on the assumption that it takes HiQ0 Btw 10 boil a pound of water: fair assumption at low pressures, somewhat unconservative at higher pressures, Por high-temy e water boilers, this rile i reversed: the designer is pacity equal to the boiler output erat told to provide reliey fn Buu evied by 1000, Until 1994, when its rules were revised, Section 1 ha provided «table (Table PG-70) for eertin types of boiler SMipulating the Minimum Safety. Valve Relieving. Capacity Required per Square Foot of Heating Surface. with the audmonitios that this was only a minimum. and that more ‘might be requited. ‘This raininhum capacity varied with baile lype. firing method, tuel, and wpe of heating surtace. The lable was originally intended as guide for inspectors, who could then verify the boiler manufacturer's ehevce of satety valve capaeity. In recent years, the capacities listed in Table PG-70 were found to be inappropriate for cectain types at fers. eg. Muidized bed boilers, and stoker fired boilers firing refuse, To correet this problem. and also to eliminate some confusion between the maximunt designed steaming capacity mentioned in PG-67 and the minimam required safety valve relieving capacity specified in PG-70, these wo. paragraphs were revised in the "V3 Addesla to Section 1. The new wording clearly placed on the boiler manufacturer the I responsibility for determining the maximum designed Steaming capacity of the boiler, and for providing at least that much safety valve relieving capacity. At the same time new rule wus added, requisine the boiler manufacturer to slamip the maximum designed steaming capacity on the boiler ramepfate. With these changes, the old Table PG-70 was no longer needed. However, 10 Keep it available to inspectors accustomed [0 using it, It was moved fos nonmandatory appendix, Appendic A-#4, where it is now called Table A-t The term “all the steam the boiler can generate” has traditionally been interpreted 1o mean the Maximom Contin~ uous Rating (MCR) of the boiler at specified design condi tions. Section I assigns the responsiblity for the determina- tion of this steaming rate 10 the boiler manufacturer, who calculates it based On experience, taking into account the various boiler systems: pumps, fans, and fuel. [tis nevessary im all such systems to provide some design margia to assure achieving design steam-gencrating capacity (MCR) and {0 Permit the overfiing necessary when increasing load. Conse- ‘quently, i all systems were pushed to their limits, it 1s Possible to exceed the nominal design steam-generating ca- pacity. However, the customary practice is to use the nominal capacity at MCR as the minimum safety valve relieving ‘capacity required. This can be justified by the safety margins implicit in the certified capacities, in the design of the pressure parts, and in the overpressure limits of Section ‘which are typically lower than those of Section VITL In 1965, Scetion | incorporated design rules for a then new type of boiler called a “forced-flow steam generator with no fixed steam and waterline, equipped with automatic controls, land protective interlocks responsive to steam pressure.” Such boilers have no steam drums; the Muid passes through the boiler only once, entering as water and leaving a6 steam, Unlike drum-type boilers, which ate designed for a single design pressure and which achieve their pressure by firing, foreed-flow steam generators with no fixed steam and water” line achieve their pressure from the boiler feed pump, These boilers are designed for different pressure levels along the path of water-steam flow, with a significant difference in pressure between the economizer inlet and supetheater out- let, for example, 4350 psi versus 3740 psi (30 mPa versus 25:8 mPa), Recognizing the special nature of these boilers, Section 1 provided altemative rules for their overpressure protectin, in PG-67.4, which are quite different from the usu Section rules. For drum-type boilers, Section I permits eredit for use of spring-loaded safety valves only. However, for these once: through boilers. Section I permits a combination of safety valves and power-actuated pressure relieving vahes, the lat nimuar of 1 pereent, but to be credited p vf the required relisving fer 9 provide a m with no-more tha 3 percent. ‘pacity. In another departure front wsuial practice, any oe all Dl the spring-loaded sulety valves may fe set up lo 17 poscent above the MAWP at the supertcater outlet (the component with the lowest MAWD). Further. the peweraeuusted recy ing salves must receive a sigtal fo open when the MAWP at the supetheater outlet i exceeded. When all pressure rele! valves are in operation, the pressure is permitted to the tong ‘rawionum of 20 percent above the master slampine pressure the slosign pressure at the superhwater outlet. When sit fucther special camuitions are met, Seetion I permits certain Forced flow steam generacors to be furnished! with a few aa {Wo spring-loaded safety valves whose total relieving capacity is not fess than 10 percent of the maximum design steaming pacity. ‘These special conditions include the use ft matic controls and direct eting tip mechanisms fo the Tach find feedwater supplies, actuated by te lifting af the valve Stem of af least t8o spring-loaded safely vals, Fnithen, the fuel and feedwater control cirewtey must he tailsate, These rules contrast with current practice in Germany and some bother European counities, where overpressure protection for fonce-through units can now be provided by a power-actuited turbine bypass system alone, without spring-lnaded pressure relict valves Section IH, Nuclear Power Plans Components sof relatively oceot origin (1963) compared to the other sections of the Code. The governing committee (SC-ID has developed well-organized. comprehensive set of rules for overpressure protection of nuclear power plant components. which reflect the unique service involved and lee virtually nothing to chance. These rules require the preparation of an Oxerpres, sure Protection Report, which includes an anal conditions which could cause overpressure, anda anal Pressure transient conditions, The required relieving capucity for the pressure-telieving devices is determined front this report. The report must also cover the selection of the pressure relief devices, and an analysis of their redundancy. and independence, to ensure that overpressure protection te Imainiained in case of the failure of any. clement in. the system. or foss of external power, This report must be cert fied by one of more Registered Professional Engineers qual fied in accordance with ASME N626.3 [1] ‘Section W. Heating Boilers, covers three types of relatively Table + low pressure eyuipment me at 2.3 Allowable Overpressure. Most pressure-telief de vices, particularly pressure-relief valves, require further increase in pressure above set pressure to reach a full open condition. Vessels with multiple valves may require an even Pressure rellet devices allowed by the ASME Code Pressure Rellet Devices BOOK SECTION m ] Allowed by the ASME Code 1 wi vm) x a | wo | No [NE : Dicect Spring Loaded Pressure Rett Valve ele eye) eT yy Pot porated Pressure Reet Vato rrr [PowraawsPessee foie [fe] | ope wfefe le Breaking Pin Device wih Prossure Robe! Valve Spring Leaded Nor: Reclosing Prossure Revel Owvice Vacuum Rate Va Bucking Pin Deview & Imcombicaton win pressure rele! vale on organi sd vaponzer ony + Code Case 2901 106/ Vol. 117, MAY 1995 ‘Transactions of the ASME iter increase over MAWP or all the relieving valves to ‘apen fully because some are allowed to be set abuse AEAWe Accordingly. cach book section provides its «win rules oe hy bow much the pressure is allowed to increase ave MAWE ‘oF design pressure during an overpressure vent Section 1 provides for overpressure within very. narsow fant. With some exceptions (see Section 2.2) presire ny ‘nat tise more than 6 percent ahove the highest preseene at hich any vake is set, and fn'na ease mote than 6 porceng above the MAWP. Section IF Tits everpeessure to 10 pe KPa), whichever is greater, above the design pressure ah Component within the pressure retaining hounlaey of dhe protected system, Section AV overpressure linits vary somewhat depending i the type of equipment and its design pressure, Fen seen, boilers, the design pressure is a minimum of 30 pei (0 AP but the operating limit set by Soetion IV is 13 pot lls KPa, x the safety valves must be se at 15 pi, with an onerpnee Sure of 5 psi (345 KPa) allowed. For hot water boven wih only single pressure rele valve. an overpressure 10 percent shee MAWP is allowed. Where multiple salves we prot vided. the allowable ovexpressure is 10 percent tlwove the cea Pressure of the highest set valve ‘Secuion VII limits on overpressure depend oa the type of insillation. In general, Section VII mandates that prevcare [pt fe allowed to rise more than 10 pervent oF 3 pat CU NPa), whichever is greater above MAWD. When multiple cent ot 3 psi (20.7 evtees are sed, or altima devices ane proved to pro. {eet against expose t0 fire, wverpresunee af Nb a aT Ppereent, respectively. auc allowed. For sales which protic fiaeited compressed gas storage vessels against eyporore ne Fire, 20 percent oveepressute is allowed, Section X has the same overpressure requirements. ay fection VI except that special rules or protection of Tsu fied compressed gas stone vessels exposed fo Tie ant considered 24 Set Pressure of Pressure Relief Deviees, Once the required ‘capacity and allowable overpressure have teen evtabished the next sep is to determine the st prox Sure of the pressure relict devices. The general rule toe esoure relic devices is that at least tne device mace Peet fe pen at or helaw masimunt allowable working presse (the design pressire) of the sistem O vessel Heine protected. On many small boilers oF pressure veel, wale {oe roiet device is Fequited, and this device is typiiy see MAWP. When more thin one device is used, the adioont devices may be set at slightly higher pressures, This alewatia Hrereace in set pressure ver MAWP varies. comidcroby {throughout the Code (in general, trom 319 Id percent aban, MAWP), depending on the application and. the einen stances, as shown in Tale 2 ‘Sction 1 requires that at least one pressure relict valve be sel at or below MAWP. Additional vahes tay beset up to Percent aove MAWP. In no case. however, me thera Table 210) Section! requirements PRESSURE RELIEF DEVICE OPERATING REGUMEMENTS | imegyeitin msec. | srecexorassune | YpRaumeroununce usin nnceeaney ee Sresstne ee Teoweera" Sosa ca SiGe | Ha wc Se ea Table 210) Sect PRESSURE RELIEF DEVICE OPERATWOREGURENENTS | | ete ereccae tesa? | eins | | gihtyreseome rea! Seam Se psarey T “ta oa | |__rrestneSthinos | MMSRSEST | ete eee | ee ee | = ESPORTS semen | Seees | EEeee ne | messi) one | woken [sere | Reiss Seg ‘ipetcrmmuetmwiee | sgetenanenensnen repr nertcesse | etmsomacetas | pew Sowtgr Spode” 4.Bebrprsnnesatove 100 pn| MEAS wer fear eas) Fegciremenr “ SE ene | Seen, | | epemmaeige | HEaSE | i (ERS) RES | Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology Table 208) (Continued) | —t | | | rena i | | eeeco | | | | Se i | | a | a

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