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NeuroRehabilitation 37 (2015) 89–98 89

IOS Press

Examining cognitive emotion regulation

in frontal lobe patients: The mediating role
of response inhibition
Rosalux Falqueza,∗ , Ramona Dinu-Biringera,b , Malte Stopsacka , Elisabeth A. Arensa ,
Wolfgang Wickc and Sven Barnowa
a Institute of Psychology, Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, University of Heidelberg, Germany
b Central Institute of Mental Health, Mannheim, Germany
c Neuro-oncology Department, University Hospital, Heidelberg, Germany

BACKGROUND: Previous investigations have demonstrated the relationship between inhibitory deficits and maladaptive emotion
regulation. Although several neuropsychological studies show that frontal lobe damage can lead to extreme inhibition impairments,
there have been no investigations regarding the influence of frontal lobe damage and related inhibition impairments on the use of
maladaptive strategies.
OBJECTIVE: The goal of the current study was to examine the impact of executive functions impairments due to frontal lobe
damage on cognitive emotion regulation.
METHODS: Fifteen patients with frontal lobe damage were compared to twenty-two healthy controls on their reported use of
maladaptive strategies. The effect of behavioral inhibition deficits among the frontal lobe damage group was examined.
RESULTS: Patients reflected a heightened use of maladaptive strategies compared to healthy controls, significantly mediated by
Go/NoGo task errors, which are an indicator for response inhibition deficits.
CONCLUSIONS: Results suggest that a heightened use of maladaptive strategies by patients relies to a strong extent on their
impaired impulse control, highlighting the complex interplay between executive functions and emotional regulation.

Keywords: Frontal lobe lesion, emotion regulation, response inhibition, maladaptive strategies

1. Introduction Nolen-Hoeksema, 2012a, 2012b). For example, we may

suppress negative emotions in an uncomfortable job sit-
In order to adjust our emotions to certain desired uation due to the professional context. Later on, we may
states or situations, we draw on several strategies either express our negative emotions by crying out loud,
for emotion regulation (ER). The chosen strategies or distract ourselves from negative feelings. To date,
should allow us to modify our emotions suitable to there are several studies showing that ER strategies
changing intern or extern environments (Aldao & are strongly associated with psychopathology, espe-
cially if these are rigidly used or implemented in an
∗ Address for correspondence: Rosalux Falquez, Institute of Psy- inflexible way (Barnow, Aldinger, Ulrich, & Stopsack,
chology, Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy,
University of Heidelberg, Hauptstrasse 47-51, 69117 Heidelberg,
2013; Malooly, Genet, & Siemer, 2012). ER-strategies
Germany. Tel.: +49 6221 547748; Fax: +49 6221 547348; E-mail: like rumination, self-blame, catastrophizing or blam- ing others may, for instance, narrow attentional focus

1053-8135/15/$35.00 © 2015 – IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved
90 R. Falquez et al. / Examining cognitive emotion regulation in frontal lobe patients

to negative stimuli preventing an appropriate emotional Eugene, Dennis, & Gotlib, 2010) and stress-related car-
adjustment to the given context (Barnow, 2012; Garnef- diovascular diseases (Verkuil, Brosschot, de Beurs, &
ski, Koopman, Kraaij, & ten Cate, 2009; Yoon, Maltby, Thayer, 2009). Moreover, response inhibition deficits
& Joormann, 2012; Zetsche, D’Avanzato, & Joormann, are also an important aspect of several psychiatric dis-
2012). orders such as borderline personality disorder (Arens,
Previous functional imaging studies examining the et al., 2013; Lang, et al., 2012; Rentrop, et al., 2008),
neural correlates of ER have emphasized the role obsessive compulsive disorder (Bannon, Gonsalvez,
of the frontal lobes (FL) on the down-regulation of Croft, & Boyce, 2002; Penades, et al., 2007; Ruchsow,
emotional responses (Banks, Eddy, Angstadt, Nathan, et al., 2007), substance use disorder (Morein-Zamir &
& Phan, 2007; Buhle, et al., 2013; Goldin, Mcrae, Robbins, 2014), and binge eating disorders (Svaldi,
Ramel, & Gross, 2008a). Because of the reciprocal Brand, & Tuschen-Caffier, 2010), which in turn are
connections with subcortical emotion systems such characterized by the use of maladaptive ER strategies
as amygdala, the FL have a major role in emotional (Aldao, Nolen-Hoeksema, & Schweizer, 2010).
processing and are in constant interplay with “bottom- To sum up, although there are consistent findings
up” mechanisms (Wager, Davidson, Hughes, Lindquist, about the association between executive inhibition and
& Ochsner, 2008). Similarly, studies of patients with the use of ER strategies, to our knowledge no study
damage affecting the FL report impaired emotional has examined the effect of executive impairments due
and social interactions (Bramham, Morris, Hornak, to a lesion in the FL on cognitive ER. Thus, the
Bullock, & Polkey, 2009), including inappropriate, aim of this study was to extend previous findings by
automatic behaviors (eg., emotional outburst, irritabil- examining the role of the FLs on maladaptive ER.
ity, etc; Rodriguez-Bailon, Trivino, & Lupianez, 2012). More specifically, we compared FL-damaged patients
Several neuropsychological studies have shown that the with healthy controls (HC) in the use of adaptive and
FL are referred to be critical for the ability to moni- maladaptive ER strategies and hypothesized that FL-
tor and update relevant information about the current damaged patients use maladaptive ER strategies more
context in order to inhibit prepotent thoughts or motor often than HC. Given that inhibition deficits play a
responses (Badre, 2008; Dimitrov, Grafman, & Holl- crucial role on emotional dysregulation, we tested if
nagel, 1996; Garavan, Ross, Murphy, Roche, & Stein, the differences between FL-damaged patients and HC
2002; Miyake, et al., 2000). Therefore, patients with can be explained by response inhibition impairments.
FL-damage often seem to ignore environmental cues, Other relevant cognitive deficits associated with FL-
so that they poorly adapt to new situations and are insen- damage, as for example memory recall (Wheeler, Stuss,
sitive to social feedback (Lezak, Howieson, Bigler, & & Tulving, 1995) and cognitive flexibility (Cato, Delis,
Tranel, 2012). These faculties allowing individuals to Abildskov, & Bigler, 2004; Delis, Squire, Bihrle, &
draw mental or behavioral “shifts” according to con- Massman, 1992), were included as control variables. In
text are defined in the literature as executive functions addition, given that depression has been strongly asso-
(EF), which describe a set of higher-order cognitive pro- ciated with the use of maladaptive emotion regulation
cesses (Demakis, 2004; Garavan et al., 2002; Hofmann, strategies in the past (Aldao & Nolen-Hoeksema, 2010;
Schmeichel, & Baddeley, 2012) including cognitive Barnow et al., 2013; Joormann & D’Avanzato, 2010;
inhibition, updating and switching abilities (Miyake, Joormann & Gotlib, 2010b), the influence of depressive
et al., 2000), all mostly related to the integrity of the FL symptomatology was also examined.
(Allain, Etcharry-Bouyx, & Le Gall, 2001; Kimberg &
Farah, 1993; Tsuchida & Fellows, 2012).
It has been demonstrated that maladaptive emotion 2. Material and methods
regulation strategies are highly associated with inhibi-
tion deficits (Gotlib & Joormann, 2010; Joormann & 2.1. Participants
Gotlib, 2010a; Zetsche et al., 2012). For example rumi-
nation, i.e., thinking repetitively about negative events, A total of seventeen right-handed adults with cor-
emotions or meanings, might rely on difficulties in tex lesions primarily affecting the FL (16 brain
inhibiting negative thoughts. This maladaptive strategy tumors, 1 cyst), were recruited either from the Neu-
is strongly linked with sustained negative affect (Joor- rooncology Department of the University Hospital in
mann & D’Avanzato, 2010; Nolen-Hoeksema, 2000), Heidelberg, through advertisements posted in news-
depression (Barnow et al., 2013; Cooney, Joormann, papers, or from support groups in the community.
R. Falquez et al. / Examining cognitive emotion regulation in frontal lobe patients 91

The inclusion criterion was the presence of a lesion to participation. This research was conducted with the
involving well-defined parts of the FL cortex with approval of the ethical board of the University of Hei-
definable and segmentable margins in the T2-weighted delberg according to the declaration of Helsinki.
fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) sequence,
assessed by an experienced radiologist blinded to the 2.2. Neuropsychological and affective assessment
purpose of the study. For all analyses, a potential
edema zone was, if present, taken into account. Patients All participants completed a brief screening of cog-
with multifocal brain lesions, previous history of head nitive abilities. The Trail-Making-Test (TMT; Reitan,
trauma or neurological disorders independent of brain 1955) was used to assess cognitive flexibility in order
injury, signs of aphasia as well as presence of serious to control for possible differences between patients and
functional impairments (i.e., patients with a Karnof- control, as well as memory performance (immediate
sky index below 80%; Clark & Fallowfield, 1986) and delayed), which was assessed by the cognitive sub-
were excluded. One patient had to be excluded due to tests of the German Aphasia Checklist (ACL; Kalbe,
edema volume above 180 cm³. A second patient did Reinhold, Ender, & Kessler, 2002). Response inhibi-
not complete the relevant assessment instruments. The tion was measured using the computerized Go/NoGo
remaining fifteen patients took part in the analysis (M task of the German Test for Attentional Performance
age = 44.60 ± 8.22 years; range = 32–61; M lesion vol- (TAP 2.3, Psytest; Zimmermann & Fimm, 2002). This
ume = 37.84 ± 34.84; range = 3.08 – 110.45; M years task requires participants to respond to a Go stimulus,
since onset = 4.67 ± 3.81; range = 2–15). From the 15 an x, by pressing a button, while inhibiting the response
patients, 10 were free of tumor recurrence and 5 had 1–3 to a visually similar NoGo stimulus, a + sign. Task com-
tumor recurrence in the same lesion site. Twenty-nine pletion took 15 min, including practice trials. Number
HC volunteers were recruited through advertisements of Errors (NoE) and reaction times (RT) were recorded.
posted in newspapers, and were matched as closely The Becks Depression Symptom Inventory (BDI-II;
as possible to the patients for sex and age. Two Kuhner, Burger, Keller, & Hautzinger, 2007) was used
control participants had to be excluded because of for the assessment of depressive symptoms. In order to
technical problems during the task. Three other par- assess the use of cognitive emotion regulation strate-
ticipants showed neurological abnormalities (signs gies, the German version of the Cognitive Emotion
of microangiopathy, white matter lesion >1 cm, and Regulation Questionnaire (CERQ; Garnefski & Kraaij,
hematoma) and were also excluded. A participant could 2007; Loch, Hiller, & Witthoft, 2011) was employed.
not complete the Go/NoGo task, and was therefore This questionnaire presents 27 items in total, which
excluded. Another participant was excluded as well build nine subscales including self-blame, other-blame,
due to heightened depression symptoms. The remain- rumination, positive reappraisal, putting into perspec-
ing twenty-two HC volunteers (M age = 39.86 ± 11.44 tive, acceptance, planning and positive refocusing. The
years; age range = 23–59) without a history of neurolog- subscales measure emotion regulation behavior after a
ical or psychiatric disorders took part of the analysis. All negative event. Subscales of strategies shown to have
participants had normal or corrected vision and hear- negative or positive outcomes in the long term can
ing. Included FL patient’s characteristics are depicted also be calculated using combined scores of self-blame,
in Table 1. other-blame, rumination and catastrophizing as “mal-
From the FL-damaged patients, six patients had low- adaptive” strategies, whereas reappraisal, putting into
grade (WHO◦ II; Kleihues & Sobin, 2000) and eight had perspective, acceptance, planning and positive refo-
high-grade (WHO◦ III-IV) tumors. All patients under- cusing can be summarized as “adaptive” strategies
went biopsy (n = 3) or maximum safe resection (n = 11), (Aldao et al., 2010).
followed by radio- and/or chemotherapy. One patient
with a cyst involving grey matter of prefrontal cortex 2.3. Procedure
was also included in the lesion group. Three lesions
did also include temporal and parietal regions. Lesion Given that the participants were originally recruited
volume was calculated using OsiriX software (Rosset, for functional MRI assessments, they were invited for
Spadola, & Ratib, 2004). Taking edemas into account, two experimental sessions (cognitive and affective test-
no lesion was bigger than 110 cm3. ing and fMRI). The current study focuses only in the
All participants were informed about the risks of first, testing session. This session included the neu-
the study and signed a written informed consent prior ropsychological and affective assessment.
92 R. Falquez et al. / Examining cognitive emotion regulation in frontal lobe patients

Table 1
Included frontal lobe damaged patients
N. Sex Age Histopathology Years post onset Lesion side Lesion location Grading Approximate lesion volume (cm³)
1 f 42 Resected∗ 15 left frontotemporal WHO◦ II 3.47
2 f 38 Resected∗∗ 5 left frontal WHO◦ III 76.82
3 m 46 Resected∗∗ 7 right frontotemporo-parietal WHO◦ III 70.02
4 m 46 Resected∗∗ 6 left frontal WHO◦ III 39.98
5 f 40 Astrozytoma 2 right frontal WHO◦ II 5.67
6 m 55 Resected∗∗ 3 bilateral frontal WHO◦ III 90.09
7 f 52 Resected∗∗ 2 right frontal WHO◦ IV 46.53
8 f 61 Resected∗∗ 2 left frontal WHO◦ IV 14.56
9 m 32 Astrocytoma 2 left frontal WHO◦ II 9.58
10 m 32 Resected∗∗ 3 left frontoparietal WHO◦ II 11.61
11 f 45 Resected∗∗ 2 right frontal WHO◦ III 49.32
12 f 51 Resected∗∗ 4 right frontal WHO◦ II 15.74
13 m 43 Astrocytoma 2 right frontal WHO◦ II 20.47
14 m 49 Resected∗∗ 11 bilateral frontal WHO◦ III 110.45
15 f 37 Cyst 4 right frontal – 3.08
∗ Resectionmeans a complete removal of the neoplastic tissue, ∗∗ Resection is a macroscopic resection with at least microscopic neoplastic tissue
remaining in all cases.

2.4. Data analysis Go/NoGo task as the mediator using the PROCESS tool
for SPSS with a 1000 bootstrapping algorithm media-
First, the statistical distributions of all variables were tion (Hayes, 2012).
examined in both groups. The NoE of the Go/NoGo task
was not normally distributed. Therefore, square root
3. Results
transformations were computed for this mostly skewed
variable, yielding values between 0 and 3 (Feilhauer, Statistical group differences in all measurements
Cima, Korebrits, & Kunert, 2012). The median RT of are presented in Table 2. Regarding educational level,
the Go/NoGo task was used for analysis, following rec- 50.0% of the patient sample and 46.7% of the HC sam-
ommendations from the authors of TAP (Zimmermann ple had a college degree.
& Fimm, 2002). Given that radiotherapy might constitute a con-
Second, we computed combined mean scores for founder regarding cognitive impairments and daily
maladaptive (self-blame, cathastrophizing, rumination functioning due to potential induced diffuse tis-
and other-blame) and adaptive (positive reappraisal, sue damage (Costello, Shallice, Gullan, & Beaney,
putting into perspective, positive refocusing, refocus 2004; Kangas, Tate, Williams, & Smee, 2012; Walter,
on planning, acceptance) strategies of the CERQ and 2010), we further examined the differences between
examined whether these scores were significantly dif- patients that received radiotherapy (n = 7) and patients
ferent between the frontal lobe patient group and the without radiotherapy (n = 8). A t-test for indepen-
healthy controls. dent groups revealed no significant differences in
Third, we conducted a mediation analysis with depressive symptoms [t(13) = 0.82; p = 0.43], response
the group (dummy coded: 1 = FL patients, 0 = HC) inhibition [t(13) = 0.08; p = 0.94], cognitive flexibil-
as the independent variable, the combined score of ity [t(13) = –1.48; p = 0.16] or memory performance
maladaptive strategies as the dependent variable and during immediate [t(13) = 1.63; p = 0.13] and delayed
the squared-root corrected number of errors of the recall [t(8.56) = 1.50; p = 0.17]. Furthermore, patients
R. Falquez et al. / Examining cognitive emotion regulation in frontal lobe patients 93

Table 2
Demographic data and cognitive screening
Mean (SD) p Cohen’s d
FL-damaged (n = 15) HC (n = 22)
Age (years) 44.60 (8.22) 39.86 (11.45) 0.15 0.48
Educational Status 5.6 (2.72) 7 (1.38) 0.08 0.65
Depressive symptoms (BDI) 12.13 (8.68) 2 (2.83) <0.01 1.57
Memory Performance (ACL)
Immediate Memory 4.67 (1.23) 5.59 (0.73) <0.05 0.91
Delayed Memory 4.73 (1.44) 5.64 (0.66) <0.05 0.81
Cognitive Flexibility (Trail Making Task)
TMT A time (in sec) 24.90 (10.56) 18.40 (6.24) <0.05 0.75
TMT B time (in sec) 56.59 (22.08) 42.45 (11.76) <0.05 0.97
TMT time difference A - B 31.68 (14.66) 24.06 (10.79) 0.01 0.59
Behavioral Inhibition (Go/NoGo)
Median Reaction Time 399 (81.01) 420.09 (53.12) 0.39 0.31
Errors 1.93 (2.15) 0.36 (0.66) <0.05 0.99
SD = standard deviation, BDI = Becks Depression Inventory, ACL = aphasie check list.

did not differed significantly in the use of adap- healthy participants [t(35) = –2.81; p < 0.01], as
tive [t(13) = 1.23; p = 0.24] or maladaptive strategies depicted in Table 3. These differences where still
[t(13) = –0.41; p = 0.69]. significant even after controlling for depression and
The influence of tumor resection was also tested memory.
by dividing the FL-damaged group into operated Hence, we examined the given Pearson’s correlations
patients (n = 11) and non-operated patients (n = 4). for the primary variables of interest in the whole sample
Results of independent t-test revealed significant dif- (see Table 4). The higher the Go/NoGo error rate, the
ferences in immediate memory recall [t(13) = 3.29; higher the maladaptive CERQ score, r = 0.49, p = 0.002
p < 0.01], indicating that operated patients showed as well as the depressive symptoms, r = 0.40, p = 0.02.
more memory performance deficits in immediate On the other hand, maladaptive strategy use showed
recalled items than non-operated patients. No signifi- further significant positive correlations with processing
cant differences were found between groups regarding speed of TMT-A, r = 0.38, p = 0.02. So, in order to rule
depressive symptoms [t(13) = –0.77; p = 0.46], cogni- out the influence of TMT-A differences between groups
tive flexibility [t(13) = 0.72; p = 0.48], delayed memory on the use of maladaptive strategies, we performed a
recall [t(13) = 1.27; p = 0.23], response inhibition partial correlation of group and maladaptive strategy
[t(13) = –1.4; p = 0.17], as well as regarding adaptive use controlling for this variable obtaining significant
[t(13) = 0.007; p = 0.99] or maladaptive [t(13) = 0.89; results, r = 0.34, p = 0.05, which means that TMT-A pro-
p = 0.39) strategies. Thus, as no significant influence cessing speed differences did not significantly influence
of radiotherapy or tumor resection on the variables of the differences between groups in the regular use of
interest (response inhibition, use of maladaptive strate- maladaptive strategies.
gies) was found, these variables were not included in Following, the mediation model of PROCESS for
the analysis. indirect effects yielded significant results. First, group
As shown in Table 2, FL-damaged patients and categories predicted the use of maladaptive strategies
HC differed significantly in depressive symptoms significantly, R2 = 0.18, β = 0.82, p = 0.008. Group cat-
[t(16.05) = –4.37; p < 0.001], immediate [t(20.76) = egories were also a significant predictor for response
2.60; p = 0.02] and delayed memory scores inhibition deficits (operationalized as squared-root
[t(18.03) = 2.28; p = 0.04] as well as in process- transformed Go/NoGo NoE), as the second regression
ing speed during TMT performance (TMT-A: t(20.68); analysis showed, R2 = 0.30, β = 0.85, p < 0.001. In addi-
p = 0.02, TMT-B: t(19.46); p = 0.04). Furthermore, in tion, the third regression analysis showed that response
line with our hypotheses, FL-damaged patients showed inhibition deficits are a significant predictor for the use
more response inhibition deficits [t(35) = –3.89; of maladaptive strategies, R2 = 0.28, β = 0.46, p = 0.04,
p < 0.01] and used more maladaptive strategies than as expected.
94 R. Falquez et al. / Examining cognitive emotion regulation in frontal lobe patients

Table 3
Cognitive emotion regulation strategies
Mean (SD) p Cohen’s d
FL-damaged (n = 15) HC (n = 22)
CERQ Subscales
Adaptive Scales
Acceptance 7.07 (2.96) 6.27 (2.76) 0.41 0.28
Positive reappraisal 5.80 (2.98) 6.41 (2.63) 0.52 0.22
Putting into perspective 5.87 (3.56) 6.23 (3.22) 0.75 0.11
Positive refocusing 6.00 (3.21) 4.18 (2.50) 0.06 0.63
Refocus on planning 7.73 (3.06) 7.82 (3.25) 0.94 0.03
Maladaptive Scales
Rumination 5.07 (2.34) 3.23 (1.90) <0.05 0.86
Self-blame 3.07 (1.83) 2.41 (1.56) 0.25 0.38
Cathastrophizing 2.93 (2.09) 1.36 (1.09) <0.05 0.94
Other-blame 1.20 (1.15) 1.95 (1.56) 0.12 0.55
Combined Scores
Adaptive strategies 6.49 (2.09) 6.18 (2.19) 0.67 0.14
Maladaptive strategies 3.07 (0.97) 2.24 (0.82) <0.01 0.92
HC: Healthy controls; FL: Frontal lobe patients; CERQ: Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire.

Table 4
Pearson’s correlation coefficients between variables of interest (N = 37)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1. Go/NoGo errors a) – 0.16 0.49∗∗ 0.40∗ 0.22 0.09 –0.03 –0.46∗∗ –0.29
2. Adaptive ER (CERQ)b) – 0.15 –0.05 0.01 0.06 0.08 0.05 0.12
3. Maladaptive ER (CERQ) – 0.29 0.38∗ 0.22 0.04 –0.16 –0.25
4. BDI – 0.36∗ 0.35∗ 0.24 –0.38∗ –0.49∗∗
5. TMT A time (in seconds) – 0.74∗∗ 0.34∗ –0.48∗∗ –0.30
6. TMT B time (in seconds) – 0.89∗∗ –0.35∗ –0.27
7. TMT B - TMT A – –0.16 –0.17
8. Immediate Memory – 0.68∗∗
9. Delayed Memory –
ER, Emotion Regulation; CERQ, Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire; BDI, Beck’s Depression Inventory; TMT; Trail-Making-Task,
∗∗ p < 0.01, ∗ p < 0.05, a) square-root transformed scores, b) combined scores of adaptive and maladaptive emotion regulation CERQ-scales.

Furthermore, there was a significant indirect effect and HC in the use of maladaptive strategies. This find-
of FL-damage on the use of maladaptive strategies ing supports prior investigations linking maladaptive
through response inhibition, ß = 0.39, BCa CI [0.07, strategy use with inhibition deficits (d’Acremont & Van
0.94], showing that response inhibition fully mediated der Linden, 2007; Joormann & D’Avanzato, 2010) and
the relationship between FL damage and maladaptive the ability to inhibit improper impulses to FL function
ER. The beta values were significant with a medium to (Picton, et al., 2007).
large effect size of k2 = 0.18 (see Fig. 1). Previous studies have already depicted a crucial neu-
ral interaction of frontal and subcortical systems for
the efficiency of ER, systems that overlap executive
4. Discussion functional areas (Goldin, McRae, Ramel, & Gross,
2008b; Ochsner, Bunge, Gross, & Gabrieli, 2002;
The goal of the present study was to explore the Ochsner, et al., 2004; Schulze, et al., 2011; Schweizer,
impact of FL-damage on ER and the use of maladap- Grahn, Hampshire, Mobbs, & Dalgleish, 2013). The
tive strategies. As predicted, FL patients did use more present lesion study extend previous functional imag-
maladaptive ER strategies than HC. Furthermore, our ing research by investigating the impact of FL lesions
findings could show that response inhibition impair- on emotion regulation, showing that response inhibi-
ments significantly mediate the use of maladaptive ER tion deficits arising after FL damage might have a large
strategies in FL patients, which suggests that deficits influence on emotion regulation behavior during nega-
inhibiting prepotent responses among FL patients might tive emotional events. The use of maladaptive strategies
explain the differences between FL-damaged patients such as rumination has been previously linked with
R. Falquez et al. / Examining cognitive emotion regulation in frontal lobe patients 95

Fig. 1. DE: direct effect, IE: Indirect effect; Figure shows the results of the mediation model. Response inhibition can be seen as a significant
mediator between FL-damage and maladaptive ER-strategies.

cognitive inhibition faculties (Joormann, 2010; Joor- adopt every strategy, regardless of the situation. Second,
mann & Gotlib, 2010b; Zetsche, et al., 2012). Of crucial considering the life-struggling situation due to their
importance for this view is the study of Joormann illness, patients might be confronted with several emo-
and Gotlib (2008), linking rumination with inhibition tions, and might be forced to learn and apply various
deficits and difficulties removing no longer relevant regulation strategies. Nevertheless, it has been argued
cues from working memory (Joormann & Gotlib, 2008; that adaptive strategies show weaker associations with
Joormann, Levens, & Gotlib, 2011). In contrast to cog- psychopathology compared to maladaptive strategies,
nitive inhibition, response inhibition impairments not because their effective implementation is dependent
only interfere with long-term emotion goals by fail- of contextual demands (contextual approach; Aldao &
ing to control impulsive needs, but also are related Nolen-Hoeksema, 2012a). Therefore, even if the FL-
to high levels of negative emotional reactivity (Hof- damaged patients use so much adaptive ER-strategies
mann et al., 2012; Leen-Feldner, Zvolensky, Feldner, as neurological healthy controls, it remains unclear
& Lejuez, 2004). For these reasons, the control of whether the used strategies are effective or implemented
impulsive responses might be an important predictor in appropriate contexts. Further ER research dealing
for efficient regulation of automatically triggered emo- with emotional regulatory behavior among brain lesion
tions. This assumption is supported by developmental patients should seek to manipulate context-relevant
studies, which depicted that disinhibited children (i.e., cues or/and social feedback, which might be of particu-
impulsive, high in emotional intensity, and easily frus- lar importance for the interpretation of related cognitive
trated by failures) are considered poor in ER (Carlson deficits among brain damaged patients.
& Wang, 2007; Eisenberg & Morris, 2002; Eisenberg Finally, we should consider some limitations. First,
& Sulik, 2012). Furthermore, a former study reported CERQ does not include all regulation strategies, which
that impulsivity can predict the use of maladaptive emo- could be involved with inhibition (e.g., suppression).
tion regulation strategies in adolescence (d’Acremont Secondly, we did not manipulate context-related cues
& Van der Linden, 2007). in order to analyze appropriate vs. inappropriate strate-
Surprisingly, however, the groups did not differ in the gies. Other limitations include retrospective self-report
use of adaptive ER strategies. We suggest two possi- of ER behavior and heterogeneity of the FL-damaged
ble explanations to this finding. First, since FL patients patient sample. Unfortunately, although we controlled
have difficulties controlling their impulses, they may for radiotherapy and tumor resection effects, we cannot
96 R. Falquez et al. / Examining cognitive emotion regulation in frontal lobe patients

rule out effects of inter-individual cognitive deficits Personality Disorder in Four Different Age Groups: A Cross-
within the small FL-lesion group (e.g., differences in Sectional Study of Community Residents in Germany. J Pers
immediate memory recall), or the different influences Disord, 27, 196-207.
Badre, D. (2008). Cognitive control, hierarchy, and the rostro-caudal
of slow-growing and fast-growing lesions (Desmur- organization of the frontal lobes. Trends Cogn Sci, 12, 193-200.
get, Bonnetblanc, & Duffau, 2007), so that our results Banks, S. J., Eddy, K. T., Angstadt, M., Nathan, P. J., & Phan, K.
should be interpreted with caution. Further studies L. (2007). Amygdala-frontal connectivity during emotion regu-
should examine a larger, more homogeneous sample lation. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci, 2, 303-312.
of FL-damaged patients. Bannon, S., Gonsalvez, C. J., Croft, R. J., & Boyce, P. M. (2002).
Response inhibition deficits in obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Considering these limitations, we believe is safe to Psychiatry Res, 110, 165-174.
conclude that the findings of the current study support Barnow, S. (2012). Emotion regulation and psychopathology. An
the view that response inhibition impairments of FL- overview. Psychologische Rundschau, 63, 111-124.
damaged patients might strengthen the employment of Barnow, S., Aldinger, M., Ulrich, I., & Stopsack, M. (2013). Emotion
maladaptive strategies. Moreover, the stress produced regulation in depression: An overview of results using various
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