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Directions: Read each situation. ON A SEPARATE SHEET OF PAPER, give three(s) alternative ways that each situation could have been handled. Kayleigh and Tyreeka are not really friends, but they are classmates. Tyreeka loves to take 1 _| Pictures with her phone all the time and never asks if it’s ok with the people around her. As a result, Kayleigh’s picture has ended up on Instagram more times than she can count. Kayleigh really doesn’t like having her picture taken, and is even more bothered that Tyreeka is posting pictures of her without her permission. One day at school, Kayleigh gets so mad that she shoves Tyreeka against the wall and yells in her face, “TAKE THEM PICTURES DOWN!” Tyler, Marcus, and Jamal play basketball together many afternoons after school. 2. _ | Marcus and Jamal are really good players, and always score a lot of points when they play against other people, but Tyler is not very good atall. The three boys are good friends, and even though Marcus and Jamal have told Tyler he needs to practice more, Tyler insists that he’s a good player. One day, Tyler gets a text from Marcus saying that they won't be playing that afternoon - Jamal has a doctor’s appointment. The next day, Tyler's friend Sampson approaches him while he's at his locker and asks, “Why weren't you out playing yesterday afternoon? Marcus and Jamal had someone take your place in the pick-up game.” Tyler is furious and slams his fist into his locker, vowing to get Jamal and Marcus for lying to him. Andrea’s parents went away for the weekend, leaving her older brother Darius in 3 _ | charge. They gave Andrea and Darius some money for food, some chores to do, and said that they were only allowed to have one friend over (each) at a time. Andrea and Darius told their parents they would abide by the rules. On Saturday night, however, Darius threw a raging party with at least a hundred people that lasted until 4 am. Andrea locked herself in her room so she could claim she had nothing to do with it. Sunday, Darius spent all day cleaning so that his parents would never guess there was a party there the previous night. Andrea.was so tired and angry that she called her mother's cell phone to tell them what Darius did. Maria was late to work at least twice a week, One day, she might say that she was late because she was giving her pastor a ride, another day she might say that her husband was sick. Maria’s boss, Kelly, didn’t believe any of her excuses. She repeatedly told 4 Maria that she needed to be on time to work, or there would be consequences. One morning, another employee told Kelly that Maria was twenty minutes late to work on Kelly's day off. This person told Kelly that Maria had run into the building, begged the other employees not to tell on her, and proceeded to wipe the security tape that would prove she was late. Kelly found the tape, showing Maria arriving at 5:20 pm, instead of 5:00, when her shift was supposed to start. She fired Maria, who then tried to sue the company.

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