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Polyester is the paste with high mechanical resistance, good bending to aggregate and proper

strength to heat cycles and chemicals,

polyester with peroxide as hardener and Cobalt as an accelerator

The role of hardener is connectivity of monomer

molecules and forming a high chain of the polymer

Polyester memiliki sifat encer dan fluiditasnya baik sehingga dapat diaplikasikan mulai dari proses
hand lay up yang sederhana sampai dengan proses yang kompleks. Banyaknya penggunaan resin ini
didasarkan pada pertimbangan harga yang murah, curing yang cepat, warna yang jernih, dan mudah

Hardener Methyl Ethyl Ketone Peroxide, Bahan hardener merupakan bahan yang memungkinkan
terjadinya proses curing. Hardener ini terdiri dari dua bahan, yaitu katalisator dan accelerator.
Katalisator dan accelerator akan menimbulkan panas, dimana pengaruh panas ini diperlukan untuk
mempercepat proses pengeringan sehingga bahan menjadi kuat. Namun apabila panasnya terlalu
tinggi maka akan merusak ikatan-ikatan antar molekul dan juga akan merusak seratnya
The development of biocomposites based on natural
fillers in combination with synthetic thermoplastic polymers has
been the subject of considerable recent research efforts (Bajer et al.,
2012; Kozioł et al., 2013). Natural fiber, owing to its reproducibility,
availability, and relatively low price, has become a key raw material
for the production of biocomposites. In recent years, natural fiber
reinforced composites have received much attention because of
their lightweight, nonabrasive, combustible, nontoxic, low cost and
biodegradable properties (Kalia et al., 2009).

BASF conducted an eco-efficiency

analysis comparing the production of polymer granules for four
petroleum-based polymers to that of two renewable-resourcebased
polymers: two petroleum-based polyamides, two
petroleum-based polyesters, a biopolymer based on both petroleum
and renewable resources and a biopolymer based completely
on renewable resources. The obtained results demonstrate that one
should not assume that renewable-resource-based polymers are
more eco-efficient. The petroleum-based polyester was the most
eco-efficient, based on its low cost, and had less overall environmental
impact than the biopolymers (Wall-Markowski et al., 2004;
Golak et al., 2011).

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