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2122017 HEALTH BENEFITS OF TOUCH ME NOT PLANT ( MIMOSA PUDICA } a] HEALTH BENEFITS OF s TUBELIGHT TOUCH ME NOT PLANT (¢ MIMOSA PUDICA ) - September 08,2014 Touch me not plant is a creeping annual herb native to south and central america found inall over the world in tropical regions It is a medicinal herb using in ayurveda and home remedy for curing many diseases TOUCH ME NOT PLANT The leaves of this plant will be fold when we touched or shaken ,to protect them from predators ,re- opening minutes later, so it Is called humble plant shameful plant .It is a pan tropical weed ,grows mostly in shady areas ,under trees or shrubs The stem is slender branching and sparsely to densely prickly »growing to a length of 1.5 m.The common names of this plant are sensitive plant , shameful plant ,humble plant sleeping grass and touch me not Botanical name of this plant is mimosa pudica belongs to the family fabaceae In other languages like Tamil thotta surungi,in malayalam thotta vaddi This plant is very effective in treating a wide range of disease conditions like allergy asthma hypertension blood cholesterol , mouth and lung cancer piles premature ejaculation menstrual problems , stomach ulcers etc - Chemical compounds like mimocin ,galactose are found in this plant helps to inhibit DNA replication in cancer cells -It isan excellent natural remedy for insominia - Reduce the swelling and pain in Joints - very good for depression - Very good home and ayurvedic remedy for diabetes hip:arsrevath blogspot rv2014/09mealth-benefits-cf-oueh-me-not-plant himl a 2120017 HEALTH BENEFITS OF TOUCH ME NOT PLANT (MIMOSA PUDICA ) We can use this in the form of leaf extract , kasayam ,and ) powder . -Apply the past of this plant leaves on swelling Joints and TUBELIGHT leave it for over night and then wash off ,this will help to reduce the swelling and pain in the Joints . - Take 30 ml of Juice of this plant for 7 to 10 days morning and evening will help to reduce the high blood sugar levels in diabetic patients

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