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INDEX Practical Date Sign.

1 To write various commands and their applications 8/1/2018

2 To count the number of characters, words and lines in a file. 15/1/2018

3 To count the number of alphabets and digits in a file. 15/1/2018

4 C program to check process ID(s) of the program and parent 22/1/2018

program. Make 4 child processes. Use system (“ps”),
getpid(), getppid().

5A To create a child process with the sleep command. 22/1/2018

5B To create child with sleep command using getpid 22/1/2018

6 To perform wait command using c program. 29/1/2018

7 Write two programs and compile them separately as server 5/2/2018

and client program. Server program must fork a child process
which must execute a child program using execl() command.

8 To write a C program to implement the CPU scheduling 19/2/2018

algorithm for First Come First Served (FCFS).

9 To write a C++ program to implement the CPU scheduling 12/3/2018

algorithm for Shortest Job First (SJF).

10 To write a C++ program to implement CPU scheduling 12/3/2018

algorithm for priority scheduling.


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