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Blood Secrets

A Bloodline Sourcebook for Vampire the Requiem
Blood Secrets

A Bloodline Sourcebook for Vampire the Requiem


“You are Nothing

Not Flesh Nor Blood

But the Undying Spirit of Sin”

–– Hakim

A brief History of House Guevara

& the Arts of Sanguinus

Written and Created by: Röma Nâim

World of Darkness by: White Wolf
Cover and Rear Artwork by: Christopher Shy
With special thanks to: Argo, Daramulum, Mithras, Yig and Vlad Spellbinder

Röma Nâim:

White Wolf: www.white–
Christopher Shy:

Well, it’s taken some time for this project of mine to reach some sort of conclusion, though I still consider it a work in progress.
This book has been something I’ve wanted to do for quite some time since White Wolf brought out Vampire the Requiem, and I
first saw the Bloodline creation rules. My apologies for yet another Mexican Bloodline by the way, but at the time of Santino’s
character generation only the Brujah existed and their back history started allot later than our chronicle did. This isn’t a professional
publication of any kind, though if anyone is reading, especially from White Wolf, I’d love to have some feedback. My one biggest
apology goes out to all the people that I’ve used artwork from, taken from the net and used without permission or to a large extent
credit. I haven’t created this work in order to take advantage of people or breach world copyright laws, their images make this
project so much more than it would have been without them, I’m just a penniless student with a few good ideas and real respect
for good art. If there are bits in here you like and want to use, that’s what this project is about. Equally if there are things you hate
or dislike, then use the Golden Rule, these are just a few ideas to get your juices flowing. Read and enjoy. Omz.

“ You may think that those who serve under you are loyal, but I know which of them diablerised your grandchilde.
Now, shall we discuss my families sole rights to the control of the drug trade through your city my dear Prince?“

The Guevara Bloodline is an offshoot of Covenant: Any hierarchy or set of beliefs

the Mekhet clan and is drawn exclusively outside of the Family means very little to
from the mortal stock of the criminal Family members unless it is a means for
Family that gives the bloodline its name. gaining power and wealth, and as such
Kindred records differ as to the precise they are considered to be staunch
nature and date of the bloodlines first independents, universally falling
inception. Some scholars have noted under the banner of the Unaligned.
the families mortal lineage stretches There are several internal factions
back to Mexico’s first nights, with that move within the Family
the coming of the Conquistadors, however, and these factions have
other say that the lines true creation vied for power over the politics of
as a proper bloodline came about the Families past and present.
much later than this, at the turn of Appearance: Suave elder
the nineteenth century. members of the Family like to fashion
As to the nature of the Bloodline, it is themselves as Latin nobles, a trait that has
identified by strong connections to blood followed the line down from Mexico’s earliest
and lineage. These points are enforced by nights, and correspondingly Dons prefer the
the bloodlines mystical power over blood, known well tailored suit of fine cloth with subtle hints
as Sanguinus, and their close and almost exclusive family of Latin flare. Younger members of both sexes similarly
network of crime, trade and politics. Indeed the close connection like the sharp lines of black Latin cut suits and Cuban heels,
that members of the Guevara line have to their own has led to though the broad spectrum of Family members means that
members of the Bloodline referring to themselves as ‘The Family’, anything from five thousand dollar suits to hematology lab
and think of it as an entity almost unto itself. coats or bikers leathers and tattoos can be found adorning any
From their heartland in Mexico, the Family has built its individual member of the Family.
fortune throughout most of Latin Americas cartels and crime Dons are of Hispanic or part Hispanic origin and generally
syndicates, and it is said that anywhere crime and corruption the classic shoulder length black hair, olive skin, dark eyes and
prosper in these countries, a network of Family members can stocky frame are more common than not.
be found growing fat from the misery of others. Although many Haven: Dons have an innate taste for good living, and well-
South and Central American countries have Family broods, it connected and successful members live in some of the finest
is known that they have sometimes run foul of some Lancea mansions that Latin America has to offer. Those who are starting
Sanctum strong cities where their dark influence and criminal out though may be restricted to Haven in converted warehouses
business practices have led some to call them Corruptors. The or the holds of smuggling ships along with their stock of guns
South and West Coast United States have seen an expansion in and drugs. Other members of the Family do not look down too
Family activity over the years, and anywhere that Hispanics much on such temporary Havens though, as many in the Family
can be found in any numbers in the US could be a nexus for have raised themselves up from such humble beginnings to
Family activity. gain complete power over a city.
The other well-known commonality that runs throughout Background: All Dons must have sired a healthy number
all Family members is a strict, almost overbearing adherence of mortal offspring before the embrace, and will therefore be
to the Traditions. These rules of the night are thought to be somewhere between their twenties and forties. They must have
passed down under the guidance of the Families elders who shown unyielding loyalty to the Family and also exhibited a
suffer few misdemeanors of these laws to go unchallenged, distinct capability in an area of business that can aid the growth
even if that means an outright show of violence or even Final of the family. The mortal children of an embraced family member
Death if such is needed to bring offenders to bare. This has are cared for by a ghoul family line of retainers that has been
ingratiated more than a few Dons into prime positions within part of the family for centuries. When these Family offspring
some Prince’s domains, and equally has led to jealousy among come of age they are considered for the embrace if they show
others who feel outdone by the guile of an Unaligned Kindred. favorable qualities as dictated by the Families inscrutable elders.
Many though are wary of the Guevara, as their powers over All Family members are inducted into Kindred society and
blood have led some to label them as dangerous wild cards in instilled with a healthy respect for the Traditions whilst they
the eternal struggles of Kindred society. Many, especially some are still mortal. Members chosen for the embrace are Ghouled
vocal members of the Lancea Sanctum have called for an outright for a time in which they are taught the ways of the Disciplines
Blood Hunt upon the Family. and uses of the blood. This practice also assures devotion to the
Parent Clan: Mekhet Family as the Kindred to be is thoroughly blood bound to his
Nickname: The Family, Dons, Corruptors sire through the act of Ghouling. This practice has meant that

no few members of the Guevara lineage have gained a palate for vitae as a side effect. After
this trial period is over and the candidate passes the scrutiny of the Family Elders, they
are embraced and allowed to join the honored ranks of the Families immortal line.
Character Creation: The Dons are pragmatists, and therefore practical in their choice
of embracing a member into the ranks of the Family proper. If the candidate shows a
healthy leaning towards the occult, scholarly or medical end of the Families spectrum
then mental abilities are favored. Whereas if a candidate shows a leaning towards
political corruption or negotiating trade deals then their Social abilities are scrutinized.
Of course the Family always has room for out and out brute strength, and many a newly
embraced Don has literally fought his way to the top of a criminal organization to
rule it with an iron fist.
In general Wits is good in order to spot danger in the cutthroat night-
to-night dealings of the underworld, Presence and Manipulation in equal
measure for negotiating deals or manipulating politics, Intelligence
comes in handy when utilizing some of the powers of Sanguinus,
and those of a more combative persuasion may favor any of the
Physical attributes.
Physical skills are usually primary for Dons simply because
anyone of them could be found useful in their line of business,
where as both Mental and Social Skills come a close second. Most
notable in these categories are Medicine and Empathy that are
often used when implementing Sanguinus.
Resources, Family Contacts, Criminal and even Political Allies
are widely possessed by many Dons, as are dots in Haven and
Retainers. Those lucky enough to have interested a Family Elder
may even be afforded dots in the Mentor Merit. A Characters must
purchase a dot in Blood Potence to become a member of the line.
Bloodline Disciplines: Auspex, Celerity, Obfuscate, Sanguinus
Weakness: There is something dark within the heart of the
Guevara bloodline. Their propensity for vice and the corruption
is something intrinsic to the line. In addition to the Mekhet
susceptibility to vampiric banes such as Fire and Sunlight this dark
inheritance means that all Dons suffer an inability to gain any
Willpower from acting upon their Virtues. Characters may gain a
single Willpower point back if they act according to their Vice during
a scene as normal however, and this dark legacy drives all Dons to
dark acts sooner or later as the need for self confirmation is only achieved
through acting out their Vices, no doubt at the cost of their Humanity.
Organization: The Guevara Bloodline has a strict hierarchy watched
over by the Elders in Mexico City. Family members may call upon the Family
connections when they need it, such as aid with Contacts or Allies through
their criminal networks. Such help is given freely, though much like the
Invictus, members may ask for a reciprocal favor in the future. Also the
use of common Family assets like the Ghoul Families that take care of
new members of the line are high on many Family members list of
importance. The Family obligation is ground into them from birth, almost
to a fanatical degree, “Without the Family you are nothing.” Though that’s
not to say that some members of the Family haven't gone rogue in the
past. Few if any have left the organization amicably, and those that have
are thought to be spies in service of the Family.
For the most part a Family member is left to forge their own territory
once they are embraced, giving a tithe of respect to the main household
in Mexico City each year during the festivities of the Day of the Dead.
Other than that, as long as their business does not interfere with already
established Family assets they are free to do as they please.
Concepts: Assassins, Thieves, Gangbangers, Pimps, Drug Barons,
Black-market Dealers, Weapons Brokers, Smugglers, Hematologists,
Doctors, Blood Cultist, Lawyers, Corrupt Police Officials and Politicians.

this night, made up of men and women of dark ambition and
a lust for power and wealth no matter the costs. Many elders
remember early halcyon nights of their expansion throughout
Mexico, like an octopus the Families tentacles coiled throughout
Mexico’s underworld, and later this would come to symbolize
the Families power.

Nights of Vendetta
Then through centuries of age came the night that Catalina

A History of Blood went into torpor and left control over the Family in the hands
of an eight strong council of elders, and for a time they ruled
The Guevara line stems from a family lineage that stretches the Family with wisdom and foresight. They arranged trade
back into history from when Mexico was first discovered by agreements and enforced the Families will, but soon they became
the Conquistadors, and, it is said, originated from an embraced corrupted by their new found power, the Families rule of
child of Cortez himself. expansion turned to stagnation, and the Families concerns
The story goes, that when the Spanish first came to the became of holding territory rather than expanding it. The Family
shores of what would become Mexico, an outcast Kindred was turned inward, and the young vied for power with the Elders.
aboard ship with them. This shadowy figure that some name Small slights and differences of opinion became blown out of
Hakim or respectfully ‘The Founder’, was of the line of the proportion, and the word ‘Vendetta’ was branded on the tongues
Mekhet, an ancient Saracen who it is said was once a wealthy of neonates and elders from differing family lines. Internal strife
Merchant Prince from Cordoba. How or why he came to be on wracked the Family for decades as events quickly began to
board this voyage none can tell save that he was an outcast escalate out of control. Some feared a total destruction of the
from his homeland, and had made the long and perilous trip Families power base as the young and disenfranchised railed
on board feeding from crewmen as they slept. against the dictates of the elders and the elders in turn grasped
ever harder for what order they could gain through draconian
After months of travel they finally came to anchor off of a
laws and overblown punishments.
new coast unknown to his eyes, where natives were both
fearsome yet vulnerable to Spanish blade and gunpowder. So Then everything changed. It came to the elders of Mexico
it was that he crept ashore and first tasted the blood of the City, the heart of the Families seat of power. For countless
natives and from the shadows observed Cortez and his men generations they had watched over the family assets, secure in
begin the foundation of their colony. the knowledge that they were doing the bidding of the Families
dark mother. But events were about to change when one night
Many years passed and he watched the flourishing
Catalina awoke from her long years of torpor and found the
civilization wash over the native population in waves of war,
Family wanting in her eyes. No one knows if it was she though
disease and pestilence. The “Conquistadors” for such is what
that laid waste to the Family estates in Mexico City, obliterating
they called themselves, grew wealthy and fat from the plundered
the great Family mansion, but it was definitely her, and only
gold and ruined civilizations that they had steadily destroyed.
her that was left standing when the dust cleared. Catalina then
Slowly more and more Kindred came over with the promise of
took up the reins of power once more, soon to be joined by the
gold, the young at first, outcasts and visionaries who sought
dark father of the Family, Pai Guevara. Between them they
domains of there own. Then with the stability of rule and
returned order where once was only chaos. Many whispers
government, Elders with dreams of expanding their power
about the events that surrounded the Families purge, and dark
bases from the Old World into the New.
rumors surround ‘La Noche del Lágrima’, ‘The Night of Tears’.
Meanwhile Hakim too had plans of power, and during the Though it is safe to say that few have risked angering Catalina
long nights of his banishment he had formulated a plan written by bringing such rumors directly to her attention.
in blood, blood that would be worthy of his lineage. A family
The years passed once more, and the Family had to claw
that would carry his line and bring him power and wealth
back Family interests lost during the dark nights before the
beyond measure. All that was needed was the mortal stock
purge, but under the steady and ruthless efficiency of Catalina,
suitable for the embrace. It was then that he chanced upon
Mexico’s underworld was once again brought under the control
Catalina Cortez, beautiful, wealthy and recently married to a
of the Family. Unlike the short sighted goals of the destroyed
man of native dissent who was said to have come from a line
council of elders though, Catalina along with Pai Guevara
of Pirates. She like him had been made an outcast, she like him
resumed an aggressive campaign to extend the Families interests
was forced far from her home and family, but more than this,
both north and south of Mexico’s borders. Through a mixture
he sensed the fire in her blood that she would survive anything
of political corruption and military attacks on rival organizations,
that life (or death) could throw at her and her family. He waited
many of South Americas syndicates were brought down or
until she had grown into full womanhood and had given birth
infiltrated giving control to the Family over assets including
to a large family before he awoke her to immortality as one of
major areas of Columbia’s drug plantations, prostitution, and
our kind. She took with her, her husband and his name, and
South American smuggling and gun running operations. With
with the guidance of her shadowy sire watched over the Family
these potent assets under their control, the Family began to look
line from beyond the shadow of death.
north, to Americas lucrative southern states and west coast,
So was the lineage of House Guevara founded, and people smuggling, drug trafficking and supplying guns to
throughout Mexico the Family grew strong and powerful to anyone with the money to pay.

The Crafting of the Blood
Then a childe was born into the Family who came to change
the very nature of the Blood. His name was Santino Guevara,
and he was embraced into the night, to set out from Mexico to
New Orleans were he planned to forge an empire of his own.
Through scheming and manipulation he finally came to be the
Don of the Latin Quarter, watching over the mortal herd and
extending his reach far into Americas lucrative and developing
West Coast. He came to realize that the true power of his family
came from Blood. And that to have the ability to control it could
empower him to create something possibly greater than even
the Family had achieved. His experiences in Mexico combined
with New Orleans vibrant mystical cultures and his various
globe-spanning travels to the Old World of Europe and Egypt
gave him insight into methods for strengthening the blood
within him. It is thought that he was able to hear the very voices
of the blood that he had taken from his mortal victims and after
a time of fighting these voices he began instead to listen to their
whispers. Feeling the strength within him, he forged the potence
of his blood and began to prepare for the day when he would
be able to create a mystical art of controlling the very thing that
tied all Kindred together. Soon he would come to teach his gift
to his brood of mortal children when they came into the night,
then to any in the Family who wished to learn, and with its
secrets would bring all who opposed the Family to their knees.
Some within the Family are distrustful of such change and
whisper that it is Hakim himself who is controlling this evolution
within the Family, and many think that soon his dark plans will
come to light. Others fear it is in fact not to the elders that they
should be looking to for answers, but that it is a conspiracy by
a secret conclave of neonates in the Family who are trying to
make a bid to take over the power base that the elders of the
Family have built up over the centuries. Perhaps no one, not
even Santino himself knows the full truth of the matter.
The Family has come through many trials and tribulations
but now they are, for a time at least, united in their newfound
focus, destroying opposition or infiltrating more established
organizations in order to take them over. Though some elders
see Santino’s development of Sanguinus as a threat, many others
feel that this is an advantage that should be exploited, and
possibly could mean the next step to the Families complete
control of criminal activity throughout America. How ever you
view it, none can deny the potent appeal of Santino’s gift, and
needles to say some of those who have heard of the Bloodline
now see it as a threat to their own interests. A fact not lost on
the machinations of the Dark Mother and Father of the line.

Blood Factions
a tangled web of intrigue. These factions for the most part can
co-exist relatively amicably with each other, as even with these
Blood they say is thicker than water, and nowhere is this differences of opinion, all of the Guevara owe allegiance to no
truer than in the Family. Whether it’s in the plush estates of other cause above one. The Family. For what ties could possibly
Mexico City, on the Coca plantations of Columbia, or on the be stronger than the bonds of familial blood that courses through
streets of the City of Angels. Their reach is far and their unity their veins.
is strong… at least that’s what the elders would have you Devils: There is a school of thinking within the ranks of the
believe. Family that places Kindred in general and the Family in
In reality the twisted webs of deceit and power plays that particular as dark seducers of mankind, testing the beliefs and
exist throughout Kindred society are found all the more telling convictions of others by temptation and corruption. Many of
within the walls of the Families structure. Within the ranks of “Los Diablo’s” consider the dark legacy of the Bloodlines
the Elders, mistrust, often-justified mistrust, is placed upon the weakness to show their true place in the night, and to them
young and newly embraced. Those Elders who experienced the business is not simply a matter of accumulating vast wealth for
nights prior to the Families purge who give in to the erratic its own sake, but to play the devils advocate over the moral
nature of this fear, or the mental erosion of age are not protected balance of those that they come into contact with.
if they make waves that they are unable to weather. Equally, Most Devils would say that they only show their victims
the young and overtly disrespectful elements that can what they desire, and it is the weakness of the individual that
occasionally stir within the lower ranks of the Family may find makes them fall from grace. That said, they tempt and corrupt
their hot blood tempered. The Family line of ‘Strength through with any vice at their disposal in the name of fulfilling their
unity’ does not mean that weak links in the chain are not place in the night. Many of these Devils have been the target of
replaced should the need arise. That said the united front that Lancea Sanctum Blood Hunts and have been noted for their
overshadows all members of the Family belies the differences interest in the occult or are of a religious bent prior to the
of opinion that stir beneath the political structure of the Family. embrace. Though it is true that some of these corruptors have
There are a number of groups within the Family, each with their given the Family a bad name in Kindred society, it is said that
own beliefs, structure and motivations, and what follows is a as long as their interests do not interfere with the main Family
brief description of the major factions to be found within the business, no action would be taken against these self professed
Family. Members of these factions often overlap with each other, devils unless they were to break one of the over-riding tenets
as members from one faction are sometimes part of other factions of the Traditions.
making the ties that bind the true power structure of the Family

Apostles: There are those who have somewhat of an even the elders would think possible. They are always aware
animistic belief in Blood itself. These are the ‘blood touched’, of avoiding the attention of the Judges however and have
believers in the theory of a great blood ‘Over Spirit’ or ‘Essence resorted to playing a waiting game, for now…
of the First Vampire’. In many ways these have sprung from
the teachings of Santino and could be seen to having leanings
more towards that of the Circle of the Crone in that they believe
in a singular source of the Kindred race. Through the use of
Sanguinus they wish to reach the unanswerable questions of
all Kindred. What are we? Where do we come from? Where did
it all begin? Those with acutely refined senses who have used
Sanguinus have spoken of a sentience within their blood,
something that watches over all Kindred, the same force that
animates their dead flesh, which has gifted them with power
and protects them from the ravages of time. To those who search
for the progenitor, the act of the embrace is the most sacred act
that can be made, and though this faction’s numbers are small
its membership is growing steadily in a relationship that mirrors
the expansion of Sanguinus use throughout the Family.
Ziggurat: Thought to be the oldest of the major factions,
members of this faction are what could be termed the
The Weakness of the Blood
Many in the Family do not outwardly mourn the loss of
conservative element in the Family, and unsurprisingly make
their Humanity, sometimes it is in everyone’s best interests to
up the majority of the Family. They are true to the dictates of
do questionable things from time to time, but they do not
the newly risen Mother of the Family Catalina Cortez, the
actively attempt to strip away their humanity by committing
seemingly indestructible guiding light of the Family and have
heinous acts of disregard for mortals unless the situation
a hierarchical structure not dissimilar to the Invictus. The
demands it. Many see it as a benefit given the Families
majority of the Elders and Family power fall under this faction’s
predilection to vice and corruption, though elders who have
control, and their primary goal is the amassing of wealth and
survived long enough to recognize the Family weakness for
power thereby securing the Families future. This group was
what it is keep such thoughts to themselves. The phrase “By
most affected by ‘La Noche del Lágrima’ and its effects still
any means necessary” is an often-quoted saying in Family
reverberate around this factions members. Many simply want
circles, and the degeneration of morality which follows those
to know what happened, others want recompense and other
of the blood is unquestionably the main reason that allows
still want outright revenge. The indomitable Catalina however
younger members of the Family to move up in rank, as those
is staying remarkable silent on the matter, which has led some
who have fallen to madness or who have become Wights are
to quietly whisper that the ancient has fallen to dementia.
ruthlessly hunted and put to rest without a second thought by
Judges: Controlled and directed by Pai Guevara this small the Judges.
ostensibly independent group consists predominantly of elders
and constitutes the Families internal security force. Formed to
track down Tradition breakers and bring them to light, as well
as officiate internal disputes between Family members and hunt
The Traditions
The one thing that all in house Guevara learn about and
down rogue Family members who have become Wights. Their
enforce above all else is the importance of the Traditions. They
position is finely balanced however and remains undeniably
are considered to be the singularly most important set of rules
linked with the Ziggurat faction. Officially they are seen as an
that protect our kind, and none in the Family may break them
attempt at securing the peace and smoothing over difficulties,
without the expectation of dire if not terminal repercussions.
but are seen very much more in the light of the Families
Laws can be bent of course, and some are as you might expect
Inquisition. Members of the Judges are thought to be some of
looked upon more leniently than others. As long as the Family
the fiercest and most fanatical Family members known to exist,
sees that ghouls are kept on a tight leash and Masquerade
and woe betide anyone who gets on the wrong side of them.
breaches are actively suppressed they will forgive minor
Bloods: Rooted throughout both North and South Americas incidents, but only from the young and inexperienced.
Hispanic gang neighborhoods this secretive yet quickly growing
Masquerade: Possibly the most important law to be upheld
gathering of disenfranchised members of the Family, who due
by the Family. The Masquerade is the device which enables
to a mixture of bad luck, divisive elders or their own outright
Kindred existence to continue from night to night. Because of
failure have found themselves at the bottom of the Families
their origins as a Blood Family this Tradition means more to
power structure. They have begun to question the need for the
most members of the Family, as breaches of the first Law could
Families hierarchy at all, and have even shown tendencies of
arise so easily. The Family have been around a long time, and
going so far as attempting a formal withdrawal from the Family.
through their regime of selective breeding and the hierarchical
Many elders see this group as trouble makers who lack respect
structure of the Family, there are those individuals in the Family
for the old ways and who haven’t the wits to see the benefits
who are more 'in the know' about the true nature of the Family
of the protection they are afforded within the Family structure.
than others. Those for instance who have been married into the
Young and impetuous as they no doubt are, the self styled
Family to strengthen Political ties or to provide a stronger
Gangsta’s are beginning to mobilize with greater numbers than
lineage due to adding their new genes to the Family pool are

kept in the dark about the supernatural matters of the Family
and only over a long period of time are they brought into fold
provided they have shown they can be trusted. This raises the
risk to exposure of the Masquerade and is one of the defining
reasons that the Family find themselves bound to the Traditions.
Any areas of Family business that is considered dangerous to
the Masquerade are monitored extremely closely by members
of the Family who's sole task it is to rectify such matters should
they arise and bring any incompetence to light, and who are
duly feared and hated in equal measure.
Progeny: All Family members must fulfill the obligation of
teaching progressive generations of mortal family members
about the Traditions before they are reborn into the Blood. All
members of the Family who are to be considered for the embrace
must have sired a mortal lineage of children and shown their
capabilities to the continuation of the Family line before they
are Ghouled for between six months and a year, through which
they are introduced slowly to the powers that their line possesses.
Finally when their Sire considers them ready, they are embraced,
and left to forge there own path in the world and bring power
and wealth to the Family. The choice of who is to be Embraced
is made by the Elders who in turn listen to petitions from
individual sires and judge each candidate on their merits, history
and familial lineage. After the member is admitted past the first
level of consideration they are judged on their activities during
the ghouling process and their character and reaction to vitae
are taken into account. If after this they are still deemed worthy
and none can find fault or dissention amongst the elders, then
the candidate is embraced with the Family blessing.
Amaranth: Taking the hearts blood of anyone, even from
those outside of the Family is looked upon as a heinous crime
to the Family. For one it is known to infect the Kindred’s soul
and can be seen using the Families expertise with Auspex for
the taint that it leaves. Second it goes against the fundamental
ethics of the Family to steal supernatural power. Some outside
of the Family see this as an odd dichotomy for the Family to
uphold, as when it comes to the acquisition of power in the
mortal arena Family members are willing to do what ever it
takes to gain power, be it theft, blackmail or murder. Blood
though is a very different matter and the ability for a member
who has forged their own power through perseverance and
rigorous training are looked upon with respect by neonates and
elders alike, and the guiding light of Santino is a prominent
figure in this debate.

Sanguinus Exceptional Success: The character is imbued with the
knowledge of the targets name and face.
Sanguinus is the mystical art of focusing, altering and An Intelligence + Medicine Roll may be required to gain
affecting blood. It was crafted with the view towards creating specific information on diseases or drugs that are in the targeted
and managing large extended blood Families and its servants, blood at storytellers discretion.
as well as altering the blood properties of the user, other kindred, Suggested Modifiers:
and the kine. Modifier Situation
To those of House Guevara, Blood is the essence of life, and +3 Subject has a third level vinculum to the
has a mystically imbued sentience complete with a memory character
and character of its very own. Through this animistic belief the +2 Character has a blood tie to the targeted blood.
practitioner of Sanguinus opens their senses to the Blood and +2 Subject has a second level vinculum to the
takes command of it to wield it as they wish. Those gifted in character
the blood however have noticed that this Discipline is more +1 Subject has a first level vinculum to the
than it appears. Some have said that there is a sentience behind character
the power that they wield; something dark that watches them. +1 Character has successfully used Crimson
Some say it is Hakim, others whisper that it is the spirit of the Whispers on the subject
First Vampire. +1 Character has only tasted the blood of the
–2 Targeted blood is old or dry.
•Crimson Whispers If a character attempts to sense throughout a scene, all actions
The most basic level of Sanguinus enables the character to during that scene incur a –2 Dice penalty due to the characters
reach out with his preternatural senses and feel the properties concentration on the blood.
of blood around them. A character must be within visual range
of the target for this power to work.
The character gains a distinct sense of the properties of the •• Sanguine Preservation
blood through visual, sensual and even whispered This level of Sanguinus has two fundamental effects; the
communication as they cast their senses over a target and first is the preservation of blood so that it cannot be altered,
connect with it on a mystical level. grow stale or decay. The second is to purify it so that it is free
This power can be used on any blood specimen whether from disease or blood borne abnormalities.
within an animate character or on inanimate blood such as With this power herds normally unfit for vampiric
blood spilled during a fight. consumption can be fed upon without the possibility of further
Cost: –– infecting the herd. Blood affected by Sanguine Preservation
Dice Pool: Wits + Empathy + Sanguinus keeps all mundane and supernatural properties of the blood
Action: Instant preserved, after which it returns to its natural state.
Roll Results: It is said this power is used to safeguard vitae being sent
Dramatic Failure: The character gleans utterly misleading around the world to ghoul servitors of the blood family thus
and wholly inaccurate information. giving it scope to expand its network around the globe swiftly
Failure: The character can distinguish no information on and efficiently without fear of falling prey to blood borne disease.
the target at all. Cost: 1 Willpower
Success: The Amount of information gathered on a target Dice Pool: Intelligence + Medicine + Sanguinus
depends on the number of successes gained on the roll: Action: Instant
Successes Information Roll Results:
1 Success Fundamental Description: Blood is Mortal, Dramatic Failure: The Blood that the character tries to
Vampiric, or Ghoul. preserve instantly turns to dust, or if the targeted blood was
2 Successes Base Properties: Current Health, Total Health, within a person, the target and character each gain a blood
Current Blood Pool, Total Blood Pool, Blood borne disease or abnormality of the storyteller ’s choice.
Potence, Blood Type, If the targeted blood is Alternatively the storyteller could impose a blood-based
from a Werewolf. derangement upon the character and target.
3 Successes Distinct Properties: Age, Sex, Drugs, Disease, Failure: The character is unable to affect the targeted blood
Blood Abnormalities, Menstruating, with this power.
Pregnancy, Diablerie, Blood Addiction, Success: The character successfully preserves the targeted
Strong Emotions such as Excitement or Fear, blood for a period of time dependant on the successes made on
Use of Blood for Boosting Physical Actions the roll:
or the Blush of Life, If the targeted blood is Successes Duration
from a Mage. 1 Success One Day
4 Successes Detailed History: If the Blood was ever 2 Successes One Week
affected with any of the above, how long for. 3 Successes One Month
If the target is Blood Bound and to what level 4 Successes One Year

The amount of blood that can be targeted with each use of Suggested Modifiers:
this power is limited to the characters Blood pool. Modifier Situation
If the targeted blood is within a mortal sufferer of a genetic +3 Subject has a third level vinculum to the
disorder then the blood remains protected for only as long as character
the effect lasts. So a Haemophilia or Anaemia sufferer would +2 Character has a blood tie to the targeted blood.
be cured temporarily of their illness but after a matter of time +2 Subject has a second level vinculum to the
they would return to their normal state unless the character character
gains an exceptional success on the roll. +1 Subject has a first level vinculum to the
Blood borne diseases which are non-genetic like Malaria, character
Plague and HIV can be cured with a single success on the roll, +1 Character has successfully used Crimson
but more than this, the blood is now unable to be re-infected Whispers on the subject
by any other form of blood borne virus or disease for as long +1 Character uses only one of the effects,
as it is under the protection of this power. purification OR preservation on targeted
If a character is attempting to cure a Kindred carrier of a blood.
blood disease then the character must be of sufficient Blood –2 Targeted blood is old or dry.
Potency to completely affect the targets Blood pool or the Purification has no affect on the mystical chains of vampiric
purifying effects will automatically fail. blood such as the Blood Bond or the effects of Blood Addiction,
Exceptional Success: As a normal success but the effect of Blood Derangements or Diablery.
the power is now made permanent.

Suggested Modifiers:
Modifier Situation
+3 Target is a willing subject.
+3 Subject has a third level vinculum to the
+2 Character has a blood tie to the targeted blood.
+2 Subject has a second level vinculum to the
+2 Character attempts to transfuse blood from
one subject to another directly
+1 Subject has a first level vinculum to the
+1 Character has successfully used Crimson
Whispers on the subject
••• Transfusion +1 Character has only tasted the blood of the
It is whispered that the users of Sanguinus can steal your subject
immortal souls through the power of their blood. Though this Whatever the number of successes on the initial roll, this
is an exaggeration this power is thought to be the root cause to power cannot be used to Diablerise a Kindred subject though
these accusations, as with this level of Sanguinus a character it could be used to exsanguinate a mortal.
can Give, Take or Exchange blood with a touch.
This power could be used to give blood to a Ghoul, or feed
from a mortal in public by a mere handshake. Alternatively it •••• Awaken the Mortal Blood
could be used to surreptitiously blood bond another kindred All Vampires were mortal once. This potent power allows
or transfuse blood from one person to another. the character to call upon the power of that blood to gain the
Cost: –– benefits of that state for a limited time.
Dice Pool: Intelligence + Medicine + Sanguinus versus With this power the character gains a greatly extended Blush
subject’s Stamina + Blood Potency of Life effect. They gain any and all physical aspects of mortality,
Action: Contested; resistance is reflexive from breathing, warm skin, a heartbeat, being active during the
Roll Results: daytime (not daylight) and the ability to perform sexual activities,
Dramatic Failure: The character fails the transfusion and though the latter will never sire offspring.
automatically alerts the subject making them immune to further The added benefit of this power is that all dice pool
uses of this power for the rest of the night. Also if the character limitations when dealing with Mortals or acting during the day
was attempting to transfuse blood “into” the subject that blood due to low Humanity are negated completely for the duration
is lost. of the power.
Failure: The character is unable to affect the subject with Cost: 1 Vitae
this power but may try again. Dice Pool: Stamina + Empathy + Sanguinus
Success: The character manages to transfuse a number of Action: Instant
Vitae too or from a subject equalling the number of successes Roll Results:
on the roll. Dramatic Failure: The character is overwhelmed by the
The subject has a chance to notice that something has Mortal blood and may not use any Vampiric powers or Vitae
happened if this power was used surreptitiously on an un- for the remainder of the scene.
consenting subject by making a contested Wits + Occult roll Failure: The character fails to awaken the Blood.
versus the characters Manipulation + Subterfuge + Successes Success: The character gains all the benefits of this power
gained on the initial roll. Because of the intense connection for an amount of time dependant on the successes made on the
between Vampires and their blood the character is at a –2 Dice activation roll:
penalty on this roll for Kindred subjects. Also if the subject Successes Duration
Kindred had the Auspex power of Heightened Senses up at the 1 Success Three Turns
time then they are at a +2 dice pool on this roll. 2 Successes One Minute
If the subject gains more successes on the contested roll, 3 Successes One Hour /One Scene
they know that the character has affected their blood, though 4 Successes One Night /Until next Dawn
the specifics of this power will be unknown to them unless the Exceptional Success: The character gains the benefits of this
subject has come across this power before. If the subject gains power for a number of nights equal to their Stamina, ending at
an exceptional success then they instinctively know what the Dawn of the last night.
character has done and may react accordingly. If the character The only prerequisite is that the vampire must have mortal
gains more successes on this roll this power goes completely blood in his system when initiating the power.
unnoticed by the subject.
Exceptional Success: The character can transfuse as much
blood too or from the subject as they wish, and the subject
remains completely oblivious to the use of this power.

••••• Bloodform
The pinnacle of most vampires’ control over Blood, this
power allows the character to transform into the very
embodiment of a Blood God, an undefined swirling form of
sentient blood devoid of any physical characteristic but with
all the advantages of a non-corpulent body. Whilst in Bloodform
the character may creep through the smallest cracks or even
drip up walls and surfaces in a torrent of blood. The character
can move as fast as normal and mystically retains all their senses
even though they lack the physical organs to do so.
Cost: 1 Vitae
Dice Pool: This power involves no roll to invoke. The full
change takes one action to compete.
A character in Bloodform is immune to any physical attacks
made upon them, which merely pass through its fluid state.
Only fire, sunlight or mystical attacks affect a character in
Bloodform, even mystical attacks that use mundane methods
of delivery are similarly ineffective (such as claws or enchanted
physical weapons) although if all of its blood is imbibed or
otherwise destroyed the character meets Final Death.
Disciplines that do not require a physical body may be
effective, though, and similarly a character in Bloodform
can use any discipline they know apart from Theban
Sorcery, Crúac and Dominate. Only a completely sealed
air tight room has any chance of keeping a character in
Bloodform imprisoned.
Characters low on Blood or who are addicted to Vitae
may need to make Resolve + Composure rolls when
encountering a character in Bloodform, in order to maintain
self-control and not fly into a hunger Frenzy. Though
attempting to imbibe the Bloodform is near impossible, as a
Vampire has nothing to bite or suck on. A character in Bloodform
may attempt to wash over a target in order to use other
Sanguinus powers upon them and is considered to be making
a Touch or Brawl attack as normal. In fact because of the fluid
state of the Bloodform, dislodging a Bloodform character that
is grappling a target is also near impossible, with the defender
at a –5 dice penalty to throw it off its bloody assailant, while
parrying and blocking manoeuvres are completely ineffectual.
The character can maintain the Bloodform as long as they
wish and may rest in it during the day, spending blood to
wake with a fresh night as normal.
Action: Instant

Sanguinus Devotions
Exceptional Success: For a number of days equal to the
characters Intelligence score the character gains a Sympathetic
Through the years, some members of the Family have Blood Tie to the Target with all the benefits that come with it;
managed to hone their skills over the Blood to create personal conversely this Blood Tie does not count if the Target attempts
powers instinctive to them alone. These Devotions are their to affect the character.
very own prized creations, and are jealously guarded. What This power Costs 15 Experience points to learn.
follows is a brief selection of powers that may be learned from Suggested Modifiers:
these Kindred.
Modifier Situation
+3 Subject has a third level vinculum to the
+2 Character has a blood tie to the targeted blood.
+2 Subject has a second level vinculum to the
+1 Subject has a first level vinculum to the
+1 Character has successfully used Crimson
Whispers on the subject
+1 Character has only tasted the blood of the
–2 Targeted blood is old or dry.
Blood Judgment
(Auspex••• Sanguinus•)
This impressive extension of the power of Crimson Whispers
is almost exclusively kept by members of the Judges to gather
Blood Cocoon
information on law breakers in the Family, and enables the (Sanguinus••• Fortitude•••)
character to gain a formidable sense of the supernatural Sunlight and fire are death to all Kindred. The Family stems
properties of a targets Blood. It is considered one of the factions from the lineage of the Mekhet, and know better than most to
greatest secrets and any Kindred outside of the Judges known hide themselves away from these anathemas. This Devotion
to posses this Devotion had better have a very good reason for was created by Santino himself when he was often forced to
having it. This power needs physical contact with the target for travel great disstances through dangerous territory during the
it to work and like Crimson Whispers can be used on any blood day. Through focusing the blood, those members of the Family
specimen whether within an animate character or on inanimate who know this Devotion are able to forge a stone chrysalis of
blood such as blood spilled during a fight. blood around them to escape the effects of sunlight and fire.
Cost: 1 Vitae + 1 Willpower Blood ripples around the character in a thick layer of viscous
Dice Pool: Wits + Empathy + Sanguinus Vitae, coating the vampire and any personal items that the
character is carrying. This layer then darkens and hardens
Action: Instant
within moments, encasing the vampire in a statue like casing
Roll Results: of blood that is as hard as stone and impervious to sunlight and
Dramatic Failure: The character gleans utterly misleading all but the most extreme fire.
and wholly inaccurate information. Cost: 3 Vitae
Failure: The character can distinguish no information on Dice Pool: This power involves no roll to invoke. The full
the target at all. change takes one action to compete. The character can remain
Success: The Amount of information gathered on a target protected against sunlight and moderate fire within their
depends on the number of successes gained on the roll: chrysalis for as long as they wish.
Successes Information The Blood Cocoon may be damaged though through
1 Success The base Clan and Blood Potence of a exposure to Acid, Explosives, Extreme Heat such as a Chemical
Vampire. Fire or Molten Metal, or by other physical attacks and has
Durability 4, Size 6, Structure 10 and Damage 4.
2 Successes The number of times the subject has
committed Diablerie and the faces, Clan and Unless characters have encountered a Blood Cocoon before,
Blood Potence of their victims. The relative they are unlikely to suspect that it is anything other than a
supernatural power of a Werewolf. statue of dark red stone, and only a successful Intelligence +
Science roll can determine that it is not what it appears to be.
3 Successes A sense of the targets Physical Attributes, If
the target belongs to a Bloodline, The relative When the character emerges from their chrysalis it cracks
supernatural power of Mage. and dissolves, fading away to ash in a matter of seconds.
4 Successes A sense of the targets Physical Disciplines, This power Costs 18 Experience points to learn.
Vampires Humanity. Action: Instant

Crimson Rage
(Sanguinus••• Animalism•••)
The need for blood is the most potent driving force in a
Kindreds existence, and this power awakens this hunger to
freighting levels, so that a subject is blind to the needs of anything
or anyone else but blood. Rumours persist that Devils wishing
to discredit prominent members of a Domain unleash this power
on rivals when at court to de-stabilise their credibility at
upholding the Masquerade.
With a glance the Character can awaken a Kindreds Beast
and bring it screaming to the fore, in a terrifying display of
power to all those who fall out of favour with the Family.
Cost: 1 Vitae + 1 Willpower
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Persuasion + Sanguinus versus
Composure + Blood Potency
Action: Contested; resistance is reflexive
Roll Results:
Dramatic Failure: The character is plunged into a hunger
Frenzy for the rest of the night and cannot control it in anyway,
with all of the possible repercussions that may come with such
an outburst i.e. breaching the Masquerade.
Failure: The character fails to incite the hunger Frenzy in
the subject.
Success: The subject is taken over by a hunger Frenzy for
the rest of the scene, and no matter how much blood is in their
system will never be sated until the effects of this power have
worn off. They will feed from who ever is closest whether friend
or foe, and will drain anyone they can, disregarding anything
else in their search for blood, even the Masquerade.
Exceptional Success: The same as a normal success, but
now the effect lasts until dawn.
This power Costs 18 Experience points to learn.
Suggested Modifiers:
Modifier Situation
+3 Subject has a third level vinculum to the
+3 Subject is Starving
+2 Subject has a blood tie to the targeted blood.
+2 Subject is Hungry
+2 Subject has a second level vinculum to the
+2 Subject is a Blood Addict
+1 Subject has a first level vinculum to the
+1 Subject can see or smell blood
+1 Subject is using Hightened Senses
+1 Character has successfully used Crimson
Whispers on the Subject
+1 Character has only tasted the blood of the

Blood Monsters
This enigmatic character was one of the first Family members
to make a move into America, steadily making a name for
The Families reach extends throughout Latin America, and even himself in the heady mystically charged nights of New Orleans,
now seeks to wrap its coils around Americas lucrative and acquiring the title of Don of the Latino Quarter. Using this
underworld. Their numbers are growing with each passing as his base of operations for his weapons and drug smuggling
night, but although success may have swelled their numbers business and avoiding any unnecessary clashes with the fiercely
and finances, few of that number are considered to have attained religious Prince of the city, he used his position and wealth to
a controlling interest in the Families future. The following create the ‘Inferno’ nightclub, a haven of Latin sights and sounds
characters are members of note within the Family; along with as well as a warren of dark alcoves and secret passages that
a brief account of their history and goals, these are the movers lead down into a ziggurat pyramid complex. This complex
and shakers who have made the Family what it is to this night, contains a vast extended labyrinth of prostitution dens, weapons
a dark lineage of blood monsters. warehouse, drug development labs, gambling dens, and private
apartments, all guarded by loyal bodyguards. These bodyguards
Storytellers are encouraged to take these characters and apply
are members of Haven Securities, a group of Bodyguards,
whatever stats they feel necessary to them given their age,
Assassins and Tactical Assault Teams that Santino himself has
potence as well as the power level of the game your running.
After some time of expansion Santino began to foresee that the
Family power over lineage and mortal underworld affairs could
be greatly increased by developing control over blood. Many
who hear this tale do not trust this myth of the creation of
Sanguinus however, and many see it as something more
insidious. How much so, no one but Santino knows, for
Sanguinus holds a dark secret. Many elders have looked to
Catalina to show her dissatisfaction with the path that Santino
is treading, but Catalina has been strangely unwilling to act
against him, merely watching and waiting the development of
her precious Family. Needless to say if Catalina were ever to
suspect disloyalty from Santino, things would quickly change
for him. But as it stands, he has taught many in the Family,
including his own brood, the secrets of Sanguinus and seems
strangely unconcerned about keeping such knowledge secret.
The way forward in his eyes is to embrace the powers he has
created, and those who have witnessed some of his powers
cannot refuse to see the application of such power in their

The Secret of Sanguinus

The least known and most important property of this Discipline is the
indelible link between it and its creator. Unknown to all is the fact
that upon learning this Discipline, the erstwhile student becomes
bound to the disciplines creator, who managed to distil a part of his
undying soul into his creation and thereby cause a sympathetic blood
bond with all those who learn its secrets. This was done by forging
part of himself into his creation upon the first awakening of the
discipline as if creating a childe, so committing the resonance of his
personal essence to the act of creation. Thus this discipline could be
thought of as having a sentience of its very own spawned and controlled
by its megalomaniacal creator. However there is a growing doubt now
in his mind that the knowledge of Sanguinus did not come from
Santino himself, but rather from some other source. Santino now tries
to discover what its origins are and suspects some other force that
wishes to control both him and the Family. Should his investigations
prove true the consequences could be dark indeed. A recent rumor

Santino Guevara circulating amongst the ranks of the Family however has spoken of a
possible source of information, and he is currently investigating this
Santino Guevara is possibly one of the most mysterious members matter with all the resources at his disposal.
of the Guevara Family, not only has he managed to focus his
Blood Potency to levels far greater than his age would suggest,
but he has also created and mastered the art of Sanguinus.

Pai Guevara the Judge
The Families Dark Father is a shadowy figure that few know
much about other than his unswerving loyalty to his brood and
his support of Catalina his immortal wife. He controls the
Judges, the Families self appointed internal security which
watches over the Family and stamps out Tradition breaches
with ruthless force. He is a stocky broad shouldered man with
Haquim the Founder
No one in the Family has such a shroud of shadow cast over
long raven black hair and his native origins are clearly seen in their history, as does the Founder of the line of Guevara. How
his features. His links with piracy and love affair with the sea or why Hakim also known as Haquim was aboard the ship, if
are some of his defining qualities, and it is said that the Families indeed he was, is unknown. For the most part he is thought to
expansion in the early nights would have been impossible if it have been of Moorish descent, a well-connected merchant from
were not due to his ability to move family members around Cordoba and a man of devout Faith that was ancient even before
Central America and the Islands in the Gulf of Mexico and the the time of the Conquistadors. His exile from his homeland
Caribbean. It is said that his wild and hot tempered blood still remains the topic of much discussion even to this night amongst
surfaces in the bloodlines makeup, and its predilection to vice Elders, though many of the younger members of the Family
and criminal activity is his greatest gift to his brood. have openly said that he is nothing more than a work of fiction
created by the warped imaginings of the Family Elders, a point
The Secret of the Dark Father reinforced by the fact that none have heard tell of Hakim’s
Pai Guevara is very much not what he seems. In fact the only thing whereabouts for the last three centuries since just after Catalina
that anyone says about him with any accuracy is his love of the Sea. entered her long torpor. Elders though state that this is simply
Long before the coming of the men with steel skin to the shores of because of the Ancients legendary prowess with the discipline
Mexico, it was prophesied that one of the last children of the Aztec of Obfuscate, and look upon the quiet shadow of Hakim’s
empire would outlive all his kin into the shadow of darkness, and there disappearance as testament to the validity of their own
reap a terrible revenge upon those who would destroy their civilization. arguments. What ever, where ever and if ever he was, Haquim
From him would come the seed of a new Empire, an empire of blood would almost certainly have entered the long Sleep of Ages by
and Power beyond anything that the Aztecs could have dreamed. But now and has faded in power and influence over the Family
to do this, he would have to take a wife from those that had corrupted until tonight where he remains nothing more than a passing
his lands, this he did, enchanting the much admired Catalina Cortez memory and a relic of nights long past… Such is the thinking
away from the more suitable propositions of her own kin. His plans of many in the Family. Anything else would be too alarming to
against her are coming to fruition, though Santino’s arrival on the consider. Members of the Devils are said to secretly revere him
scene has been as much a shock to him as anyone. He will eventually in a light uncomfortably like that of a deity. Needless to say, if
tear the Family apart from within, and his narrow escape from being this loyalty ever outweighed that shown to the Family then the
discovered as ‘La Noche del Lágrima’s mastermind is safe… for now. Judges could well be called in to intercede in matters.

The True Secret of Sanguinus
Yes, Haquim exists. Yes, he was an ancient by the reckoning of the
Conquistadors. Yes, he was a merchant Prince, though not from
Cordoba, but from an even older trading house from Damascus. No
he was not on Cortez’s ship when they reached the New World, though
he was in Mexico soon after this event and witnessed for himself the
destruction of the Aztec Empire. He was not so much banished, as
fleeing for his unlife from religious persecution. Yes he was most
definitely a man of great faith, and that faith was Infernalism.
Upon coming to the Aztec lands he bore witness to not only the
massacre of Aztecs cities but also the bloody rights of the Aztecs
themselves. He saw the power of their ritual and ceremony and the
living heart of prisoners ripped from their chests. He also saw in the
shadows, the machinations of the undead, though they were like no
Kindred that he had seen before. They walked openly as gods amongst
the people and were not forced to hide their natures from their devout
followers. Unfortunately the blood sorcerers had felt his presence and
he was unable to escape their maledictions and narrowly avoided
meeting final death but succumbed to Torpor just after embracing a
woman of Spanish dissent who just happened to be in the wrong place
at the wrong time. Catalina Cortez.
When he next awoke the world had moved on, the Family had grown
strong and powerful without him, but now he decided to use what
fate had thrown his way to his utmost advantage, he bided his time
and watched and guided the actions of certain members of the Family,
praying in the blackness of the shadows for his infernal patrons to
hear his requests and gift him with their dark powers. Some how,
somewhere, something was listening, and before long Haquim had
Catalina the Dark Mother
From the vast Family estates in Mexico city the mighty Catalina
grown powerful in this stolen art of Blood. He wanted to share this
Guevara, formerly Catalina Cortez, watches over her Family
knowledge with what he considers his Family, but was thwarted by
with an iron fist. She does not tolerate her laws to be broken,
Catalina who sensed her sire was close by. She left word for the family
and has the power to enforce her will throughout Latin America.
to be watched over by a select council of eight elders, whilst she
She is undeniably the heart of Family power since she reclaimed
managed to track her sire down to repay him in kind by destroying
her role as the Family guardian after the events surrounding
him for what he had done to her and her family. It was only by luck
‘La Noche del Lágrima’. Her main goal is to keep her Family
that she managed to put the Ancient devil worshiper into torpor when
together at all costs, and recognizes the dark nature inherent in
she was set upon by his ghoul minions, weakened and outnumbered
her blood is borne from her insatiable sire. She is ever watchful
she fell into torpor as they proceeded to secret their masters body away
of his machinations to take over what she has spent her unlife
to safety until he would wake from his long sleep. Ages passed and
creating and has resorted to an aggressive expansion as a means
Haquim woke once again determined to work subtly to bring his brood
to stop the constant infighting and distract the blood vendettas
under his own control until he learned of Santino Guevara, young
for the time being. Though she recognizes that is not a long
impetuous and most importantly, hungry for power. He tracked him
term answer to the problem, she is unwilling to do anything
down to New Orleans; a city of dark power that seemed to emanate
more to erode the power base of the Family.
from the very earth, and spoke subtle whispers in his mind, dreams
of power and wealth beyond anything that he could conceive of. Slowly
the seed grew, and Sanguinus was born out of his unholy desire and The Secrets of Catalina
Santino’s lust for power. Now though he has sensed yet another strand Age and battle have taken their toll on Catalina, she is not what she
to this game that he could manipulate, as the repercussions of ‘La once was. More and more she is finding the need for freedom from the
Noche del Lágrima ’and its instigator reveal themselves. The board intrigues of the Family. Her mental frailty is concealed by draconian
is set, with many pieces in place. Soon the Dark Lord shall reveal laws in an attempt to cover her insecurities. Though she loves and
himself to the night cares for her Family, the weight of its problems are growing an ever
greater burden, and she knows that she will have to make a choice
soon as to her future. The specter of her sire has returned to haunt her
steps and she feels his presence like an ever tightening noose around
her. She will not relinquish control of her Family to that infernal
monster, but has failed in bringing him down before. Now Catalina
sees Santino as a potential ally and will give him her blessing in return
for his aid, leaving Pai her beloved husband to watch over the Family
interests in her absence.


Of Blood I Dream
And am made Whole
When in the Quiet Heart of All
I Stir
And Awaken to Unfolding Night
When from Heaven Stars shall Fall
Once more I shall Return
–– Santino Guevara: The Book of Blood

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