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There are many methods that could have been used in the execution of the research paper and

the action; however, I found that the most effective method to raise awareness was simply to talk to

others. By talk I mean to talk to, not at others, to converse and lead them to understand rape culture

with examples that related to their own lives. This was also achieved by tying statistics to real world

situations, and situations that my audience may have personally experienced. The diverse and multiple

forms of advertising (pins, t-shirts, videos, banners, social media ads) allowed me to extend not only my

audience, but the morale of others on the topic of rape culture. Conversing multiple people about the

topic, paper, and action in order to understand how to solve the problem by understanding the thought

process of society, and to understand what methods and routes would work best for the campaign and

event effective allowed for a positive outcome in terms of product and critique.

If given more time I would extend the length and depth of the research paper to include more

how the individual social institutions perpetuate rape culture along with statistics to support those

claims. I would include the individual laws in the United States and India that are meant to protect

against false rape accusations, but at times do more damage than good. Furthermore, I would examine

El Salvador and the machismo culture in Latin America. As for the Accept No event I would spend more

time in focusing on the execution for the plan instead of the plan itself, and extend the event to be

longer than an hour and a half.

Although there were elements that could use improvement the positive feedback, and

responses, towards both the research paper and action, speak true to the amount of hard work, time

and effort poured into the project in its entirety.

Symone Harmon

GSWLA Scholar

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