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eindge University of Lethbridge, Faculty of Education | PROFESSIONAL SEMESTER TWO aS" Formative Assessment schoo! | Gallo rai th ‘Student Teacher: M. % GradoSubjects Taught:| Music 1-4 Phys Ed 1-3 Teacher Associate: | Nicole Caatlock| University Consultant: Dates: Macely 5-22 Cmid- round Instructions: + The purpose ofthis form isto provide the student teacher with specific feedback during the PSII Practicum (ED 3600). ‘The teacher associate should complete this form at regular intervals during the practicum (e.g. every other week) ‘The student tescher retains the completed form for his her records; It is mot submitted tothe Field Experience Office, ‘To document the student teachers growth over the practicum, select/place a checkmark, or weak 1, wook 2, otc, in the level of performance fer outcomes being assessed. Please also provide some commants on the final page ofthe form. + tis not necessary to selectiplace a checkmark next fo each outcome every time the form is completed - you may wish to concentrate on the 3-5 most relevant and significant strengths end areas for growth, depending on the situation. THE STUDENT TEACHER: 4. PLANNING AND PREPARATION («Sis 1, 3,6, 9 snd 19) gs 2 jeg i ee Se il ff i sh] gh | EE Planning and Preparation 25 a i 1. Denorakats trove and wl he Spa ae oT wasn ng Her F swiedtrat a 2 Ineorerates « varly of appropriaie resources and inirdionaVassenarient strategies into lesson plans. 3, Translates learing outcomes Fom the Abera Program of Sues in relevant and appropriate larnng objocivos forte lessons and unts being taunt Takes into account students’ por earring, earring neods (including student IPPs), = inlerests, and student variables such es age, gender, socio-economic etatue and cuturaltioguisic background, = Organizes contentinoapproplecomfenens and sequeroas or neuaion Vv ._Plans appropriate content and activites for the time alloted. [ 7. Prepares lesson plane for altessons taught, sing a wel-defied structure which | nm i mr f RUCIR includes learning objectve(s), an introduction and closure, detaled procedures and instrtions, key questions, teaching strategies and learning atv, and i assessment of lesson cbjectves. 3 Prepares unit plan(s) in subject major hat include rafonale, ovenwew, earning Coe outcomes, teschingleaming actvtis, and assessment alan. Integrates information and communications fechnology inte instruction n Subject t major and other subjecs, where aporopriate, iL. 70, Obtains and organizes equipment end materials for instruction. I 2. INSTRUCTION (KsAs #4, 5,9 and 19), Communication +1_Usas clear, fueni, and grammatically corect spoken and writen language. Uses vocabulary appropriate to students’ age, background and inerests, 2 3, Modulates hisihar voice for audbilily and exxression. 4. Demonstrates cultural sensitivity in communication and instruction. Reese] RAR eveed January 2018 son Introduction slablsties set reviows prior learning, Weniies lesson objecive(s) and expectations, uses motvating attantion-gettrs, provides an overview, and relates the lesson to previous learning as approprite. Goneral Lesson Development. 6. Incorporates strategies for motivating students using relevant and interesting subject matter and gctivies. Presents content In appropriately organized sequences for instruction. ‘Explains and proceeds in smal steps al an appropriate pace To sult the aclivily and student response, ‘8, Demonstrates subject matter compotence during instruction, 70, Organizes and directs learning for indlviduals, smal groups, and whole classes. “11 Proves cleer directions, instructions and explanations. 12. Directs efficient ransitions between lessons and from one activity to the next 73, Uses a variety of nsiuional strategies to address desired outcomes, subject mater, varied learning styles and individual neads (including goals/abjectives of student IPPs) RISO Re! || T RY “14, Uses a broad range of instructional strategies specific to subject major. 15, Uses appropriate materials and resources. 16. Demonstrates flexibilty and edaptabily Guestioning and Discussion 17. Asks clearly phrased, vel-sequancad questions at variety of cognitive levels. 18, Provides appropriate ‘walt-time" after posing questions. 418, Seeks carfication and elaboration of student responses, where appropiate. “0, Leads and directa student participation In Cass discussion effecively and distibutes questions appropriate Focus on Student Leeming 21, Gireulates in the classroom, intervening when necessary, checking on individual and group understanding of activity/eontent. 22. Recognizes and responds appropriately i individual differences and group leaming needs. 25, Reinforces student learning, bullding on previous iearing, reviewing, and re-eaching, NAIR ROSRUSORE Closure, 24, Achieves dlasure for essons, consolidaling Wess or concepts trough summaries, reviews, discussions, and applications. 2B. Provides homework when epproptte end exlee asserment ty. CNTY Fi 3, CLASSROOM LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT (kSAs #7 and) Classroom Leadership Not Mooting Expectations 1, Assumes a leadership role in the classroom, taking charge of dassroom actives, showing confidence, poise, composure, and presence. 2, Creates and maintains an effective earning environment, sating high expectations and ‘standards for student learning, attending to student variables such as age, gender, __ socio-economic status, and culturalfinguistic background. 3. Demonstrates hilatve, enthusiasm and a commitment to the students and subject, models appropriate behaviours. 4, Establishes postive relationships and a classroom climate based on mutual tust and respect, TU] 1 espe Bons RUST [Secs Uf LPS ll Formative Assessment: (Revise January 2078) Page 2 of 4 Classroom Management 5, Clearly defines and renforos classroom procedures and reuines LC 6, Clearly communicates and reinforces expectations for appropriate student behaviour 7, Monitors student behaviour and is aware of dent behaviour etal ines. Ec '&, Rasponds io inappropriate behavior promplly, fimily, and consistently, using appropiate lov-kay and higher level responses; follows School discipline polices and procedures, | 1 | L_ | L_ |. ASSESSMENT («sAzit) Expectations Expectations Meeting Assessment Exceeding Expectations 7, Assesses cludent earring using a varialy of appropriate assessment techniques and instruments (e.g, observations, conversations, questioning, checking daily work, performance-based end written essessment, uizzes, tests). 2. Checks frequently for understanding A 3, Provides timely and effective Feedback on leaming to students “4, Modifies and adapts teaching based on assessment data and student IPPs (e.g, employs alternative teaching strategies to re-teach where required) Lt | Ld '5, Analyzes and evaluates measuremant data to assess student leaming 6: Explains to tenis how leaning wil be measute. Cit Develo and maintains accurate records of siudentachavenent © 5. rade Shoots databases) ane conmunicstes esuts to stents, pants. andthe school | [ sifectve RR 5. PROFESSIONAL ATTRIBUTES AND RESPONSIBILITIES (KSA: #2, 15 and 16) Professionalism 1. Presents a professional appearance and manner. 2._ Fulils professional obligations (\e., punctuality, routine administrative duties) 3._Demonstrates maturly and professional judgment 4,_Is knowledgeable about professional issues and demonstrates a commitment to the teaching profession. Establishes professional relafonships with the educational communly and wider community (where appropriate) UIT eracceptatie RAINS Professional Growth 6. Accurately assess0s and docuTienls the elleciveness of lessons, Wenlifes stiengihs and weaknesses and makes aporopriate suggestions for improvements, 77, Uses the results of stucert assessment and feedback to Improve leaching pracices and guide professional growth ‘8, Responds appropriately to feedback from othars by lstoning, interpreting, and implomenting suggestions. ‘8. Develops and communicates « personal vision of teaching 70, Develops @ profesional portfolio andlor Growth plan incluclng goals, evidence of progress toward Goals, reflections on growth, and future goals TH. Carries aut the roles anc responsibilities of teacher according to the Alberta School Adi, school and district policies and other relevant legislation. 2, Applies the knowledge, skis and attibutes for interim certification appropriately, AQ IAI UofL: PS Formative Assessment: (Revved Januay 2078) Page Sof 4 Ethical Conduct 1. Respects the dignity and rights afall parsons without prejudice as lo race, religious belefs, colour, gander, | ‘sexual orentation, gender identity, physical characteristics, cisabity, metal status, age, ancestry, place of origin, place of residence, socio-economic background or linguistic background. 14, Treats students with dignity end respect and is considerate of thir circumstances. 15, Doss not divulge Information received in confidence or in the course of professional dulles abouts student except as required by law or where to do ois inthe best interest of he student. = 16. Does not undermine the confidence of studenis in teachers or other stuxent teachers. T7. Does nol cilicize the professional competence or professional reputation of teachers or olher sludent = teachers unless the criticism is communicated in confidence to proper officials after frst informing the individual concerned of the crtcisn 18. Acts ina manner that maintains the honaur and dignity of the profession 7B. Does not speak on behalf of tho Faculy of Education, the University of Lethbridge, the school, or he a profession unless authorized to do 60. = | f ARAN FEEDBACK ON PROFESSIONAL GROWTH Strengths! Professional ty Achieved: cLermenatcaits amary of the. Bhith ool artheibedeg oe Un a, ond gengonion ax tient lg es Leaanitny o1kcomag_ (e- olor, Ln addiitxon, Aur purbrrobiity yas paltiocsina WAG Pt ti nol Fise Senet he te af 2 ee oe eaclonA? o£h yuhide oer © Ad aici Suggestions/Areas for Growth: AMNo. Tes beon snahirng om gout tm Huss Keg auzos ove Abe. Poth few datthe, cond null egrftrrise. 10 Hood. on Meng outa Kos, Aemeionder % Clackicum, Shey on: |, Chodertcorn emamagermerct jim purkiculan, He Ibis Leumdeuien. ome bypeckattion, phil. LLL eer darling — areccls, his Amclirctes AUfh yn tacig i Learn foe. fimiog pudgement om wihon A inhtisine Ltr behiaiceng, B. Prowidlime Stuclents wikth chor 40. 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