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K - Based on the cues below, write sentences in the Present Perfect Tense.

66. We started this class last May.

67. Paco and Tina got married 12 years ago.
68. As soon as Elena graduated from high school, she signed up for this English course.
69. I just began reading these documents 10 minutes ago.
70. Percy is retiring next week, after 30 years of work at the post office.

L - Write sentences with Modals (MAY-SHOULD-MUST) + Perfective for each sentence.

71. Susan regrets the fact that she did not save enough money to take a vacation.
72. Maybe Kate was not home when you called her.
73. Karen is almost completely certain that she left her keys on the kitchen counter.
74. Perhaps Kurt bought those sweaters for his wife.
75. It's a shame we played such a practical joke on Mrs. Schindler.

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