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Rubric - Final Project

4 3 2 1
Mastery Accomplished Developing Beginner
Ideas Ideas are very Ideas are well Ideas are Ideas are not
well developed developed and somewhat developed and
and very well are detailed to developed and not detailed to
detailed to reflect quality somewhat reflect quality
reflect quality of life. detailed to of life.
of life. reflect quality
of life.
Content All required Most required Some required No required
elements are elements are elements are elements are
included in the included in the included in the included in the
community. community. community. community.
Organization Community Community Community Community
map is very map is neat map is map is not
neat and tidy and tidy to somewhat neat and tidy
to reflect the reflect the neat and tidy to reflect the
content. content. to reflect the content.
Presentation Community Community Community Community
map and title map and title map and title map and title
page are filled page are filled page are page are not
in completely in and colored somewhat filled in and
and colored neatly. filled in and not colored
neatly. somewhat neatly.
neatly colored.

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