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Mouse Recorder Pro 2 Update Log:

Mouse Recorder Pro

-Fixed issues with Windows 2000 server error (IsUserAdmin missing API).

-Fixed left handed users left and right click issues, MRP2 now swaps the buttons
when necessary.

Mouse Recorder Pro

-Fixed the hidden toolbar showing up on unnecessary events (mouse moved away from
the toolbar region before the show up delay).

-Added the option to use shortcut keys for recording and playing without the need
of holding a modifier key (alt, ctrl, shift, win),
you can start\stop a recording\playing by only pressing one key after setting
"None" instead of alt\ctrl\shift\win in the settings window (Edit > Settings)
look for the "Interaction Keys" region under the General tab.

-Added an option to show a save as dialog instead of saving the script right away
to the scripts directory on new scripts after pressing the save button,
this option can be turned on by going to Edit > Settings > More and checking the
"Show a save dialog on new scripts instead of saving to the scripts directory".

-Added an option to show an overwrite dialog on exiting scripts instead of saving

right away.
this option can be turned on by going to Edit > Settings > More and checking the
"Show an overwrite dialog if script already exists".

-Fixed the "Pop up MRP right after a recording/playing" feature, now MRP will pop
to the top windows
z-order instead of being behind other windows.

-Mouse Recorder Pro 2 now supports DirectX games (Now you can play a script in a
DirectX game and it will be played correctly).

-Improved the "Script Playing Speed" feature at the Advanced menu, now it's alot
more easier to increase or reduce the script playing
speed instead of editing the script...! (This menu can be found at the main MRP
window by pressing the "Advanced" button).

-Fixed the script not being repeated bug occuring when user doesn't use the
shortcut keys to stop a recording.

-Added a delay of 1 second after each script playing, this fixes the bug that
occures when the script playing calls MRP to record.

-Added an option in Mouse Recorder Pro Editor to drag any set of selected script
items and move it to another location in the script using Drag & Drop!

-Fixed MRP editor Ctrl + T shortcut issue - multiple function used the same
shortcut instead of one.

-Added a new button for MRP editor - this button replaces words/sentences the user
recorded (working only on words once, with no corrections).

-Added a new feature in the add "Start Process" event dialog that allows the user
to decide the window style to open the process with.

-Added shortcut keys text to MRP Editor buttons tooltips.

-Fixed the limit of the custom every 100 Minutes/Hours/Etc... in the MRP Calendar
event adding.

-MRP Calendar uses a new method to compare times - this method is more reliable and
fixes the script not playing bug when time arrives.

-A new welcome screen now appears instead of the old welcome screen design.

-Added a small hidden easter egg.

Mouse Recorder Pro

-Mouse Recorder Pro now required Microsoft .Net Framework 3.5 because of Windows 7

-Added a new hidden toolbar menu! put your mouse on the top middle of your screen,
you are now
able to see the new hidden menu that makes the recording, playing, and other tasks

-Fixed main window title bar not being updated after loading a script.

-Fixed a bug after clicking the Save button nothing happens when animated buttons
are disabled.

-Fixed arrow keys bug, arrow keys wore treated like the numeric arrow keys, now the
arrow keys
are treated correctly.

-Added a new menu item to the help menu called "Help Videos" that directs the user
to Nemex Studios youtube channel
with different tutorial.

-Added some new startup parameters\arguments like "-record" to start a recording

immediatly and "-play" to play a script("-autorun" does the same effect), if there
is no script loaded the load script
dialog will popup. you may use "-close" to close the application instead of using
"-end" (the same effect).

-Added support to Windows 7 new taskbar features: you can now take control over
your scripts using the jumplist feature in
windows 7. You are now able to see the progress of Mouse Recorder Pro tasks by just
looking at the taskbar.

-Fixed mouse and keyboard recording bugs with Windows 7, Mouse Recorder Pro stopped
tracking the mouse and\or the keyboard
in certain situations (Because of the LowLevelHookTimeOut).

-Mouse Recorder Pro 2 will now minimize to the taskbar when recording\playing and
show the appropriate icon in each case on
Windows 7 instead of minimizing to the tray icon (On Windows XP and Vista MRP will
still minimize to tray).

-By default now MRP will not minimize itself to the tray icons when the user clicks
on the minimize button, this feature can be enabled via the settings menu.

Mouse Recorder Pro

-Fixed compatibility issues with Windows 7/Vista with UAC on.

-Changed in application window icon to MRP2.0.2.0 icon.

-All files are now being saved (Except MRP scripts) on the AppData\Roaming\Mouse
Recorder Pro directory.

-MRP Scripts default save directory changed to Documents\My Recorded Scripts.

-Fixed an issue where changing default scripts save directory still creates a new
script on the default MRP2 location when opening MRP2.

-Now you can play your script infinite number of times by setting 0 at the Advanced
> Number of times box.

-Now you can set your script to be replayed more than 1500 times.

-Added an option to MRP Calendar that allows you to play a script a number of times
at a scheduled time/date.

-Mouse Recorder Pro Editor: Some icons have been resized.

-Mouse Recorder Pro Editor: New functions: combine close delay events, add a mouse
left and right mouse clicks is now more simple,
change all same type events with a custom input, add a mouse position event by
setting the mouse on the
location you want and pressing "Alt + X", close all open events (like mouse down,
or key down),
add delay event after each event. (Some functions were added by suggestions, I
appreciate it!)

-Mouse Recorder Pro Editor: Fixed "Reduce/Increase" function, now the "Reduce"
function will work
as described. (for example: choosing "60% to reduce will make your script 60%

-Mouse Recorder Pro Editor: added a missing key on the keypress event: the windows

-Mouse Recorder Pro Editor: New buttons for new and some old functions.

-New script handling system, MRP and MRP Editor are now synchronized.

-While recording and pressing the "Stop" button on MRP, MRP Minitoolbar, and
context menu Mouse Recorder Pro will ignore that.

-Repeat script playing bug seems to be fixed, now script repeat should work fine.

Mouse Recorder Pro

-Added a new feature in MRPEditor which allows you to reduce or increase a script
speed by a certain percentage.
-A new icon for Mouse Recorder Pro 2!

-Added the option to play a task every couple of hours in MRP Calendar.

-Fixed a wrong key mapping "\" (Bug reported).

-Fixed mouse recording accuracy, Mouse Recorder Pro is now much more accurate
then ever!

-Fixed a mouse tracing bug with gaming mouses (like the Logitech G5) where
MRP couldn't record well mouse movements (Bug reported).

-Added a feature that tells MRP no to pop up after a recording/playing (can be

found in the Settings window).

-This version is more "CPU" friendly.

Notes: This new version can load old MRP2 scripts (MRP2 - MRP2.0.1.0), but older
MRP2 versions will not be able
to load any of the newely created scripts of MRP (or old modified script by
Also, if you would like do increase or reduce a script speed use MRPEditor new
button "Reduce/Increase Delays" instead of removing delay events,
removing delays events will cause the script to run too much fast that the computer
will not be able to respone certain
tasks(if you still wish to remove all delays, you can add a delay between each
event in the Advanced window of MRP2).


Mouse Recorder Pro

-Mouse scrolling fixed. (you can change scrolling method

manualy in the settings window).

-Mouse Recorder Pro Editor application updated.

-A new event added "Start Process" Event,

user will be able to open an application without
the need of recording it (can be added in MRP Editor

-Added a new application called "MRPlay", now you will

be able to open your scripts by using shortcuts!

-Fixed "white" marker on the icons.

Any bugs, errors, things you wish to be added

please send me an email at:

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