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Ladies and gentleman,like we know bad life style can make we get many kind of disease like

cardiovascular system and one of symptom of cardiovascular disease is Angina Pectoris. So

ladies and gentleman do you know what is Angina Pectoris itself? Angina pectoris is chest pain
or discomfort that occurs if an area of your heart muscle doesn't get enough oxygen-rich blood.
And angina pectoris itself isn't a disease,it's a symptom of an underlying heart problem. Angina
usually is a symptom of coronary heart disease (CHD).Not all chest pain is angina. Pain in the
chest can come from a number of causes, which range from not serious to very serious.

So ladies and gentleman because of that we must know what kind of chest pain that can we
called Angina Pectoris and what the other sign of angina pectoris itself. Chest pain are the main
symptoms of angina. Chest pain usually starts behind the breastbone. Chest pain could be angina
if it feels tight, dull or heavy although some people (especially women) may have sharp, stabbing
pain ,it spreads to your left arm, neck, jaw or back. The pain lasts for about 1 – 5 minutes and is
relieved by administration of nitroglycerin and rest. The pain, which lasts for just about few
seconds, is not angina pectoris. The other sign of angina pectoris are shortness of breath is more
common in older people and those who have diabetes, weakness, dizziness, and confusion can
mask the signs of angina in elderly people.

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