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1. Gone With the Wind - (1939, Victor Fleming) (Vivien Leigh, Clark Gable, Leslie Howard)
2. The Wizard of Oz - (1939, Victor Fleming) (Judy Garland, Frank Morgan, Ray Bolger)
3. The Rules of the Game - (1939, Jean Renoir) (Roland Toutain, Nora Gregor)
4. Mr. Smith Goes to Washington - (1939, Frank Capra) (James Stewart, Claude Rains)
5. City Lights - (1931, Charles Chaplin) (Charles Chaplin, Virginia Cherrill, Harry Myers)
6. M - (1931, Fritz Lang) (Peter Lorre, Ellen Widmann, Otto Wernicke, Inge Landgut)
7. Modern Times - (1936, Charles Chaplin) (Charles Chaplin, Paulette Goddard)
8. King Kong - (1933, Merian C. Cooper) (Fay Wray, Robert Armstrong, Bruce Cabot)
9. All Quiet on the Western Front - (1930, Lewis Milestone) (Lew Ayres, Louis Wolheim)
10. Grand Illusion - (1937, Jean Renoir) (Jean Gabin, Pierre Fresnay, Erich von Stroheim)
11. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs - (1937, William Cottrell) (Adriana Caselotti, Lucille La Verne)
12. Little Caesar - (1931, Mervyn LeRoy) (Edward G. Robinson, Douglas Fairbanks Jr.)
13. The 39 Steps - (1935, Alfred Hitchcock) (Robert Donat, Madeleine Carroll, Lucie Mannheim)
14. It Happened One Night - (1934, Frank Capra) (Clark Gable, Claudette Colbert, Alan Hale)
15. Stagecoach - (1939, John Ford) (John Wayne, Claire Trevor, John Carradine)
16. L'Atalante - (1934, Jean Vigo) (Michel Simon, Dita Parlo, Jean Dasté, Gilles Margaritis)
17. Scarface - (1932, Howard Hawks) (Paul Muni, Ann Dvorak, George Raft, Boris Karloff)
18. Bringing Up Baby - (1938, Howard Hawks) (Katharine Hepburn, Cary Grant, Barry Fitzgerald)
19. Frankenstein - (1931, James Whale) (Boris Karloff, Colin Clive, Frederick Kerr)
20. Freaks - (1932, Tod Browning) (Wallace Ford, Harry Earles, Olga Baclanova)
21. The Adventures of Robin Hood - (1938, Michael Curtiz) (Errol Flynn, Olivia de Havilland)
22. The Bride of Frankenstein - (1935, James Whale) (Boris Karloff, Elsa Lanchester, Colin Clive)
23. Duck Soup - (1933, Leo McCarey) (Marx Brothers, Margaret Dumont, Raquel Torres)
24. The Public Enemy - (1931, William Wellman) (James Cagney, Jean Harlow, Joan Blondell)
25. Grand Hotel - (1932, Edmund Goulding) (Greta Garbo, John Barrymore, Joan Crawford)
26. Dracula - (1931, Tod Browning) (Bela Lugosi, Helen Chandler, David Manners)
27. The Thin Man - (1934, W.S. Van Dyke) (William Powell, Myrna Loy, Maureen O'Sullivan)
28. I Am a Fugitive from A Chain Gang - (1932, Mervyn LeRoy) (Paul Muni, Glenda Farrell)
29. A Star is Born - (1937, William Wellman) (Janet Gaynor, Fredric March, Adolphe Menjou)
30. Wuthering Heights - (1939, William Wyler) (Laurence Olivier, Merle Oberon, David Niven)
31. My Man Godfrey - (1936, Gregory La Cava) (William Powell, Carole Lombard)
32. Angels With Dirty Faces - (1938, Michael Curtiz) (James Cagney, Humphrey Bogart)
33. They Won't Forget - (1937, Mervyn LeRoy) (Claude Rains, Lana Turner, Otto Kruger)
34. A Tale of Two Cities - (1935, Jack Conway) (Ronald Colman, Elizabeth Allan)
35. Manhattan Melodrama - (1934, W.S. Van Dyke) (Clark Gable, William Powell, Myrna Loy)
36. Little Women - (1933, George Cukor) (Katharine Hepburn, Joan Bennett, Paul Lukas)
37. Zemlya (aka Earth) - (1930, Alexander Dovzhenko) (Stepan Shkurat, Semyon Svashenko)
38. A Night at the Opera - (1935, Sam Wood) (Marx Brothers, Kitty Carlisle, Margaret Dumont)
39. A Day in the Country - (1936, Jean Renoir) (Sylvia Bataille, Georges D'Arnoux, Jane Marken)
40. The Four Feathers - (1939, Zoltan Korda) (John Clements, Ralph Richardson)
41. You Can't Take It With You - (1938, Frank Capra) (Jean Arthur, James Stewart)
42. The Front Page - (1931, Lewis Milestone) (Pat O'Brien, Adolphe Menjou, Mary Brian)
43. Trouble in Paradise - (1932, Ernst Lubitsch) (Miriam Hopkins, Kay Francis, Herbert Marshall)
44. Top Hat - (1935, Mark Sandrich) (Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers, Edward Everett Horton)
45. 42nd Street - (1933, Lloyd Bacon) (Warner Baxter, Ruby Keeler, Ginger Rogers)
46. The Blue Angel - (1930, Josef von Sternberg) (Marlene Dietrich, Emil Jannings)
47. Young Mr. Lincoln - (1939, John Ford) (Henry Fonda, Marjorie Weaver, Alice Brady)
48. Alexander Nevsky - (1938, Sergei Eisenstein) (Nikolai Cherkasov, Nikolai Okhlopkov)
49. The Roaring Twenties - (1939, Raoul Walsh) (James Cagney, Humphrey Bogart)
50. Les Misérables - (1935, Richard Boleslawski) (Fredric March, Charles Laughton)
51. Zero for Conduct - (1933, Jean Vigo) (Jean Dasté, Robert le Flon, Du Verron)
52. The Stars Look Down - (1939, Carol Reed) (Michael Redgrave, Margaret Lockwood)
53. Osaka Elegy - (1936, Kenji Mizoguchi) (Isuzu Yamada, Seiichi Takegawa)
54. Of Mice and Men - (1939, Lewis Milestone) (Burgess Meredith, Lon Chaney Jr.)
55. Jezebel - (1938, William Wyler) (Bette Davis, Henry Fonda, George Brent)
56. The Informer - (1935, John Ford) (Victor McLaglen, Heather Angel, Preston Foster)
57. The Hunchback of Notre Dame - (1939, William Dieterle) (Charles Laughton, Maureen O'Hara)
58. The Good Earth - (1937, Victor Fleming) (Paul Muni, Luise Rainer, Walter Connolly)
59. Dodsworth - (1936, William Wyler) (Walter Huston, Ruth Chatterton, David Niven)
60. David Copperfield - (1935, George Cukor) (W.C. Fields, Lionel Barrymore, Elsa Lanchester)
61. Show Boat - (1936, James Whale) (Irene Dunne, Allan Jones, Hattie McDaniel)
62. The Great Ziegfeld - (1936, Robert Z. Leonard) (William Powell, Myrna Loy, Fanny Brice)
63. Gold Digger of 1933 - (1933, Mervyn LeRoy) (Warren William, Joan Blondell, Ginger Rogers)
64. The Gay Divorcee - (1934, Mark Sandrich) (Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers, Alice Brady)
65. The Scarlet Pimpernel - (1934, Harold Young) (Leslie Howard, Merle Oberon, Nigel Bruce)
66. Mutiny on the Bounty - (1935, Frank Lloyd) (Charles Laughton, Clark Gable, Donald Crisp)
67. Gunga Din - (1939, George Stevens) (Cary Grant, Sam Jaffe, Douglas Fairbanks Jr.)
68. Captains Courageous - (1937, Victor Fleming) (Freddie Bartholomew, Spencer Tracy)
69. Captain Blood - (1935, Michael Curtiz) (Errol Flynn, Olivia de Havilland, Basil Rathbone)
70. Love Affair - (1939, Leo McCarey) (Irene Dunne, Charles Boyer, Maria Ouspenskaya)
71. Camille - (1936, George Cukor) (Greta Garbo, Robert Taylor, Lionel Barrymore)
72. Destry Rides Again - (1939, George Marshall) (James Stewart, Marlene Dietrich)
73. Vampyr - (1932, Carl Theodor Dreyer) (Julian West, Maurice Schutz, Rena Mandel)
74. Son of Frankenstein - (1939, Rowland V. Lee) (Boris Karloff, Bela Lugosi, Basil Rathbone)
75. The Mummy - (1932, Karl W. Freund) (Boris Karloff, Zita Johann, David Manners)
76. Island of Lost Souls - (1932, Erle C. Kenton) (Charles Laughton, Richard Arlen)
77. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde - (1931, Rouben Mamoulian) (Fredric March, Miriam Hopkins)
78. Lost Horizon - (1937, Frank Capra) (Ronald Colman, Jane Wyatt, John Howard)
79. Animal Crackers - (1930, Victor Heerman) (Marx Brothers, Lillian Roth, Margaret Dumont)
80. Twentieth Century - (1934, Howard Hawks) (John Barrymore, Carole Lombard)
81. Nothing Sacred - (1937, William Wellman) (Carole Lombard, Fredric March)
82. Ninotchka - (1939, Ernst Lubitsch) (Greta Garbo, Melvyn Douglas, Bela Lugosi)
83. Holiday - (1938, George Cukor) (Katharine Hepburn, Cary Grant, Lew Ayres)
84. The Awful Truth - (1937, Leo McCarey) (Cary Grant, Irene Dunne, Ralph Bellamy)
85. À Nous la Libertén - (1931, René Clare) (Raymond Cordy, Henri Marchand)
86. The Invisible Man - (1933, James Whale) (Claude Rains, Gloria Stuart, William Harrigan)
87. Queen Christina - (1933, Rouben Mamoulian) (Greta Garbo, John Gilbert, Ian Keith)
88. Pygmalion - (1938, Anthony Asquith, Leslie Howard) (Leslie Howard, Wendy Hiller)
89. Dark Victory - (1939, Edmund Goulding) (Bette Davis, Humphrey Bogart, George Brent)
90. Three Comrades - (1938, Frank Borzage) (Robert Taylor, Margaret Sullavan)
91. Fury - (1936, Fritz Lang) (Spencer Tracy, Sylvia Sidney, Walter Brennan, Walter Abel)
92. The Scarlet Empress - (1934, Josef von Sternberg) (Marlene Dietrich, John Lodge)
93. A Farewell to Arms - (1932, Frank Borzage) (Gary Cooper, Helen Hayes, Adolphe Menjou)
94. The Testament of Dr. Mabuse - (1933, Fritz Lang) (Oscar Beregi Sr., Paul Bernd)
95. The Lady Vanishes - (1938, Alfred Hitchcock) (Margaret Lockwood, Michael Redgrave)
96. King Solomon's Mines - (1937, Robert Stevenson) (Cedric Hardwicke, Paul Robeson)
97. The Mystery of the Wax Museum - (1933, Michael Curtiz) (Lionel Atwill, Fay Wray)
98. Love Me Tonight - (1932, Rouben Mamoulian) (Maurice Chevalier, Jeanette MacDonald)
99. A Day at the Races - (1937, Sam Wood) (Marx Brothers, Maureen O'Sullivan)
100. The Big House - (1930, Paul Fejos, G.W. Hill) (Chester Morris, Wallace Beery)

1. Citizen Kane - (1941, Orson Welles) (Orson Welles, Joseph Cotten, Agnes Moorehead)
2. Casablanca - (1942, Michael Curtiz) (Humphrey Bogart, Ingrid Bergman, Peter Lorre)
3. The Third Man - (1949, Carol Reed) (Joseph Cotten, Alida Valli, Trevor Howard)
4. It's a Wonderful Life - (1946, Frank Capra) (James Stewart, Donna Reed, Lionel Barrymore)
5. The Grapes of Wrath - (1940, John Ford) (Henry Fonda, Jane Darwell, John Carradine)
6. The Maltese Falcon - (1941, John Huston) (Humphrey Bogart, Mary Astor, Peter Lorre)
7. The Philadelphia Story - (1940, George Cukor) (Cary Grant, Katharine Hepburn, James Stewart)
8. The Treasure of the Sierra Madre - (1948, John Huston) (Humphrey Bogart, Walter Huston)
9. The Bicycle Thief - (1948, Vittorio De Sica) (Lamberto Maggiorani, Enzo Staiola, Lianella Carell)
10. Double Indemnity - (1944, Billy Wilder) (Fred MacMurray, Barbara Stanwyck, Edward G. Robinson)
11. Notorious - (1946, Alfred Hitchcock) (Cary Grant, Ingrid Bergman, Claude Rains)
12. The Big Sleep - (1946, Howard Hawks) (Humphrey Bogart, Lauren Bacall, John Ridgely)
13. The Best Years of Our Lives - (1946, William Wyler) (Myrna Loy, Fredric March, Dana Andrews)
14. The Killers - (1946, Robert Siodmak) (Burt Lancaster, Ava Gardner, Edmond O'Brien)
15. Yankee Doodle Dandy - (1942, Michael Curtis) (James Cagney, Joan Leslie, Walter Huston)
16. White Heat - (1949, Raoul Walsh) (James Cagney, Virginia Mayo, Edmond O'Brien)
17. Hamlet - (1948, Laurence Olivier) (Laurence Olivier, Peter Cushing, Anthony Quayle)
18. The Red Shoes - (1948, Michael Powell) (Anton Walbrook, Moira Shearer, Marius Goring)
19. Great Expectations - (1946, David Lean) (John Mills, Jean Simmons, Alec Guinness)
20. The Great Dictator - (1940, Charles Chaplin) (Charles Chaplin, Paulette Goddard, Jack Oakie)
21. Fantasia - (1940, James Algar) (Disney Animated film, Deems Taylor - Narrator (1940 original)
22. The Magnificent Ambersons - (1942, Orson Welles) (Joseph Cotten, Dolores Costello, Anne Baxter)
23. Beauty and the Beast - (1946, Jean Cocteau) (Jean Marais, Josette Day)
24. My Darling Clementine - (1946, John Ford) (Henry Fonda, Victor Mature, Walter Brennan)
25. Pinocchio - (1940, Hamilton Luske) (Disney Animated film, Voices - Mel Blanc, Christian Rub)
26. Red River - (1948, John Ford) (John Wayne, Montgomery Clift, Joanne Dru)
27. Rebecca - (1940, Alfred Hitchcock) (Laurence Olivier, Joan Fontaine, George Sanders)
28. Children of Paradise - (1945, Marcel Carné) (Arletty, Jean-Louis Barrault)
29. Open City - (1945, Roberto Rossellini) (Marcello Pagliero, Francesco Grandjacquet)
30. Laura - (1944, Otto Preminger) (Gene Tierney, Dana Andrews, Clifton Webb)
31. His Girl Friday - (1942, Howard Hawks) (Cary Grant, Rosalind Russell, Ralph Bellamy)
32. Sullivan's Travels - (1941, Preston Sturges) (Joel McCrea, Veronica Lake, William Demarest)
33. The Ox-Bow Incident - (1943, William Wellman) (Henry Fonda, Dana Andrews, Anthony Quinn)
34. Meet Me in St. Louis - (1944, Vincente Minnelli) (Judy Garland, Margaret O'Brien, Mary Astor)
35. Out of the Past - (1947, Jacques Tourneur) (Robert Mitchum, Kirk Douglas, Rhonda Fleming)
36. The Lady Eve - (1941, Preston Sturges) (Henry Fonda, Barbara Stanwyck, Charles Coburn)
37. To Be or Not to Be - (1942, Ernst Lubitsch) (Jack Benny, Carole Lombard, Robert Stack)
38. Shadow of a Doubt - (1943, Alfred Hitchcock) (Joseph Cotten, Teresa Wright, Macdonald Carey)
39. The Bank Dick - (1940, Edward F. Cline) (W.C. Fields, Cora Witherspoon, Shemp Howard)
40. Adam's Rib - (1949, George Cukor) (Spencer Tracy, Katharine Hepburn, Judy Holliday)
41. Henry V - (1944, Laurence Olivier) (Laurence Olivier, Leslie Banks, Felix Aylmer)
42. Bambi - (1942, David Hand) (Disney Animated film, Voices - Bobby Stewart,Hardie Albright)
43. The Thief of Bagdad - (1940, Ludwig Berger) (Sabu, Conrad Veidt, June Duprez)
44. A Matter of Life and Death (aka 'Stairway to Heaven') - (1946, M. Powell) (David Niven, Kim Hunter)
45. Dumbo - (1941, Ben Sharpsteen) (Disney Animated film, Narrator - John McLeish)
46. Cat People - (1942, Jacques Tourneur) (Simone Simon, Kent Smith, Jane Randolph)
47. Key Largo - (1948, John Huston) (Humphrey Bogart, Lauren Bacall, Edward G. Robinson)
48. The Lost Weekend - (1945, Billy Wilder) (Ray Milland, Jane Wyman, Howard Da Silva)
49. Kind Hearts and Coronets - (1949, Robert Hamer) (Dennis Price, Alec Guinness)
50. Late Spring - (1949, Yasujiro Ozu) (Setsuko Hara, Chishu Ryu)
51. On the Town - (1949, Stanley Donen) (Gene Kelly, Frank Sinatra, Ann Miller)
52. Ossessione - (1943, Luchino Visconti) (Massimo Girotti, Clara Calamai, Dhia Cristiani)
53. The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp - (1943, Michael Powell) (Roger Livesey, Deborah Kerr)
54. Miracle on 34th Street - (1947, George Seaton) (Natalie Wood, Maureen O'Hara, Edmund Gwenn)
55. Brief Encounter - (1946, David Lean) (Celia Johnson, Trevor Howard, Stanley Holloway)
56. The Shop Around the Corner - (1940, Ernst Lubitsch) (James Stewart, Margaret Sullavan)
57. How Green Was My Valley - (1941, John Ford) (Maureen O'Hara, Roddy McDowall, Walter Pidgeon)
58. The Postman Always Rings Twice - (1946, Tay Garnett) (Lana Turner, John Garfield)
59. Here Comes Mr. Jordan - (1941, Alexander Hall) (Robert Montgomery, Claude Rains, Evelyn Keyes)
60. I Walked with a Zombie - (1943, Jacques Tourneur) (Frances Dee, Tom Conway, James Ellison)
61. She Wore a Yellow Ribbon - (1949, John Ford) (John Wayne, Joanne Dru, Ben Johnson)
62. The Stranger - (1946, Orson Welles) (Edward G. Robinson, Loretta Young, Orson Welles)
63. Oliver Twist - (1948, David Lean) (John Howard Davies, Alec Guinness, Anthony Newley)
64. The Little Foxes - (1941, William Wyler) (Bette Davis, Teresa Wright, Herbert Marshall)
65. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn - (1945, Elia Kazan) (Dorothy McGuire, Joan Blondell, James Dunn)
66. Vredens Dag (aka Day of Wrath) - (1943, Carl Theodor Dreyer) (Kirsten Andreasen, Albert Hoeberg)
67. Champion - (1949, Mark Robson) (Kirk Douglas, Marilyn Maxwell, Arthur Kennedy)
68. All the King's Men - (1949, Robert Rossen) (Broderick Crawford, John Ireland, Joanne Dru)
69. Kings Row - (1942, Sam Wood) (Ann Sheridan, Robert Cummings, Ronald Reagan)
70. The Yearling - (1946, Clarence Brown) (Gregory Peck, Jane Wyman, Claude Jarman Jr.)
71. The Palm Beach Story - (1942, Preston Sturges) (Claudette Colbert, Joel McCrea, Mary Astor)
72. Mrs. Miniver - (1942, William Wyler) (Greer Garson, Walter Pidgeon, Teresa Wright)
73. Gun Crazy (aka Deadly Is the Female) - (1949, Joseph H. Lewis) (Peggy Cummins, John Dall)
74. Heaven Can Wait - (1943, Ernst Lubitsch) (Don Ameche, Gene Tierney)
75. National Velvet - (1944, Clarence Brown) (Elizabeth Taylor, Mickey Rooney, Donald Crisp)
76. Mildred Pierce - (1945, Michael Curtiz) (Joan Crawford, Jack Carson, Zachary Scott)
77. Now, Voyager - (1942, Irving Rapper) (Bette Davis, Paul Henreid, Claude Rains)
78. Shoeshine (aka Sciuscià) - (1947, Vittorio De Sica) (Franco Interlenghi, Rinaldo Smordoni)
79. The Inspector General - (1949, Henry Koster) (Danny Kaye, Walter Slezak, Elsa Lanchester)
80. To Have and Have Not - (1944, Howard Hawks) (Humphrey Bogart, Lauren Bacall, Walter Brennan)
81. The Pride of the Yankees - (1942, Sam Wood) (Gary Cooper, Teresa Wright, Walter Brennan)
82. I Know Where I'm Going! - (1945, Michael Powell) (Wendy Hiller, Roger Livesey)
83. Dead of Night - (1945, Alberto Cavalcanti) (Mervyn Johns, Roland Culver, Mary Merrall)
84. Woman of the Year - (1942, George Stevens) (Spencer Tracy, Katharine Hepburn)
85. Gaslight - (1944, George Cukor) (Charles Boyer, Ingrid Bergman, Joseph Cotten)
86. Sergeant York - (1941, Howard Hawks) (Gary Cooper, Joan Leslie, Walter Brennan)
87. Unfaithfully Yours - (1948, Preston Sturges) (Rex Harrison, Linda Darnell, Rudy Vallee)
88. Gentleman's Agreement - (1947, Elia Kazan) (Gregory Peck, Dorothy McGuire, John Garfield)
89. I Remember Mama - (1948, George Stevens) (Irene Dunne, Barbara Bel Geddes)
90. Sahara - (1943, Zoltan Korda) (Humphrey Bogart, Lloyd Bridges, Bruce Bennett)
91. In Which We Serve - (1942, Noel Coward) (Noel Coward, John Mills, Richard Attenborough)
92. Letter from an Unknown Woman - (1948, Max Ophüls) (Louis Jourdan, Joan Fontaine)
93. The Letter - (1940, William Wyler) (Bette Davis, Herbert Marshall, James Stephenson)
94. The Miracle of Morgan's Creek - (1944, Preston Sturges) (Eddie Bracken, Betty Hutton)
95. La Terra trema (aka The Earth Trembles) - (1948, Luchino Visconti) (Antonio Arcidiacono)
96. Johnny Belinda - (1948, Jean Negulesco) (Jane Wyman, Lew Ayres, Agnes Moorehead)
97. Intruder in the Dust - (1949, Clarence Brown) (David Brian, Juano Hernandez)
98. The Heiress - (1949, William Wyler) (Olivia de Havilland, Montgomery Clift)
99. Going My Way - (1944, Leo McCarey) (Bing Crosby, Barry Fitzgerald, Frank McHugh)
100. The Man Who Came to Dinner - (1941, William Keighley) (Bette Davis, Ann Sheridan)
1. Seven Samurai - (1954, Akira Kurosawa) (Takashi Shimura, Yoshio Inaba, Toshiro Mifune)
2. On the Waterfront - (1954, Elia Kazan) (Marlon Brando, Carl Malden, Rod Steiger)
3. Vertigo - (1958, Alfred Hitchcock) (James Stewart, Kim Novak, Barbara Bel Geddes)
4. The Bridge on the River Kwai - (1957, David Lean) (Alec Guinness, William Holden)
5. The Seventh Seal -(1957, Ingmar Bergman) (Max von Sydow, Bengt Ekerot)
6. Sunset Boulevard - (1950, Billy Wilder) (Gloria Swanson, William Holden)
7. Rear Window - (1954, Alfred Hitchcock) (James Stewart, Grace Kelly)
8. Rashomon - (1951, Akira Kurosawa) (Toshiro Mifune, Masayuki Mori, Machiko Kyo)
9. All About Eve - (1950, Joseph L. Mankiewicz) Bette Davis, Anne Baxter)
10. Singin' in the Rain - (1952, Stanley Donen, Gene Kelly) Gene Kelly, Debbie Reynolds)
11. Some Like It Hot - (1959, Billy Wilder) (Jack Lemmon, Tony Curtis, Marilyn Monroe)
12. North by Northwest - (1959, Alfred Hitchcock) (Cary Grant, Eva Marie Saint)
13. Tokyo Story - (1953, Yasujiro Ozu) Chishu Ryu, Chieko Higashiyama, So Yamamura)
14. Touch of Evil - (1958, Orson Welles) Charlton Heston, Orson Welles)
15. A Streetcar Named Desire - (1951, Elia Kazan) Marlon Brando, Vivien Leigh)
16. Diabolique - (1954, Henri-Georges Clouzot) (Simone Signoret, Vera Clouzot)
17. Rebel Without a Cause - (1955, Nicholas Ray) (James Dean, Natalie Wood)
18. The African Queen - (1951, John Huston) (Catherine Hepburn, Humphrey Bogart)
19. 12 Angry Men - (1957, Sidney Lumet) (Henry Fonda, E.G. Marshall)
20. La Strada - (1954, Federico Fellini) (Giulietta Masina, Anthony Quinn)
21. Ben-Hur - (1959, William Wyler) (Charlton Heston, Jack Hawkins, Stephen Boyd)
22. Wild Strawberries - (1957, Ingmar Bergman) (Ingrid Thulin, Bibi Andersson)
23. The Searchers - (1956, John Ford) (John Wayne, Natalie Wood, Jeffery Hunter)
24. High Noon - (1952, Fred Zinnemann) (Gary Cooper, Grace Kelly, Lloyd Bridges)
25. The Night of the Hunter - (1955, Charles Laughton) (Robert Mitchum, Shelley Winters)
26. Shane - (1953, George Stevens) (Alan Ladd, Jack Palance, Jean Arthur)
27. The 400 Blows - (1959, François Truffaut) (Jean-Pierre Léaud, Claire Maurier)
28. The Ten Commandments - (1956, Cecil B. DeMille) (Charlton Heston, Yul Brynner)
29. Ikiru - (1952, Akira Kurosawa) (Takashi Shimura, Nobuo Kaneko)
30. Strangers on a Train - (1951, Alfred Hitchcock) (Farley Granger, Ruth Roman, Leo G. Carroll)
31. Kiss Me Deadly - (1955, Robert Aldrich) (Ralph Meeker, Albert Dekker, Cloris Leachman)
32. From Here to Eternity - (1953, Fred Zinnemann) (Burt Lancaster, Montgomery Clift, Deborah Kerr)
33. Mr. Hulot's Holiday - (1953, Jacques Tati) (Jacques Tati, Nathalie Pascaud)
34. Scrooge (aka A Christmas Carol) - (1951, Brian Desmond Hurst) (Alastair Sim, Meryvn Johns)
35. Rififi (aka Du rififi chez les hommes) - (1955, Jules Dassin) (Jean Sevais, Carl Mohner)
36. The Day the Earth Stood Still - (1951, Robert Wise) (Michael Rennie, Patricia Neal, Sam Jaffe)
37. Roman Holiday - (1953, William Wyler) (Gregory Peck, Audrey Hepburn, Eddie Albert)
38. Old Yeller - (1957, Robert Stevenson) (Fess Parker, Dorothy McGuire, Tommy Kirk)
39. Early Summer (aka Bakushû) - (1951, Yasujiro Ozu) (Setsuko Hara, Chishu Ryu)
40. Anatomy of a Murder - (1959, Otto Preminger) (James Stewart, Lee Remick, Ben Gazzara)
41. The Wages of Fear - (1953, Henri-Georges Clouzot) (Yves Montand, Charles Vanel)
42. The Hidden Fortress - (1958, Akira Kurosawa) (Toshirô Mifune, Misa Uehara)
43. A Man Escaped - (1956, Robert Bresson) (Francois Leterrier, Charles Le Clainche)
44. The World of Apu (aka Apur Sansar) - (1959, Satyajit Ray) (Soumitra Chatterjee, Sharmila Tagore)
45. Night and the City - (1950, Jules Dassin) (Richard Widmark, Gene Tierney, Hugh Marlowe)
46. The King and I - (1956, Walter Lang) (Yul Brynner, Deborah Kerr, Rita Moreno)
47. An American in Paris - (1951, Vincente Minnelli) (Gene Kelly, Leslie Caron)
48. Invasion of the Body Snatchers - (1956, Don Siegel) (Kevin McCarthy, Dana Wynter)
49. East of Eden - (1955, Elia Kazan) (James Dean, Julie Harris, Raymond Massey)
50. Orphee - (1950, Jean Cocteau) (Jean Marais, Francois Périer, Maria Casares)
51. Father of the Bride - (1950, Vincente Minnelli) (Spencer Tracy, Elizabeth Taylor)
52. Sweet Smell of Success - (1957, Alexander MacKendrick) (Burt Lancaster, Tony Curtis)
53. The Asphalt Jungle - (1950, John Huston) (Sterling Hayden, Marilyn Monroe, James Whitmore)
54. The Big Heat - (1953, Fritz Lang) (Glenn Ford, Gloria Grahame, Lee Marvin)
55. The Blackboard Jungle - (1955, Richard Brooks) (Glenn Ford, Anne Francis)
56. Sabrina - (1954, Billy Wilder) (Humphrey Bogart, Audrey Hepburn, William Holden)
57. Panther Panchali - (1955, Satyajit Ray) (Kanu Bannerjee, Karuna Bannerjee)
58. Mon Oncle - (1958, Jacques Tati) (Jacques Tati, Jean-Pierre Zola)
59. The Band Wagon - (1953, Vincente Minnelli) (Fred Astaire, Cyd Charisse)
60. Giant - (1956, George Stevens) (Elizabeth Taylor, James Dean, Rock Hudson)
61. Marty - (1955, Delbert Mann) (Ernest Borgnine, Betsy Blair, Esther Minciotti)
62. Harvey - (1950, Henry Koster) (James Stewart, Josephine Hull, Peggy Dow)
63. Forbidden Planet - (1956, Fred Wilcox) (Walter Pidgeon, Anne Francis, Leslie Nielsen)
64. Rio Bravo - (1959, Howard Hawks) (John Wayne, Dean Martin, Ricky Nelson)
65. The Thing - (1951, Christian Nyby) (James Arness, Margaret Sheridan, Kenneth Tobey)
66. Othello - (1952, Orson Welles) (Orson Welles, Suzanne Cloutier, Micheal MacLiammoir)
67. Sansho the Bailiff (aka Sanshô dayû) - (1954, Kenji Mizoguchi) (Kinuyo Tanaka)
68. Lola Montes - (1955, Max Ophüls) (Martine Carol, Peter Ustinov, Oskar Werner)
69. A Star is Born - (1954, George Cukor) (Judy Garland, James Mason, Jack Carson)
70. The Life of Oharu - (1952, Kenji Mizoguchi) (Kinuyo Tanaka, Tsukie Matsuura)
71. Lady and the Tramp - (1955, Clyde Geronimi) (Animated voices: Barbara Luddy, Larry Roberts
72. Witness for the Prosecution - (1957, Billy Wilder) (Tyrone Power, Marlene Dietrich)
73. Popiol I Diament - (1958, Andrej Wajda) (Zbigniew Cybulski, Ewa Krzyzewska)
74. The Ladykillers - (1955, Alexander MacKendrick) (Alec Guinness, Peter Sellers)
75. The Wild One - (1953, László Benedek) (Marlon Brando, Lee Marvin, Robert Keith)
76. Throne of Blood - (1957, Akira Kurosawa) (Toshirô Mifune, Isuzu Yamada)
77. The Killing - (1956, Stanley Kubrick) (Sterling Hayden, Vince Edwards)
78. Nights of Cabiria - (1957, Federico Fellini) (Giulietta Masina, Francois Perier)
79. Big Deal on Madonna Street - (1958, Mario Monicelli) (Vittorio Gassman, Claudia Cardinale)
80. In a Lonely Place - (1950, Nicholas Ray) (Humphrey Bogart, Gloria Grahame)
81. Umberto D. - (1952, Vittorio De Sica) (Carlo Battisti, Maria-Pia Casilio)
82. A Night to Remember - (1958, Roy Ward Baker) (Kenneth More, Ronald Allen)
83. Paths of Glory - (1957, Stanley Kubrick) (Kirk Douglas, Ralph Meeker)
84. Johnny Guitar - (1954, Nicholas Ray) (Joan Crawford, Sterling Hayden)
85. I Want to Live! - (1958, Robert Wise) (Susan Hayward, Theodore Bikel)
86. Julius Ceasar - (1953, Joseph L. Mankiewicz) (Marlon Brando, James Mason, Louis Calhern)
87. Born Yesterday - (1950, George Cukor) (Judy Holliday, Broderick Crawford, William Holden)
88. Room at the Top - (1959, Jack Clayton) (Simone Signoret, Laurence Harvey)
89. Cinderella - (1950, Clyde Geronimi) (Animated, voices- Ilene Woods, Eleanor Audley)
90. Show Boat - (1951, George Sidney) (Ava Gardner, Howard Keel, Kathryn Grayson)
91. Hiroshima Mon Amour - (1959, Alain Resnais) (Emmanuelle Riva, Eiji Okada)
92. The Seven Year Itch - (1955, Billy Wilder) (Marilyn Monroe, Tom Ewel, Robert Strauss)
93. Around the World in 80 Days - (1956, Micheal Anderson) (David Niven, Cantinflas)
94. Stalag 17 - (1953, Billy Wilder) (William Holden, Otto Preminger, Robert Strauss)
95. Gunfight at the O.K. Corral - (1957, John Sturges) (Burt Lancaster, Kirk Douglas)
96. Gigi - (1958, Vincente Minnelli) (Leslie Caron, Maurice Chevalier , Louis Jourdan)
97. A Place in the Sun - (1951, George Stevens) (Elizabeth Taylor, Montgomery Clift)
98. The Cranes Are Flying (aka Letyat zhuravli) - (1957, Mikhail Kalatozov) (Tatyana Samojlova)
99. The Diary of a Country Priest - (1951, Robert Bresson) (Claude Laydu, Jean Riveyre)
100. Curse of the Demon - (1957, Jacques Tourneur) (Dana Andrews, Peggy Cummins)

1. Lawrence of Arabia - (1962, David Lean) (Peter O'Toole, Alec Guinness)

2. Psycho - (1960, Alfred Hitchcock) (Anthony Perkins, Janet Leigh)
3. Dr. Strangelove... - (1964, Stanley Kubrick) (Peter Sellers, George C. Scott)
4. 8 1/2 - (1963, Federico Fellini) (Marcello Mastroianni, Claudia Cardinale)
5. 2001: A Space Odyssey - (1968, Stanley Kubrick) (Keir Dullea, Gary Lockwood)
6. Once Upon a Time in the West - (1968, Sergio Leone) (Henry Fonda, Charles Bronson)
7. To Kill a Mockingbird - (1962, Robert Mulligan) (Gregory Peck, Mary Badham)
8. Midnight Cowboy - (1969, John Schlesinger) (Dustin Hoffman, Jon Voight)
9. Bonnie and Clyde - (1967, Arthur Penn) (Warren Beatty, Faye Dunaway)
10. La Dolce Vita - (1960, Federico Fellini) (Marcello Mastroianni, Anouk Aimee)
11. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly - (1966, Sergio Leone) (Clint Eastwood, Lee Van Cleef, Eli Wallach)
12. The Graduate - (1967, Mike Nichols) (Dustin Hoffman, Anne Bancroft, Katharine Ross)
13. Breathless - (1960, Jean-Luc Godard) (Jean-Paul Belmondo, Jean Seberg)
14. The Yojimbo - (1961, Akira Kurosawa) (Toshiro Mifune, Tatsuya Nakadai)
15. Wild Bunch - (1969, Sam Peckinpah) (William Holden, Ernest Borgnine)
16. Persona - (1966, Ingmar Bergman) (Liv Ullmann, Bibi Andersson)
17. The Leopard - (1963, Luchino Visconti) (Burt Lancaster, Claudia Cardinale)
18. L'Avventura - (1960, Michelangelo Antonioni) (Gabriele Ferzetti, Monica Vitti)
19. The Apartment - (1960, Billy Wilder) (Jack Lemmon, Shirley MacLaine)
20. The Manchurian Candidate - (1962, John Frankenheimer) (Frank Sinatra, Laurence Harvey)
21. Easy Rider - (1969, Dennis Hopper) (Peter Fonda, Dennis Hopper, Jack Nicholson)
22. Last Years at Marienbad - (1961, Alain Resnais) (Delphine Seyrig, Giorgio Albertazzi)
23. West Side Story - (1961, Jerome Robbins, Robert Wise) (Natalie Wood, Richard Beymer)
24. Cool Hand Luke - (1967, Stuart Rosenberg) (Paul Newman, George Kennedy, Strother Martin)
25. The Battle of Algiers - (1966, Gillo Pontecorvo) (Brahim Hadjadj, Jean Martin)
26. Doctor Zhivago - (1965, David Lean) (Omar Sharif, Julie Christie)
27. A Hard Day's Night - (1964, Richard Lester) (The Beatles, Wilfrid Brambell, Norman Rossington)
28. Alphaville - (1965, Jean-Luc Godard) (Eddie Constantine, Anna Karina)
29. The Music Man - (1962, Morton Da Costa) (Robert Preston, Shirley Jones, Buddy Hackett)
30. Peeping Tom - (1960, Michael Powell) (Karlheinz Bühm, Moira Shearer)
31. The Umbrellas of Cherbourg - (1964, Jacques Demy) (Catherine Deneuve, Nino Castelnuovo)
32. The Sound of Music - (1965, Robert Wise) (Julie Andrews, Christopher Plummer)
33. Medium Cool - (1969, Haskell Wexler) (Christine Bergstrom, Harold Blankenship)
34. The Producers - (1968, Mel Brooks) (Zero Mostel, Gene Wilder)
35. Planet of the Apes - (1968, Franklin J. Schaffner) (Charlton Heston, Roddy McDowell)
36. In the Heat of the Night - (1967, Norman Jewison) (Sidney Poitier, Rod Steiger, Warren Oates)
37. Marat/Sade - (1966, Peter Brook) (Patrick Magee, Ian Richardson, Glenda Jackson)
38. Belle de jour - (1967, Luis Buñuel) (Catherine Deneuve, Jean Sorel)
39. Andrei Rublev - (1966, Andrei Tarkovsky) (Anatoli Solonitsyn, Ivan Lapikov)
40. Blow-Up - (1966, Michelangelo Antonioni) (David Hemmings, Vanessa Redgrave, Sarah Miles)
41. The Birds - (1963, Alfred Hitchcock) (Rod Taylor, Tippi Hedren, Jessica Tandy)
42. Tom Jones - (1963, Tony Richardson) (Albert Finney, Susannah York, Hugh Griffith)
43. Night of the Living Dead - (1968, George A. Romero) (Duane Jones, Judith O'Dea)
44. The Hustler - (1961, Robert Rossen) (Paul Newman, Jackie Gleason, George C. Scott)
45. My Fair Lady - (1964, George Cukor) (Audrey Hepburn, Rex Harrison, Wilfrid Hyde-White)
46. Goldfinger - (1964, Guy Hamilton) (Sean Connery, Gert Fröbe, Honor Blackman)
47. Woman in the Dunes - (1964, Hiroshi Teshigahara) (Eiji Okada, Kyôko Kishida)
48. The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance - (1962, John Ford) (John Wayne, James Stewart, Vera Miles)
49. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid - (1969, George Roy Hill) (Paul Newman, Robert Redford)
50. Rosemary's Baby - (1968, Roman Polanski) (Mia Farrow, John Cassavetes, Ruth Gordon)
51. Closely Watched Trains - (1966, Jiri Menzel) (Václav Neckár, Josef Somr)
52. Rocco and His Brothers - (1960, Luchino Visconti) (Alain Delon, Renato Salvatori)
53. Weekend - (1967, Jean-Loc Godard) (Mireille Darc, Jean Yanne)
54. Breakfast at Tiffany's - (1961, Blake Edwards) (Audrey Hepburn, George Peppard, Patricia Neal)
55. The Longest Day - (1962, Ken Annakin) (Richard Burton, Robert Ryan, Henry Fonda)
56. Point Blank - (1967, John Boorman) (Lee Marvin, Angie Dickinson, Keenan Wynn)
57. Oliver! - (1968, Carol Reed) (Mark Lester, Ron Moody, Jack Wild, Oliver Reed)
58. Judgment at Nuremberg - (1961, Stanley Kramer) (Spencer Tracy, Burt Lancaster)
59. The Dirty Dozen - (1967, Robert Aldrich) (Lee Marvin, Ernest Borgnine, Charles Bronson)
60. Dog Star Man - (1964, Stan Brakhage) (Jane Brakhage, Stan Brakhage)
61. Bullitt - (1968, Peter Yates) (Steve McQueen, Jacqueline Bisset, Robert Vaughn)
62. Pierrot Le Fou - (1965, Jean-Loc Godard) (Jean-Paul Belmondo, Anna Karina)
63. Mary Poppins - (1964, Robert Stevenson) (Julie Andrews, Dick Van Dyke)
64. A Raisin in the Sun - (1961, Daniel Petrie) (Sidney Poitier, Claudia McNeil, Louis Gossett Jr.)
65. Romeo and Juliet - (1968, Franco Zeffirelli) (Leonard Whiting, Olivia Hussey)
66. The Shop On Main Street - (1965, Jan Kadar, Elmar Klos) (Ida Kaminska, Jozef Króner)
67. Funny Girl - (1968, William Wyler) (Barbra Streisand, Omar Sharif)
68. Hud - (1963, Martin Ritt) (Paul Newman, Melvyn Douglas, Patricia Neal)
69. In Cold Blood - (1967, Richard Brooks) (Robert Blake, Scott Wilson, John Forsythe)
70. Lolita - (1962, Stanley Kubrick) (Sue Lyon, Shelley Winters, Gary Cockrell)
71. The Pawnbroker - (1964, Sidney Lumet) (Rod Steiger, Geraldine Fitzgerald)
72. The Innocents - (1961, Jack Clayton) (Deborah Kerr, Peter Wyngarde, Michael Redgrave)
73. My Night at Maud's - (1969, Eric Rohmer) (Jean-Louis Trintignant, Françoise Fabian)
74. Jules and Jim - (1962, Francois Truffaut) (Jeanne Moreau, Oskar Werner)
75. The Great Escape - (1963, John Sturges) (Steve McQueen, James Garner, Richard Attenborough)
76. Yellow Submarine - (1968, George Dunning) (Animation)
77. Repulsion - (1965, Roman Polanski) (Catherine Deneuve, Ian Hendry)
78. From Russia With Love - (1963, Terence Young) (Sean Connery, Robert Shaw, Daniela Bianchi)
79. Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? - (1966, Mike Nichols) (Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton)
80. One Hundred and One Dalmatians - (1961, Clyde Geronimi) (Animation)
81. Elmer Gantry - (1960, Richard Brooks) (Burt Lancaster, Jean Simmons, Arthur Kennedy)
82. The Exterminating Angel - (1962, Luis Buñuel) (Silvia Pinal, Enrique Rambal)
83. Lilies of the Field - (1963, Ralph Nelson) (Sidney Poitier, Lilia Skala, Lisa Mann)
84. A Man for All Seasons - (1966, Fred Zinnemann) (Paul Scofield, Leo McKern, Robert Shaw)
85. Long Day's Journey into Night - (1962, Sidney Lumet) (Katharine Hepburn, Ralph Richardson)
86. Ride the High Country - (1962, Sam Peckinpah) (Randolph Scott, Joel McCrea, Edgar Buchanan)
87. A Thousand Clowns - (1965, Fred Coe) (Jason Robards, Barbara Harris, Martin Balsam)
88. Le Trou - (1960, Jacques Becker) (Michel Constantin, Jean Keraudy)
89. Z - (1969, Costa-Gavras) (Yves Montand, Irene Papas, Jean-Louis Trintignant, Jacques Perrin)
90. The Pink Panther - (1964, Blake Edwards) (Peter Sellers, David Niven, Robert Wagner)
91. Inherit the Wind - (1960, Stanley Kramer) (Spencer Tracy, Fredric March, Harry Morgan)
92. The Haunting - (1963, Robert Wise) (Julie Harris, Claire Bloom, Richard Johnson)
93. Shoot the Piano Player - (1960, Francois Truffaut) (Charles Aznavour, Marie Dubois)
94. Cape Fear - (1962, J. Lee Thompson) (Robert Mitchum, Gregory Peck, Polly Bergen)
95. Contempt - (1963, Jean-Luc Godard) (Brigitte Bardot, Michel Piccoli, Jack Palance)
96. Red Desert - (1964, Michelangelo Antonioni) (Monica Vitti, Richard Harris)
97. Georgy Girl - (1966, Silvio Narizzano) (James Mason, Lynn Redgrave, Alan Bates)
98. Juliet of the Spirits - (1965, Federico Fellini) (Giulietta Masina, Sandra Milo)
99. Darling - (1965, John Schlesinger) (Laurence Harvey, Julie Christie, Dirk Bogarde)
100. The Miracle Worker - (1962, Arthur Penn) (Patty Duke, Anne Bancroft, Victor Jory)

1. The Godfather - (1972, Francis Ford Coppola) (Marlon Brando, Al Pacino)

2. The Godfather part II - (1974, Francis Ford Coppola) (Al Pacino, Robert DeNiro)
3. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest - (1975, Milos Forman) (Jack Nicholson, Louise Fletcher)
4. Apocalypse Now - (1979, Francis Ford Coppola) (Martin Sheen, Robert Duvall)
5. Chinatown - (1974, Roman Polanski) (Jack Nicholson, John Huston)
6. A Clockwork Orange - (1971, Stanley Kubrick) (Malcolm McDowell, Patrick MaGee)
7. Star Wars - (1977, George Lucas) (Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford)
8. Jaws - (1975, Steven Spielberg) (Roy Scheider, Richard Dreyfuss)
9. Taxi Driver - (1976, Martin Scorsese) (Robert DeNiro, Jodie Foster)
10. The Deer Hunter - (1978, Michael Cimino) (Robert DeNiro, Christopher Walken)
11. Annie Hall - (1977, Woody Allen) (Woody Allen, Diane Keaton)
12. Network - (1976, Sydney Lumet) (Peter Finch, William Holden)
13. Rocky - (1976, John G. Avildsen) (Sylvester Stallone, Carl Weathers)
14. Patton - (1970, Franklin J. Schaffner) (George C. Scott, Karl Malden)
15. Close Encounters of the Third Kind - (1977, Steven Spielberg) (Richard Dreyfuss, Teri Garr)
16. M*A*S*H - (1970, Robert Altman) (Elliot Gould, Donald Sutherland)
17. The Exorcist - (1973, William Friedkin) (Ellen Burstyn, Linda Blair)
18. American Graffiti - (1973, George Lucas) (Ron Howard, Richard Dreyfuss)
19. The French Connection - (1971, William Friedkin) (Gene Hackman, Roy Scheider)
20. Mean Streets - (1973, Martin Scorsese) (Harvey Keitel, Robert DeNiro)
21. Aguirre, the Wrath of God - (1972, Werner Herzog) (Klaus Kinski) (Cecilia Rivera)
22. Blazing Saddles - (1974, Mel Brooks) (Gene Wilder, Cleavon Little)
23. Last Tango in Paris - (1972, Bernardo Bertolucci) (Marlon Brando, Maria Schneider)
24. Monty Python and the Holy Grail - (1974, Terry Gilliam, Terry Jones) (G. Chapman, Eric Idle)
25. The Rocky Horror Picture Show - (1975, Jim Sharmon) (Tim Curry, Susan Sarandon)
26. Serpico - (1973, Sydney Lumet) (Al Pacino, Tony Roberts)
27. Young Frankenstein - (1974, Mel Brooks) (Gene Wilder, Peter Boyle)
28. Deliverance - (1972, John Boorman) (Burt Reynolds, Jon Voight)
29. Barry Lyndon - (1975, Stanley Kubrick) (Ryan O'Neal, Marisa Berenson)
30. National Lampoon's Animal House - (1978, John Landis) (John Belushi, Tim Matheson)
31. Alien - (1979, Ridley Scott) (Tom Skerritt, Sigouney Weaver)
32. The Sting - (1973, George Roy Hill) (Robert Redford, Paul Newman)
33. Dog Day Afternoon - (1975, Sydney Lumet) (Al Pacino, John Cazale)
34. Five Easy Pieces - (1970, Bob Rafelson) (Jack Nicholson, Karen Black)
35. The Conversation - (1974, Francis Ford Coppola) (Gene Hackman, John Cazale)
36. Halloween - (1978, John Carpenter) (Donald Pleasence, Jamie Lee Curtis)
37. The Last Picture Show - (1971, Peter Bogdanovich) (Timothy Buttons, Jeff Bridges)
38. Nashville - (1975, Robert Altman) (Henry Gibson, Barbara Baxley)
39. Saturday Night Fever - (1977, John Badham) (John Travolta, Karen Gorney)
40. McCabe and Mrs. Miller - (1971, Robert Altman) (Warren Beatty, Julie Christie)
41. All the President's Men - (1976, Alan J. Pakula) (Dustin Hoffman, Robert Redford)
42. Dirty Harry - (1971, Don Siegel) (Clint Eastwood, Harry Guardino)
43. Grease - (1978, Randal Kleiser) (John Travolta, Olivia Newton-John)
44. Manhattan - (1979, Woody Allen) (Woody Allen, Diane Keaton)
45. Scenes from a Marriage - (1973, Ingmar Bergman) (Liv Ullman, Bibi Andersson)
46. Badlands - (1973, Terrence Malick) (Martin Sheen, Sissy Spacek)
47. Coming Home - (1978, Hal Ashby) (Jon Voight, Jane Fonda)
48. Cries and Whispers - (1972, Ingmar Bergman) (Harriet Andersson, Kari Sylwan)
49. Carrie - (1976, Brian De Palma) (Sissy Spacek, Piper Laurie)
50. The Conformist - (1970, Bernardo Bertolucci) (Jean-Louis Trintignant, Dominique Sandra)
51. Day for Night - (1973, Francois Truffaut) (Jacqueline Bisset, Valentine Cortese)
52. Fiddler on the Roof - (1971, Norman Jewison) (Topol, Norma Crane)
53. Kramer vs. Kramer - (1979, Robert Benton) (Dustin Hoffman, Meryl Streep)
54. Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory - (1971, Mel Stuart) (Gene Wilder, Jack Albertson)
55. Being There - (1979, Hal Ashby) (Peter Sellers, Shirley MacLaine)
56. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre - (1974, Tobe Hooper) (Marilyn Burns, Allen Danziger)
57. Monty Python's Life of Brian - (1979, Terry Jones) (Graham Chapman, Eric Idle)
58. All That Jazz - (1979, Bob Fosse) (Roy Scheider, Jessica Lange)
59. Days of Heaven - (1978, Terrence Malick) (Richard Gere, Brooke Adams)
60. Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore - (1974, Martin Scorsese) (Ellen Burstyn, K. Kristofferson)
61. Bound for Glory - (1976, Hal Ashby) (David Carradine, Ronny Cox)
62. Bananas - (1971, Woody Allen) (Woody Allen, Louise Lasser)
63. Amarcord - (1973, Federico Fellini) (Bruno Zanin, Pupella Maggio)
64. The Hospital - (1971, Arthur Hiller) (George C. Scott, Diana Rigg)
65. Sleeper - (1973, Woody Allen) (Woody Allen, Diane Keaton)
66. The Last Wave - (1977, Peter Weir) (Richard Chamberlain, Olivia Hamnett)
67. Shampoo - (1975, Hal Ashby) (Warren Beatty, Goldie Hawn)
68. A Woman Under the Influence - (1974, John Cassavetes) (Gena Rowlands, Peter Falk)
69. The Last Detail - (1973, Hal Ashby) (Jack Nicholson, Otis Young)
70. Seven Beauties - (1976, Lina Wertmuller) (Giancarlo Giannini, Fernando Rey)
71. Macbeth - (1971, Roman Polanski) (Jon Finch, Martin Shaw)
72. Marathon Man - (1976, John Schlesinger) (Dustin Hoffman, Laurence Olivier)
73. The Man Who Fell to Earth - (1976, Nicolas Roeg) (David Bowie, Rip Torn)
74. The Man Who Would Be King - (1975, John Huston) (Sean Connery, Michael Caine)
75. The Sunshine Boys - (1975, Herbert Ross) (Walter Mathou, George Burns)
76. The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie - (1972, L. Bunuel) (Fernando Rey, Delphine Seyrig)
77. Cabaret - (1972, Bob Fosse) (Liza Minnelli, Michael York)
78. Don't Look Now - (1973, Nicolas Roeg) (Julie Christie, Donald Sutherland)
79. A Touch of Class - (1973, Melvin Frank) (George Segal, Glenda Jackson)
80. The Towering Inferno - (1974, Irwin Allen) (Steve McQueen, Paul Newman)
81. Breaking Away - (1979, Peter Yates) (Dennis Christopher, Dennis Quaid)
82. The Garden of Finzi Continis - (1970, Vittorio De Sica) (Dominique Sandra, Lino Capolicchio)
83. Klute - (1971, Alan J. Pakula) (Donald Sutherland, Jane Fonda)
84. Sunday, Bloody Sunday - (1971, John Schlesinger) (Glenda Jackson, Peter Finch)
85. The Candidate - (1972, Michael Ritchie) (Robert Redford, Peter Boyle)
86. The Ruling Class - (1972, Peter Medak) (Peter O'Toole, Alastair Slim)
87. The Way We Were - (1973, Sydney Pollack) (Robert Redford, Barbara Streisand)
88. Sounder - (1972, Martin Ritt) (Cicely Tyson, Paul Winfield)
89. Julia - (1977, Fred Zinnemann) (Jane Fonda, Jason Robards)
90. The Poseidon Adventure - (1972, Ronald Neame) (Ernest Borgnine, Gene Hackman)
91. The Goodbye Girl - (1977, Herbert Ross) (Richard Dreyfuss, Marsha Mason)
92. Save the Tiger - (1973, John G. Avildsen) (Jack Lemmon, Laurie Heineman)
93. Lenny - (1974, Bob Fosse) (Dustin Hoffman, Valerie Perrine)
94. Heaven Can Wait - (1978, Warren Beatty) (Warren Beatty, Julie Christie)
95. Norma Rae - (1979, Martin Ritt) (Sally Field, Beau Bridges)
96. Superman - (1978, Richard Donner) (Christopher Reeve, Gene Hackman)
97. Midnight Express - (1978, Alan Parker) (Brad Davis, Randy Quaid)
98. Enter the Dragon - (1973, Robert Clouse) (Bruce Lee, John Saxon)
99. A Bridge Too Far - (1977, Richard Attenborough) (James Caan, Michael Caine)
100. Tommy - (1975, Ken Russell) (Oliver Reed, Roger Daltrey)

1. Raging Bull - (1980, Martin Scorsese) (Robert DeNiro, Joe Pesci)

2. E.T. The Extra Terrestrial - (1982, Steven Spielberg) (Henry Thomas, Dee Wallace)
3. Raiders of the Lost Ark - (1981, Steven Spielberg) (Harrison Ford, Paul Freeman)
4. Amadeus - (1984, Milos Forman) (F. Murray Abraham, Tom Hulce)
5. Platoon - (1986, Oliver Stone) (Tom Berenger, Willem Dafoe, Charlie Sheen)
6. Cinema Paradiso - (1988, Giuseppe Tornatore) (Philippe Noiret, Salvatore Cascio)
7. Once Upon a Time in America - (1984, Sergio Leone) (Robert DeNiro, James Woods)
8. Blade Runner - (1982, Ridley Scott) (Harrison Ford, Rutger Hauer)
9. Ran - (1985, Akira Kurosawa) (Tatsuya Nakadai, Akira Terao)
10. Do the Right Thing - (1989, Spike Lee) (Spike Lee, John Turturro)
11. Blue Velvet - (1986, David Lynch) (Kyle MacLachlin, Dennis Hopper)
12. The Empire Strikes Back - (1980, Irvin Kershner) (Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford)
13. The Elephant Man - (1980, David Lynch) (John Hurt, Anthony Hopkins)
14. The Shining - (1980, Stanley Kubrick) (Jack Nicholson, Shelley Duvall)
15. Full Metal Jacket - (1987, Stanley Kubrick) (Mathew Modine, Adam Baldwin)
16. Brazil - (1985, Terry Gilliam) (Jonathan Pryce, Robert DeNiro)
17. Airplane! - (1980, Jim Abrahams) (Robert Hays, Julie Hagerty)
18. Das Boot - (1981, Wolfgang Peterson) (Jurgen Prochnow, Herbert Gronemeyer)
19. Tootsie - (1982, Sydney Pollack) (Dustin Hoffman, Jessica Lange)
20. The Untouchables - (1987, Brian De Palma) (Kevin Costner, Sean Connery)
21. The Terminator - (1984, James Cameron) (Arnold Schwarzenegger, Linda Hamilton)
22. Die Hard - (1988, John McTiernan) (Bruce Willis, Alan Rickman)
23. The Last Emperor - (1987, Bernardo Bertolucci) (John Lone, Joan Chen)
24. Gandhi - (1982, Richard Attenborough) (Ben Kingsley, Candice Bergen)
25. Raising Arizona - (1987, Joel Coen) (Nicolas Cage, Holly Hunter)
26. The Princess Bride - (1987, Rob Reiner) (Cary Elwes, Robin Wright Penn)
27. The Big Chill - (1983, Lawrence Kasdan) (Kevin Kline, Glenn Close)
28. Fast Times at Ridgemont High - (1982, Amy Heckerling) (Sean Penn, Jennifer Jason Leigh)
29. Scarface - (1983, Brian De Palma) (Al Pacino, Steven Bauer)
30. A Christmas Story - (1983, Bob Clark) (Peter Billingsley, Melinda Dillon)
31. Poltergeist - (1982, Tobe Hooper) (Craig T. Nelson, JoBeth Williams)
32. Terms of Endearment - (1983, James L. Brooks) (Debra Winger, Shirley MacLaine)
33. This Is Spinal Tap - (1984, Rob Reiner) (Michael McKean, Christopher Guest)
34. Crimes and Misdemeanors - (1989, Woody Allen) (Woody Allen, Martin Landau)
35. Sex, lies, and videotape - (1989, Steven Soderbergh) (James Spader, Andie MacDowell)
36. Back to the Future - (1985, Robert Zemeckis) (Michael J. Fox, Christopher Lloyd)
37. Rain Man - (1988, Barry Levinson) (Dustin Hoffman, Tom Cruise)
38. Ordinary People - (1980, Robert Redford) (Donald Sutherland, Mary Tyler Moore)
39. Who Framed Roger Rabbit? - (1988, Robert Zemeckis) (Bob Hoskins, Christopher Lloyd)
40. Hannah and Her Sisters - (1986, Woody Allen) (Woody Allen, Mia Farrow)
41. When Harry Met Sally - (1989, Rob Reiner) (Billy Crystal, Meg Ryan)
42. Henry V - (1989, Kenneth Branagh) (Kenneth Branagh, Derek Jacobi)
43. Blood Simple - (1984, Joel Coen) (John Getz, Frances McDormand)
44. The Right Stuff - (1983, Philip Kaufman) (Scott Glenn, Ed Harris)
45. The Color Purple - (1985, Steven Spielberg) (Danny Glover, Whoopi Goldberg)
46. Kagemusha - (1980, Akira Kurosawa) (Tatsuya Nakadai, Tsutomu Yamazaki)
47. Wings of Desire - (1987, Wim Wenders) (Bruno Ganz, Solveig Dommartin)
48. The Little Mermaid - (1989, Ron Clements, John Musker) (Jodi Benson, Sam Wright)
49. Tender Mercies - (1983, Bruce Beresford) (Robert Duvall, Tess Harper)
50. Chariots of Fire - (1981, Hugh Hudson) (Ben Cross, Ian Charleson)
51. Salvador - (1986, Oliver Stone) (James Woods, James Belushi)
52. Atlantic City - (1980, Louise Malle) (Burt Lancaster, Susan Sarandon)
53. My Left Foot - (1989, Jim Sheridan) (Daniel Day Lewis, Fiona Shaw)
54. Glory - (1989, Edward Zwick) (Matthew Broderick, Morgan Freeman)
55. Jean de Florette - (1986, Claude Berri) (Gerard Depardieu, Yves Montand)
56. The Killing Fields - (1984, Roland Joffe) (Sam Waterston, John Malcovich)
57. The Last Metro - (1980, Francois Truffaut) (Gerard Depardieu, Catherine Deneuve)
58. A Room With a View - (1986, James Ivory) (Maggie Smith, Helena Bonham Carter)
59. A Passage to India - (1984, David Lean) (Judy Davis, Victor Banerjee)
60. Missing - (1982, Costa Gavras) (Jack Lemmon, Sissy Spacek)
61. Places in the Heart - (1984, Robert Benton) (Sally Field, John Malcovich)
62. A Soldier's Story - (1984, Norman Jewison) (Adolph Caesar, Howard E. Rollins)
63. Prizzi's Honor - (1985, John Huston) (Jack Nicholson, Kathleen Turner)
64. A Fish Called Wanda - (1988, Charles Crichton) (Kevin Kline, John Cleese)
65. Witness - (1985, Peter Weir) (Harrison Ford, Kelly McGillis)
66. Driving Miss Daisy - (1989, Bruce Beresford) (Morgan Freeman, Jessica Tandy)
67. Fanny and Alexander - (1982, Ingmar Bergman) (Pernilla Allwin, Bertil Guve)
68. Return of the Jedi - (1983, Richard Marquand) (Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford)
69. A Nightmare on Elm Street - (1984, Wes Craven) (John Saxon, Robert Englund)
70. Broadcast News - (1987, James L. Brooks) (William Hurt, Holly Hunter)
71. The King of Comedy - (1983, Martin Scorsese) (Robert DeNiro, Jerry Lewis)
72. Bull Durham - (1988, Ron Shelton) (Kevin Costner, Tim Robbins)
73. The Vanishing - (1988, George Sluizer) (Bernard-Pierre Donnadieu, Gene Bervoets)
74. Hope and Glory - (1987, John Boorman) (Sebastian Rice Edwards, Sarah Miles)
75. My Dinner with Andre - (1981, Louise Malle) (Wallace Shawn, Andre Gregory)
76. Field of Dreams - (1989, Phil Alden Robinson) (Kevin Costner, James Earl Jones)
77. Hoosiers - (1986, David Anspaugh) (Gene Hackman, Dennis Hopper)
78. Ghostbusters - (1984, Ivan Reitman) (Dan Aykroyd, Bill Murray)
79. The Breakfast Club - (1985, John Hughes) (Judd Nelson, Emilio Estevez)
80. Big - (1988, Penny Marshall) (Tom Hanks, Elizabeth Perkins)
81. Caddyshack - (1980, Harold Ramis) (Chevy Chase, Rodney Dangerfield)
82. Arthur - (1981, Steve Gordon) (Dudley Moore, Liza Minnelli)
83. Kiss of the Spider Woman - (1985, Hector Babenco) (William Hurt, Raul Julia)
84. The Color of Money - (1986, Martin Scorsese) (Paul Newman, Tom Cruise)
85. She's Gotta Have It - (1986, Spike Lee) (Tracy Camilla Johns, Spike Lee)
86. Body Heat - (1981, Lawrence Kasdan) (William Hurt, Kathleen Turner)
87. The Executioner's Song - (1982, Lawrence Schiller) (Tommy Lee Jones, Rosanna Arquette)
88. Moonstruck - (1987, Norman Jewison) (Cher, Nicolas Cage)
89. The Stunt Man - (1980, Richard Rush) (Peter O¹Toole, Steve Railsback)
90. Local Hero - (1983, Bill Forsyth) (Burt Lancaster, Peter Riegert)
91. Melvin and Howard - (1980, Jonathan Demme) (Jason Robards, Paul Le Mat)
92. Dangerous Liaisons - (1988, Stephen Frears) (Glenn Close, John Malcovich)
93. Ferris Bueller's Day Off - (1986, John Hughes) (Matthew Broderick, Alan Ruck)
94. The Road Warrior - (1981, George Miller) (Mel Gibson, Syd Heylen)
95. The Last Temptation of Christ - (1988, Martin Scorsese) (Willem Dafoe, Harvey Keitel)
96. Mona Lisa - (1986, Neil Jordan) (Bob Hoskins, Michael Caine)
97. Fatal Attraction - (1987, Adrian Lyne) (Michael Douglas, Glenn Close)
98. Out of Africa - (1985, Sydney Pollack) (Meryl Streep, Robert Redford)
99. Stand By Me - (1986, Rob Reiner) (River Phoenix, Corey Feldman)
100. Lost in America - (1985, Albert Brooks) (Albert Brooks, Julie Hagerty)

1. Schindler's List - (1993, Steven Spielberg) (Liam Neeson, Ralph Fiennes, Ben Kingsley)
2. GoodFellas - (1990, Martin Scorsese) (Robert DeNiro, Joe Pesci, Ray Liotta)
3. Saving Private Ryan - (1998, Steven Spielberg) (Tom Hanks, Tom Sizemore)
4. Pulp Fiction - (1994, Quentin Tarantino) (John Travolta, Samuel L. Jackson)
5. The Silence of the Lambs - (1991, Jonathan Demme) (Anthony Hopkins, Jodie Foster)
6. Fargo - (1996. Joel Coen) (Frances McDormand, William H. Macy, Steve Buscemi)
7. Unforgiven - (1992, Clint Eastwood) (Clint Eastwood, Gene Hackman)
8. Shawshank Redemption - (1994, Frank Darabont) (Tim Robbins, Morgan Freeman)
9. Malcolm X - (1992, Spike Lee) (Denzel Washington, Delroy Lindo)
10. American Beauty - (1999) (Sam Mendes) (Kevin Spacey, Thora Birch)
11. Dances With Wolves - (1990, Kevin Costner) (Kevin Costner, Mary McDonnell)
12. Forrest Gump - (1994, Robert Zemmeckis) (Tom Hanks, Gary Sinese)
13. Sling Blade - (1996, Billy Bob Thornton) (Billy Bob Thornton, J.T. Walsh, John Ritter)
14. Titanic - (1997, James Cameron) (Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet)
15. Braveheart - (1995, Mel Gibson) (Mel Gibson, Sophie Marceau)
16. The Usual Suspects - (1995, Brian Singer) (Kevin Spacey, Gabriel Byrne)
17. The Sixth Sense - (1999, M. Night Shyamalan) (Bruce Willis, Haley Joel Osment)
18. Reservoir Dogs - (1992, Quentin Tarantino) (Harvey Keitel, Tim Roth)
19. Barton Fink - (1991, Joel Coen) (John Turturro, John Goodman)
20. Boyz 'N The Hood - (1991, John Singleton) (Ice Cube, Cuba Gooding Jr.)
21. JFK - (1991, Oliver Stone) (Kevin Costner, Gary Oldman)
22. Se7en - (1995, David Fincher) (Brad Pitt, Morgan Freeman)
23. Dead Man Walking - (1995, Tim Robbins) (Sean Penn, Susan Sarandon)
24. Toy Story - (1995, John Lasseter) (Tom Hanks, Tim Allen)
25. The Piano - (1993, Jane Campion) (Holly Hunter, Anna Paquin)
26. The Nightmare Before Christmas - (1993, Henry Selick) (Chris Sarandon, Catherine O'Hara)
27. The Thin Red Line - (1998, Terrence Malick) (James Caviezel, Sean Penn)
28. The Green Mile - (1999, Frank Darabont) (Tom Hanks, Michael Clarke Duncan)
29. Howards End - (1992, James Ivory) (Anthony Hopkins, Emma Thompson)
30. Quiz Show - (1994, Robert Redford) (John Turturro, Ralph Fiennes)
31. Terminator 2: Judgment Day- - (1991, James Cameron) (Arnold Schwarzenegger)
32. Jurassic Park - (1993, Steven Spielberg) (Jeff Goldblum, Sam Neill)
33. The Matrix - (1999, Andy & Larry Wachowski) (Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishburne)
34. Ed Wood - (1994, Tim Burton) (Johnny Depp, Martin Landau)
35. Being John Malcovich - (1999, Spike Jonez) (John Cusak, John Malcovich)
36. The Crying Game - (1992, Neil Jordan) (Stephen Rea, Jaye Davidson)
37. Leaving Las Vegas - (1995, Mike Figgis) (Nicolas Cage, Elisabeth Shue)
38. Magnolia - (1999, Paul Thomas Anderson) (Tom Cruise, Jason Robards)
39. The Remains of the Day - (1993, James Ivory) (Anthony Hopkins, Emma Thompson)
40. The Big Lebowski - (1998, Joel Coen) (Jeff Bridges, John Goodman)
41. Jackie Brown - (1997, Quentin Tarantino) (Samuel L. Jackson, Pam Grier)
42. Shakespeare in Love - (1998, John Madden) (Gwyneth Paltrow, Joseph Fiennes)
43. Short Cuts - (1993, Robert Altman) (Andie McDowell, Bruce Davison)
44. The English Patient - (1996, Anthony Minghella) (Ralph Fiennes, Juliette Binoche)
45. L.A. Confidential - (1997, Curtis Hanson) (Kevin Spacey, Russell Crowe)
46. Glengarry Glen Ross - (1992, James Foley) (Al Pacino, Jack Lemmon)
47. Good Will Hunting - (1997, Gus Van Sant) (Matt Damon, Robin Williams)
48. The Fugitive - (1993, Andrew Davis) (Harrison Ford, Tommy Lee Jones)
49. Fight Club - (1999, David Fincher) (Edward Norton, Brad Pitt)
50. Four Weddings and a Funeral - (1994, Mike Newell) (Hugh Grant, Andie MacDowell)
51. Wag the Dog - (1997, Barry Levinson) (Dustin Hoffman, Robert DeNiro)
52. Scream - (1996, Wes Craven) (Neve Campbell, David Arquette)
53. Beauty and the Beast - (1991, Gary Trousdale, Kirk Wise) (Paige O'Hara, Robby Benson)
54. The Player - (1992, Robert Altman) (Tim Robbins, Greta Scacchi)
55. Dead Man - (1995, Jim Jarmusch) (Johnny Depp, Gary Farmer)
56. Mad Dog and Glory - (1993, John McNaughton) (Robert DeNiro, Bill Murray, Uma Thurman)
57. Philadelphia - (1993, Jonathan Demme) (Tom Hanks, Denzel Washington)
58. Rushmore - (1998, Wes Anderson) (Jason Schwartzman, Bill Murray)
59. Scent of a Woman - (1992, Martin Brest) (Al Pacino, Chris O'Donnell)
60. Shine - (1996, Scott Hicks) (Geoffrey Rush, Armin Mueller-Stahl)
61. Thelma and Louise - (1991, Ridley Scott) (Geena Davis, Susan Sarandon)
62. Casino - (1995, Martin Scorsese) (Robert DeNiro, Joe Pesci, Sharon Stone)
63. Deconstructing Harry - (1997, Woody Allen) (Woody Allen, Billy Crystal)
64. The Age of Innocence - (1993, Martin Scorsese) (Daniel Day Lewis, Michelle Pfeiffer)
65. The Godfather part III - (1990, Francis Ford Coppola) (Al Pacino, Diane Keaton)
66. The Sweet Hereafter - (1997, Atom Egoyan) (Ian Holm, Sarah Polley)
67. Trois Couleurs: Rouge - (1994, Krzysztof Kieslowski) (Irene Jacob, Jean-Louis Trintignant)
68. The Grifters - (1990, Stephen Frears) (John Cusak, Angelica Huston)
69. Toy Story 2 - (1999, John Lasseter, Lee Unkrich, Ash Brannon) (Tim Allen, Tom Hanks)
70. The Lion King - (1994, Roger Allers, Rob Minkoff) (Matthew Broderick, Jeremy Irons)
71. Heat - (1995) (Michael Mann, Al Pacino, Robert DeNiro)
72. Breaking the Waves - (1996, Lars von Trier) (Emily Watson, Stellan Skarsgard)
73. Secrets and Lies - (1996, Mike Leigh) (Brenda Blethyn, Marianne Jean-Baptiste)
74. American History X - (1998, Tony Kaye) (Edward Norton, Edward Furlong)
75. In the Name of the Father - (1993, Jim Sheridan) (Daniel Day Lewis, Pete Postelthwaite)
76. Groundhog Day - (1993, Harold Ramis) (Bill Murray, Andie MacDowell)
77. Miller's Crossing - (1990, Joel Coen) (Gabriel Byrne, Albert Finney)
78. Hamlet - (1996, Kenneth Branagh) (Kenneth Branagh, Derek Jacobi)
79. Babe - (1995, Chris Noonan) (James Cromwell, Christine Cavanaugh)
80. Three Kings - (1999, David O. Russell) (George Clooney, Ice Cube)
81. Eyes Wide Shut - (1999, Stanley Kubrick) (Tom Cruise, Nicole Kidman)
82. The Fisher King - (1991, Terry Gilliam) (Jeff Bridges, Robin Williams)
83. Edward Scissorhands - (1990, Tim Burton) (Johnny Depp, Winona Ryder)
84. Raise the Red Lantern - (1991, Zhang Yimou) (Gong Li, He Caifei)
85. Dazed and Confused - (1993, Richard Linklater) (Jason London, Wiley Wiggins)
86. Donnie Brasco - (1997, Mike Newell) (Al Pacino, Johnny Depp)
87. As Good As It Gets - (1997, James L. Brooks) (Helen Hunt, Jack Nicholson)
88. The Apostle - (1997, Robert Duvall) (Robert Duvall, Farrah Fawcett)
89. Princess Mononoke - (1997, Hayao Miyazaki) (Yoji Matsuda, Yuriko Ishida)
90. Out of Sight - (1998, Stephen Soderbergh) (George Clooney, Jennifer Lopez)
91. Apollo 13 - (1995, Ron Howard) (Tom Hanks, Kevin Bacon, Bill Paxton)
92. The People vs Larry Flint - (1996, Milos Forman) (Woody Harrelson, Courtney Love)
93. A Few Good Men - (1992, Rob Reiner) (Jack Nicholson, Tom Cruise)
94. Slacker - (1991, Richard Linklater) (Richard Linklater, Marc James)
95. Boogie Nights - (1997, Paul Thomas Anderson) (Mark Wahlberg, Burt Reynolds)
96. 12 Monkeys - (1995, Terry Gilliam) (Bruce Willis, Brad Pitt)
97. Jerry Maguire - (1996, Cameron Crowe) (Tom Cruise, Rene Zellweger)
98. Bob Roberts - (1992, Tim Robbins) (Tim Robbins, Brian Doyle-Murray)
99. The Last of the Mohicans - (1992, Michael Mann) (Daniel Day Lewis, Madeleine Stowe)
100. Clerks - (1994, Kevin Smith) (Brian O'Halloran, Jeff Anderson)

Leon: The Professional - (1994, Luc Besson) (Jean Reno, Natalie Portman)
The Full Monty - (1997, Peter Cattaneo) (Robert Carlyle, Mark Addy)
What's Eating Gilbert Grape - (1993, Lasse Hallstrom) (Johnny Depp, Juliette Lewis)
Waiting For Guffman - (1996, Christopher Guest) (Christopher Guest, Eugene Levy)
Chasing Amy - (1997, Kevin Smith) (Ben Affleck, Joey Lauren Adams)
Clockers - (1995, Spike Lee) (Mekhi Phifer, Harvey Keitel)
Lone Star - (1996, John Sayles) (Chris Cooper, Matthew McConaughey)
Speed - (1994, Jan de Bont) (Keanu Reeves, Sandra Bullock, Dennis Hopper)
Nobody's Fool - (1994, Robert Benton) (Paul Newman, Jessica Tandy)
Sense and Sensibility - (1995, Ang Lee) (Emma Thompson, Hugh Grant)
Bugsy - (1991, Barry Levinson) (Warren Beatty, Annette Bening)
Kundun - (1997, Martin Scorsese) (Tenzin Thuthob Tsarong, Gyurme Tethong)
Six Degrees of Separation - (1993, Fred Schepisi) (Stockard Channing, Will Smith)
Heavenly Creatures - (1995, Peter Jackson) (Kate Winslet, Melanie Lynskey)
Guarding Tess - (1994, Hugh Wilson) (Shirley MacLaine, Nicolas Cage)
Election - (1999, Alexander Payne) (Matthew Broderick, Reese Witherspoon)
Reversal of Fortune - (1990, Barbet Schroeder) (Jeremy Irons, Glenn Close)
Hero - (1992, Stephen Frears) (Dustin Hoffman, Geena Davis, Andy Garcia)
The Hunt for Red October - (1990, John McTiernan) (Sean Connery, Alec Baldwin)
Kids - (1995, Larry Clark) (Leo Fitzpatrick, Justin Pierce)
Dumb and Dumber - (1994, Peter Farrelly) (Jim Carrey, Jeff Daniels)

1. Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King - (2003, Peter Jackson) (Elijah Wood, Sean Astin)
2. City of God - (2002, Fernando Meirelles) (Jonathan Haagensen, Alexandre Rodrigues)
3. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon - (2000, Ang Lee) (Chow Yun-Fat, Michelle Yeoh)
4. The Pianist - (2002, Roman Polanski) (Adrien Brody, Frank Finlay)
5. The Departed - (2006, Martin Scorsese) (Leonardo DiCaprio, Matt Damon)
6. Mystic River - (2003, Clint Eastwood) (Sean Penn, Tim Robbins, Kevin Bacon)
7. No Country for Old Men - (2007, Ethan & Joel Coen) (Tommy Lee Jones, Javier Bardem, Josh Brolin)
8. Pan's Labyrinth - (2006, Guillermo del Toro) (Ariadna Gil, Ivana Baquero)
9. Brokeback Mountain -(2005, Ang Lee) (Heath Ledger, Jake Gyllenhaal, Michelle Williams)
10. Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Rings - (2001, Peter Jackson) (Elijah Wood, Ian McKellen)
11. There Will Be Blood - (2007, Paul Thomas Anderson) (Daniel Day-Lewis, Martin Stringer)
12. Traffic - (2000, Steven Soderbergh) (Michael Douglas, Benicio Del Toro)
13. The Diving Bell and the Butterfly - (2007, Julian Schnabel) (Mathieu Amalric, Marie-Josée Croze)
14. Gladiator - (2000, Ridley Scott) (Russell Crowe, Joaquin Phoenix)
15. Yi Yi - (2000, Edward Yang) (Wu Nien-Jen, Kelly Lee)
16. The Hurt Locker - (2009, Kathryn Bigelow) (Jeremy Renner, Anthony Mackie)
17. Letters From Iwo Jima - (2006, Clint Eastwood) (Ken Watanabe, Kazunari Ninomiya)
18. Avatar - (2009, James Cameron) (Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldana, Sigourney Weaver)
19. Mulholland Dr. - (2001, David Lynch) (Naomi Watts, Laura Elena Harring)
20. Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers - (2002, Peter Jackson) (Elijah Wood, Viggo Mortensen)
21. Children Of Men - (2006, Alfonso Cuaron) (Clive Owen, Julianne Moore)
22. Chicago - (2002, Rob Marshall) (Catherine Zeta-Jones, Renee Zellweger)
23. Slumdog Millionaire - (2008, Danny Boyle) (Dev Patel, Anil Kapoor)
24. Capote - (2005, Bennett Miller) (Philip Seymour Hoffman, Catherine Keener, Chris Cooper)
25. Lost in Translation - (2003, Sofia Coppola) (Bill Murray, Scarlett Johnansson)
26. Moulin Rouge - (2001, Baz Luhrmann) (Nicole Kidman, Ewan McGregor)
27. Sideways - (2004, Alexander Payne) (Paul Giamatti, Thomas Haden Church)
28. Spirited Away - (2001, Hayao Miyazaki) (Rumi Hiiragi, Miyu Irino)
29. A Beautiful Mind - (2001, Ron Howard) (Russell Crowe, Jennifer Connelly)
30. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - (2004, Michael Gondry) (Jim Carrey, Kate Winslet)
31. Million Dollar Baby - (2004, Clint Eastwood) (Clint Eastwood, Hilary Swank)
32. The Dark Knight - (2008, Christopher Nolan) (Christian Bale, Heath Ledger)
33. Precious - (2009, Lee Daniels) (Gabourey Sidibe, Mo'Nique, Paula Patton)
34. Crash - (2005, Paul Haggis) (Sandra Bullock, Don Cheadle, Matt Dillon)
35. Ray - (2004, Taylor Hackford) (Jamie Foxx, Kerry Washington, Regina King)
36. Gangs of New York - (2002, Martin Scorsese) (Daniel Day Lewis, Leonardo DiCaprio)
37. The Aviator - (2004, Martin Scorsese) (Leonardo Dicaprio, Cate Blanchett)
38. Munich - (2005, Munich) (Eric Bana, Geoffrey Rush, Daniel Craig)
39. Inglourious Basterds - (2009, Quentin Tarantino) (Brad Pitt, Christoph Waltz)
40. In the Mood for Love - (2000, Kar Wai Wong) (Maggie Cheung, Tony Leung Chiu Wai)
41. Shrek - (2001, Andrew Adamson) (Mike Myers, Eddie Murphy, Cameron Diaz)
42. Almost Famous - (2000, Cameron Crowe) (Patrick Fugit, Kate Hudson)
43. Memento - (2000, Christopher Nolan) (Guy Pearce, Carrie-Anne Moss)
44. Babel - (2006, Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu) (Brad Pitt, Cate Blanchett, Mohamed Akhzam)
45. Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone - (2001, Chris Columbus) (Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint)
46. Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World - (2003, Peter Weir) (Russell Crowe, Paul Bettany)
47. Talk to Her - (2002, Pedro Almodovar) (Javier Camara, Dario Grandinetti)
48. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban - (2004, Alfonso Cuaron) (Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint)
49. Cinderella Man - (2005, Ron Howard) (Russell Crowe, Paul Giamatti)
50. Adaptation - (2002, Spike Jonze) (Nicolas Cage, Meryl Streep)
51. Up - (2009, Pete Docter) (Animated - Edward Asner, Christopher Plummer)
52. The Hours - (2002, Stephen Daldry) (Nicole Kidman, Meryl Streep)
53. Pride & Prejudice - (2005, Joe Wright) (Keira Knightley, Donald Sutherland)
54. Dancer in the Dark - (2000, Lars von Trier) (Bjork, Catherine Deneuve)
55. Hotel Rwanda - (2004, Terry George) (Don Cheadle, Joaquin Phoenix)
56. Walk the Line - (2005, James Mangold) (Joaquin Phoenix, Reese Witherspoon)
57. O Brother, Where Art Thou? - (2000, Joel Coen) (George Clooney, John Turturro)
58. Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl - (2003, G. Verbinski) (Johnny Depp, G. Rush)
59. Gosford Park - (2001, Robert Altman) (Maggie Smith, Michael Gambon)
60. Good Night and Good Luck - (2005, G. Clooney) (David Strathairn, George Clooney, Patricia Clarkson)
61. Little Miss Sunshine - (2006, Jonathan Dayton) (Greg Kinnear, Alan Arkin)
62. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - (2002, Chris Columbus) (Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint)
63. Oldboy - (2003, Chan-wook Park) (Min-sik Choi, Ji-tae Yu)
64. Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith - (2005, G. Lucas) (Hayden Christensen, Ewan McGregor)
65. Seabiscuit - (2003, Gary Ross) (Tobey Maguire, Jeff Bridges)
66. The Class - (2007, Ilmar Raag) (Vallo Kirs, Pärt Uusberg)
67. 4 Months, 3 Weeks, and 2 Days - (2007, Cristian Mungiu) (Anamaria Marinca, Laura Vasiliu)
68. Crazy Heart - (2009, Scott Cooper) (Jeff Bridges, Maggie Gyllenhaal)
69. The Passion of the Christ - (2004, Mel Gibson) (James Caviezel, Monica Bellucci)
70. Spider Man 2 - (2004, Sam Raimi) (Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst)
71. The Royal Tenenbaums - (2001, Wes Anderson) (Ben Stiller, Gene Hackman)
72. Atonement - (2007, Joe Wright) (Keira Knightley, James McAvoy)
73. WALL-E - (2008, Andrew Stanton) (voices- Ben Burtt, Elissa Knight, Fred Willard)
74. Before Night Falls - (2000, Julian Schnabel) (Javier Bardem, Olivier Martinez)
75. Kill Bill Vol. 1 - (2003, Quentin Tarantino) (Uma Thurman, Vivica A. Fox)
76. Kill Bill Vol. 2 - (2004, Quentin Tarantino) (Uma Thurman, David Carradine)
77. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - (2008, David Fincher) (Brad Pitt, Cate Blanchett)
78. 21 Grams - (2003, Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu) (Sean Penn, Naomi Watts)
79. Amelie - (2001, Jean-Pierre Jeunet) (Audrey Tautou, Mathieu Kassovitz)
80. Frost/Nixon - (2008, Ron Howard) (Frank Langella, Michael Sheen)
81. Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street - (2007, T. Burton) (Johnny Depp, Helena B. Carter)
82. Donnie Darko - (2001, Richard Kelly) (Jake Gyllenhaal, Mary McDonnell)
83. Collateral - (2004, Michael Mann) (Tom Cruise, Jamie Foxx, Dennis Farina)
84. Spider Man - (2002, Sam Raimi) (Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst)
85. The Wrestler - (2008, Darren Aronofsky) (Mickey Rourke, Marisa Tomei)
86. Monster's Ball - (2001, Marc Forster) (Billy Bob Thornton, Halle Berry)
87. Black Hawk Down - (2001, Ridley Scott) (Josh Hartnett, Ewan McGregor)
88. In the Bedroom - (2001, Todd Field) (Tom Wilkinson, Sissy Spacek)
89. Cast Away - (2000, Robert Zemeckis) (Tom Hanks, Helen Hunt)
90. The Blind Side - (2009, John Lee Hancock) (Sandra Bullock, Quinton Aaron)
91. A History of Violence - (2005, David Cronenberg) (Viggo Mortensen, Maria Bello, Ed Harris)
92. The Others - (2001, Alejandro Amenabar) (Nicole Kidman, Christopher Eccleston)
93. Finding Nemo - (2003, Andrew Stanton) (Albert Brooks, Alexander Gould)
94. The Prestige - (2006, Christopher Nolan) (Hugh Jackman, Christian Bale)
95. Before Sunset - (2004, Richard Linklater) (Ethan Hawke, Julie Delpy)
96. Cold Mountain - (2003, Anthony Minghella) (Nicole Kidman, Jude Law, Renée Zellweger)
97. Erin Brockovich - (2000, Steven Soderbergh) (Julia Roberts, Albert Finney)
98. An Education - (2009, Lone Scherfig) (Carey Mulligan, Olivia Williams)
99. Finding Neverland - (2004, Marc Forster) (Johnny Depp, Kate Winslet)
100. The Constant Gardener - (2005, Fernando Meirelles) (Ralph Fiennes, Rachel Weisz, Hubert Koundé)

Requiem for a Dream - (2000, Darren Aronofsky) (Ellen Burstyn, Jared Leto)
Batman Begins - (2005, Christopher Nolan) (Christian Bale, Michael Caine)
Sin City - (2005, Robert Rodriquez, Frank Miller) (Bruce Willis, Jessica Alba)
Iron Man - (2008, Jon Favreau) (Robert Downey Jr., Terrence Howard)
Far From Heaven - (2002, Todd Haynes) (Dennis Quaid, Julianne Moore)
You Can Count on Me - (2000, Kenneth Lonergan) (Laura Linney, Mark Ruffalo)
Ratatouille - (2007, Brad Bird) (Voices of Patton Oswalt, Ian Holm, Peter O'Toole, Janeane Garofalo)
100. American Splendor - (2003, Shari Springer Berman, Robert Pulcini) (Paul Giamatti, Hope Davis)
Syriana - (2005, Stephen Gaghan) (George Clooney, Matt Damon)
Apocalypto - (2006, Mel Gibson) (Rudy Youngblood, Dalia Hernández)
Quills - (2000, Philip Kaufman) (Geoffrey Rush, Kate Winslet, Michael Caine)
Sexy Beast - (2000, Jonathan Glazer) (Ben Kingsley, Ray Winstone)
Up in the Air - (2009, Jason Reitman) (George Clooney, Vera Farmiga)
V for Vendetta - (2005, James McTeigue) (Hugo Weaving, Natalie Portman, John Hurt)
Ali - (2001, Michael Mann) (Will Smith, Jamie Foxx, Giancarlo Esposito, Jada Pinkett Smith)
Minority Report - (2002, Steven Spielberg) (Tom Cruise, Colin Farrell)
The Reader - (2008, Stephen Daldry) (Kate Winslet, Ralph Fiennes)
Blood Diamond - (2006, Edward Zwick) (Leonardo DiCaprio, Djimon Hounsou, Jennifer Connelly)
About Schmidt - (2002, Alexander Payne) (Jack Nicholson, Kathy Bates)
Michael Clayton - (2007, Tony Gilroy) (George Clooney, Tom Wilkinson, Michael O'Keefe)
American Psycho - (2000, Mary Harron) (Christian Bale, Willem Dafoe)
Monster - (2003, Patty Jenkins) (Charlize Theron, Christina Ricci)
Frida - (2002, Jule Taymor) (Salma Hayek, Geoffrey Rush, Antonio Banderas)
District 9 - (2009, Neill Blomkamp) (Sharlto Copley, Jason Cope, Nathalie Boltt)
United 93 - (2006, Paul Greengrass) (J.J. Johnson, Polly Adams)
Waltz With Bashir - (2008, Ari Folman) (voice - Ron Ben-Yishai, Ronny Dayag)
Juno - (2007, Jason Reitman) (Ellen Page, Michael Cera, Jennifer Garner)
Best in Show - (2000, Christopher Guest) (Eugene Levy, Catherine O'Hara)
The 25th Hour - (2002, Spike Lee) (Edward Norton, Barry Pepper)
Amores Perros - (2000, Alejandro Gonzalez) (Emilio Echavarrio, Gael Garcia Bernal)
Quantum of Solace - (2008, Marc Forster) (Daniel Craig, Olga Kurylenko, Judi Dench)
Shrek 2 - (2004, Andrew Adamson) (Mike Myers, Eddie Murphy)
War of the Worlds - (2005, Steven Spielberg) (Tom Cruise, Tim Robbins)
Y Tu Mama Tambien - (2001, Alfonso Cuaron) (Maribel Verdu, Gael Garcia Bernal)
Catch Me If You Can - (2002, Steven Spielberg) (Tom Hanks, Leonardo DiCaprio)
In America - (2002, Jim Sheridan) (Samantha Morton, Djimon Hounsou)
A Serious Man - (2009, Ethan & Joel Coen) (Michael Stuhlbarg, Richard Kind)
Chocolat - (2000, Lasse Hallstrom) (Johnny Depp, Juliette Binoche)
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest - (2006, Gore Verbinski) (Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom)
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End - (2007, Gore Verbinski) (Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom)
Punch-Drunk Love - (2002, Paul Thomas Anderson) (Adam Sandler, Emily Watson)
Garden State - (2004, Zach Braff) (Zach Braff, Natalie Portman)
The Bourne Identity - (2002, Doug Liman) (Matt Damon, Franka Potente)
Invictus - (2009, Clint Eastwood) (Morgan Freeman, Matt Damon)
Zodiac - (2007, David Fincher) (Jake Gyllenhaal, Mark Ruffalo)
Dreamgirls - (2006, Bill Condon) (Eddie Murphy, Jennifer Hudson)
Big Fish - (2003, Tim Burton) (Ewan McGregor, Albert Finney)
The Queen - (2006, Stephen Frears) (Helen Mirren, James Cromwell, Michael Sheen)
The Illusionist - (2006, Neil Burger) (Edward Norton, Jessica Biel, Paul Giamatti)
About a Boy - (2002, Chris Weitz, Paul Weitz) (Hugh Grant, Nicholas Hoult)
Rabbit-Proof Fence - (2002, Phillip Noyce) (Kenneth Branagh, Everlyn Sampi)
The Man Who Wasn't There - (2001, Joel Coen) (Billy Bob Thornton, Frances McDormand)
Borat - (2006, Larry Charles) (Sacha Baron Cohen, Ken Davitian)
The House of Sand and Fog - (2003, Vadim Perelman) (Ben Kingsley, Jennifer Connelly)
High Fidelity - (2000, Stephen Frears) (John Cusak, Jack Black)
Casino Royale - (2005, Martin Campbell) (Daniel Craig, Eva Green)
Kinsey - (2004, Bill Condon) (Liam Neeson, Laura Linney, Chris O'Donnell)
Training Day - (2001, Antoine Fuqua) (Denzel Washington, Ethan Hawke)
I'm Not There - (2007, Todd Haynes) (Cate Blanchett, Christian Bale, Heath Ledger)
Kingdom of Heaven - (2005, Ridley Scott) (Orlando Bloom, Jeremy Irons)
Ghost World - (2001, Terry Zwigoff) (Scarlett Johansson, Thora Birch, Steve Buscemi)
Elizabeth: The Golden Age - (2007, Shekhar Kapur) (Cate Blanchett, Clive Owen)
King Kong - (2005, Peter Jackson) (Naomi Watts, Jack Black)
X2: X-Men United - (2003, Bryan Singer) (Huge Jackman, Patrick Stewart)
Closer - (2004, Mike Nichols) (Jude Law, Julia Roberts, Natalie Portman, Clive Owen)
Across the Universe - (2007, Julie Taymor) (Jim Sturgess, Evan Rachel Wood, Dana Fuchs)
Chicken Run - (2000, Nick Park) (Voices - Mel Gibson, Julia Sawalha, Miranda Richardson)
Pay It Forward -(2000, Mimi Leder) (Kevin Spacey, Helen Hunt, Haley Joel Osment)
Bad Santa - (2003, Terry Zwigoff) (Billy Bob Thornton, Tony Cox, Lauren Graham)

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