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March 26, 2018

Professor Betty Kennan

Faculty & Internship Coordinator
School of Communication
Radford University – Box 6932
College of Humanities & Behavioral Sciences
Office 2123
Radford, VA 24142

Dear Mrs. Kennan

In this email I will tell you that my purpose is to pledge the Radford University Honor Code.

I shall uphold the values and ideals of Radford University by engaging in

responsible behavior and striving always to be accoutnable for my actions
while holding myself and others to the highest moral and ethical standards
of academic intergirity and good citizenship as defined in the Standrads.

I applied the Honor Code in preparation for this week’s exams by making sure I completed all of
my own work. I put time aside last week and the beginning of this week to customize my own study
cards. I even made sure I e-mailed you to make sure my notecards were in good standing.

There were some vocabulary that I studied that wasn’t on the exam, but that was to be expected—
seeing as there were so many potential vocabulary words to be tested on. Some of the terms
included short-term orientintation and long term orintation, which in short referred to shor-term and
long-term goals for the company you work for.

I hope I appropiately prepared enough to pass both exams.


Morgan Johnson
“I didn’t come there far, to only come this far.”


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