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The Reception of Vatican II - Matthew Lamb

Mass Misunderstandings: The Mixed Legacy of the Vatican II Liturgical Reforms -

Kenneth D. Whitehead

The New Ecumenism: How the Catholic Church After Vatican II Took Over the
Leadership of the World Ecumenical Movement - Kenneth D. Whitehead

An Introduction to Vatican II as an Ongoing Theological Event (Sacra Doctrina) -

Matthew Levering

Vatican II: The Myth and the Reality - Avery Dulles

The Social Teaching of Vatican II - Rodger Charles

Vatican II: The Battle for Meaning - Massimo Faggioli

The Legacy of Vatican II - Massimo Faggioli

The Rising Laity: Ecclesial Movements since Vatican II - Massimo Faggioli

What Happened at Vatican II - John W. O'Malley

The Second Vatican Ecumenical Council: A Counterpoint for the History of the
Council - Agostino Marchetto

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