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Superb Pamela V.

Tadeja April 8,2018

Camp Half Blood


El Consejo HUMSS

Sypnosis: This is my classmate’s real life story. She was once a victim of sexual harassment and
up to now, she’s always suffering from anxiety and depression. Whenever she goes to our
school,it is not questionable why is she crying. Her story once won in a one-act play held in
our school. She’s now with her Aunt.

Satan’s Laughing

I’m not a toy, I’m a human

I’m not a pet, I’m a human

What’s wrong with you?

Or am I the one who’s bad for you?

I’m living with pleasance and felicity

With happiness and family who’s goldenly

We’re once fortunate but it turned suddenly

I can still remember my 11th birthday in Italy

Pizzas, lasagnas and shoppings stuffs are presented on me

My father kisses me, my mother hugs me

Everyday, I can feel their love for me

Until it was completely shattered.

It was my birthday when I received the largest box in my whole life

It made me cry for days,for years until I die

Upon seeing my generous father resting and laying inside of it

That he’s not sleeping and he’s not breathing

and that’s the greatest hit.

The hit that devastated me because he’s no longer here

It gripped my heart as it was crushed by a gear

And my minds fading, aching decaying

And my soul’s crying, sobbing and dying

My mom left me and she went far

She left me with my step father who’s always in a bar

He always abuse and play me like a scrap

He can control me in just a single snap

I can’t sleep, I can’t eat, I can’t live like this

He opened my thighs, shackled my hands and started it

It made me cry for days for years until I die

I’m all good, I’m loving and angelic, but why?

He molested me, kissed me and played with my body

I can’t do anything but follow his cruelty

He locked me in a room and enters whenever he want

He gives me trash foods but father you’re all I want

I want to scream for anxiety and depression because it’s traumatizing

God,why? Help me because I’m dying.

One day, my mom returned but she’s crazy

She’s insane and mentally dead

It kills me and it ruins

If only he’s here,I’d be happy

If only he’s here, then all of these would be flushed

If only my father ‘s here, then I will not be played,

Not molested and not treated like a pet

I was once happy but now it’s all gone.

Lavender reeces

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