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1. Derive the Bernoulli`s formula using steady flow equation

2. Pump - It is a machine which converts mechanical energy into hydraulic energy to move liquid
from one place to another place.
3. Pressure head - represents the flow energy of a column of fluid whose weight is equivalent to
the pressure of the fluid.
4. Velocity head - the velocity of a fluid expressed in terms of the head or static pressure
required to produce that velocity.
5. Elevation head - The elevation head represents the potential energy of a fluid due to its
elevation above a reference level.
6. Total head - The sum of the elevation head, velocity head, and pressure head of a fluid.
7. Water power - the power latent in a dynamic or static head of water as used to drive machinery,
esp. for generating electricity

8. Brake power - This is the power output of any engine measured at the engine's flywheel
Brake horsepower (bhp) is the measure of an engine's horsepower without the loss in power
caused by the gearbox, generator, differential, water pump and other auxiliaries.
9. Pump efficiency - is defined as the ratio of water horsepower output from the pumpto the
shaft horsepower input for the pump. Water horsepower is determined by the flow rate and
pressure delivered from the pump.
10. Motor efficiency - the ratio between power output (mechanical) and power input (electrical).
Mechanical power output is calculated based on the torque and speed required (i.e. power
required to move the object attached to the motor), and electrical power input is calculated
based on voltage and current supplied to the motor.
11. Overall efficiency - The extent to which power is transferred from source to load under
specified conditions. It is usually stated as the ratio of power emitted or supplied by the source,
to the power absorbed or consumed by the load.

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