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Actividad Guía de Aprendizaje 2

Evidencia 8: Video “My job”

Presentado por:
Luis Gil Martinez

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje/Sena


Table of Contents

1. Word document …………………………………………………………………...4

In the variables of the market research, we were able to show the preferences and
consumption habits of the Ecuadorian market.
In the development of this evidence, the conclusions of this activity will be presented.

1. Word document with the conclusions of the technical evidence #7 in two
paragraphs in English.
The market research that was developed had a farther reach than it was initially intended,
when we started the project we assessed three Products, of which handbags had the higher
However, when we started the market strategy and the surveys, we saw the need to change,
because we would not be successfull exporting handbags as a luxury item to Ecuador, being
these a highly supported product by the Ecuadorian government, and one that has had a
large rise in the market in the Last years.
Because of this, all of our focus turned to women's clothes, women's jeans to be precise.
Our project, Lilac Jeans, Did a survey on the Northside of Quito, cumbaya valley, and Los
Chillos Valley; eventhough we Did expect a Good level of acceptance, we never thought
that our satisfaction levels Would reach almost 93% like it Did. This has filled us with
satisfaction and a boost of confidence in our work.


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