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Dr. Ángel Galdón Rodríguez



I was on the bus when I got a text message. I was going to work that day because I
had found a job in Decathlon. The bus was full of people but I was happy
because it was my birthday.

My sister sent me a text. It said that we couldn’t celebrate the birthday because the
dog was ill. Later, I told my boss that I had to go to the veterinary.

Suddenly, my boss called me. I had an important meeting in his office. The office
was full of wonderful friends and relatives! It was a great surprise party!

Do! Don’t!
Connectors: after that – later – suddenly – Verbs have a subject? IS-ARE-WAS-WERE
then - finally Adjectives in the singular?
Past continuous Used THE in general?
Past perfect Used FOR incorrectly?
Nice adjectives Used commas incorrectly?

Task #1: Write a story of around 100 words starting with this sentence:

I was on the bus when I got a text message.

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