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Dear Sir,
I hereby request the synopsis of following projects: AU050; AU049; AU273; AU270;
AU267; AU266; AU260; AU258; AU257; AU256; AU254; AU252; AU249; AU242; AU241; AU240;
AU228; AU223; AU215; AU217; AU211; AU200; AU190; AU187; AU185; AU176; AU169; AU137;
AU119; AU112; AU111; AU110; AU107; AU099; AU078; AU061; AU021; AU014; AU005; AU001;

AU001 Fabrication of Foldable all wheel drive bicycle

AU005 Energy-harvesting shock absorber with a mechanical motion rectifier

Dear Sir,
I hereby request the synopsis of following projects: TH016; TH019; TH024; TH028;
TH035; TH036; TH053; TH061; TH081; TH092; TH103; TH104; TH106; TH120; TH128; TH129;

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