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Sophokle Krongo

Ms. O’Keefe

A.P English Literature

An analysis of power and how it overtakes who you are.

Things Fall​ Apart was written by Chinua Achebe in 1958. Raised by his folks

within the lgbo city of Ogidi in southeastern African country. He became fascinated with

world religions and ancient African cultures, and commenced writing stories as a college

student.Achebe's novels target the traditions of Nigerian society, the impact of Christian

influences, and therefore the clash of Western and ancient African values throughout

and when the colonial era. His vogue depends heavily on the Nigerian oral tradition, and

combines simple narration with representations of folks stories, proverbs, and speech.

All this helps Achebe to write ​Things Fall Apart ​which tracks Okonkwo life as a warrior

who has big shoes to fill after he takes leadership from his father. His drive to flee the

heritage of his father leads him to be loaded, courageous, and powerful among the

individuals of his village. he's a pacesetter of his village, and he has earned a foothold in

his society that he has striven all his life. Okonkwo mind set and fear is begin weak or

not begin powerful. The theme that will be explored in this video is the idea that power

overtakes/changes who you are.

In the close to starting of the novel, Okonkwo was tasked with taking care of a

baby was given to the kinship group as a sacrifice. This child, Ikemefuna, lives with

Okonkwo and his family for concerning three years. once those three years of Okonkwo

and Ikemefuna developing a bond, Okonkwo is told that it's time for Ikemefuna to be

sacrificed. Okonkwo was conjointly told to not participate of within the murder of her

“adoptive” son, as a result of “the boy calls you father”. He ignores this recommendation

and takings to be the one deals the ultimate blow required to finish Ikemefuna’s life.

Okonkwo believed that if he didn’t participate within the sacrifice, that he would be

thought of weak, or lacking the masculinity to try to to what's necessary. This incident is

what actually begins Okonkwo’s path to self control. It is also the primary time that the

reader actually sees however unmerciful Okonkwo is. To murder one’s adoptive son to

just impress and maintain position, one should not care concerning any of the bond that

was created. This incident was the lighting of the match that's the downfall of Okonkwo.

Okonkwo’s thirst to prove himself powerful junction rectifier him to commit a alarming

act. This act junction rectifier to many psychological ailments, the text states “Okonkwo

knew she was not speaking the truth. He walked back to his obi to await Ojiugo’s return.

And when she returned he beat her very heavily. In his anger he had forgotten that it

was the week of Peace” (Achebe 29). This excerpt solely shows a part of the results

that Okonkwo’s actions had on himself. As a result of Okonkwo didn’t need to look

weak, and lose power in his kinship group, he killed his adoptive son. This action clearly

affected him psychologically as he couldn't eat, taste, or maybe operate commonly for

quite some whereas. And this was solely the start of his issues.
After this incident, Okonkwo is banished for accidentally killing the son of the previous

kinship group leader at his ceremonial. The exile lasts seven years, and once he returns

he's greeted back in his home by many missionaries are attempting to convert the

village into Christians. He's met by adult male.Brown, a form and well-liked missionary,

has done a great deal for the village as well as building a hospital and a faculty. He

sadly doesn't last long, as he gets sick and gets replaced with Reverend Smith.

Reverend Smith is far less compassionate than adult male.Brown. once the village

burns down the church in getting even for one in every of the missionaries disrespecting

one in every of the ceremonies, the leaders of the village as well as Okonkwo area unit

occupied, crushed and not unfettered till the village paid a fine. Simply by knowing

however Okonkwo is, it will be inferred that he wasn't reaching to like that since it might

be like getting rid of his power. Okonkwo states “ who wants to kill the white man”

(Achebe 195). This clearly shows however Okonkwo, where as being mad that he was

being chastised by a gaggle of individuals aren’t speculated to have power within the

village. Okonkwo harvested this anger, and ultimately discharged it at consequent

village meeting, wherever he killed a missionary. The White whose power you recognize

too well has ordered this meeting to prevent in an exceedingly flash Okonkwo actor his

matchet. The traveller huddled to avoid the blow it absolutely was useless. Okonkwo’s

matchet descended doubly and also the man’s head lay beside his clad body” (Achebe

204). Okonkwo’s unhealthy hunger to be the one in power, has once more caused him

to create a questionable call. It nearly sounds like this ought to be powerful, blinds

Okonkwo and takes over his body to the purpose wherever he has no management
over what he will. This second incident directly results in the fruits of Okonkwo’s power

hungry path.

Once Okonkwo realizes that none of his village members can visit war with him,

he is aware of that he can die whereas attempting to fight the opposite missionaries and

messengers. Okonkwo is aware of that dying at the hands of the missionaries whom he

currently despises, would be just like dying with no honor. Okonkwo, so as to die with all

of the ability that he had in his kinship group, decides to kill himself. Achebe wrote “...

they skirted around the compound, keeping on the point of the wall. the sole sound they

created was with their feet as they crushed dry leaves.”Because I know he is a coward,”

(Achebe 202). Okonkwo was this blind that he believed suicide, would be higher than to

be taken by the missionaries and lose his power/image in his tribe. To be fair, it sounds

like it worked, “ Obierika, had been gazing steady at his friend’s support body, turned

suddenly to the District Commissioner and same ferociously: “When he has been buried

we will then do our duty by him. We shall make sacrifices to cleanse the desecrated

land.” (Achebe 208).

In the end, Okonkwo was blind by his thirst and he couldn't management his

actions. His actions junction rectifier him to commit murders and immoral actions that

ultimately all over together with his end. The theme of being power hungry can result in

changing who you are exemplified with Okonkwo’s story because it actually did finish

with Okonkwo and how the power over took and changed himself.

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