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Cô Nguyễn Quỳnh Trang Thành tích học tập và giảng dạy

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 Từng là Phó Trưởng Bộ Môn Chất Lượng
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 Có rất nhiều học sinh đạt điểm THPT IELTS,
 Có nhiều em sinh viên đạt giải NCKH, có
nhiều em bảo vệ thạc sỹ thành công do cô
hướng dẫn.

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GV: Nguyễn Quỳnh Trang

Các em thân mến, khi nhận được câu hỏi của IELTS writing task 2, các em cần đọc kĩ câu hỏi
chứ không phải đọc lướt và chỉ chú ý đến những từ khóa – key words – để hiểu toàn bộ câu hỏi.
Sau đó, các em cần gạch chân hoặc khoanh tròn các key words. Điều này sẽ giúp các em tập
trung vào những gì mà bạn cần viết. Đồng thời, hãy nghĩ đến những từ đồng nghĩa – synonyms
– của các từ khóa này bởi khi bạn viết bài, các em không thể mang y nguyên những gì trong
câu hỏi vào bài viết của mình, nếu như vậy, các em sẽ bị trừ điểm. Ngoài ra, phần mở bài phải
nếu tóm tắt được những ý chính trong phần thân bài. Phần thân bài chỉ cần 2 đến 3 ý chính,
không được quá lan man, và quan trọng nhất là mỗi ý chính cần được chứng minh rõ ràng,
mạnh lạc bằng những ví dụ cụ thể. Sau đây là những đề bài task 2 mà cô Trang đã theo dõi và
sưu tập lại cho các em. Mỗi đề đều có bài mẫu đã được điểm cao để các em tham khảo. Tuy
nhiên, bài mẫu chỉ là 1 trong những cách tiếp cận, các em có thể có nhiều cách tiếp cận khác

Đề thi IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 09/07/2016

Đề bài: Studies have suggested that children watch much more television than they did in the
past and spend less time on active or creative things. What are the reasons and what measures
should be taken to encourage children to spend more time on active or creative things.

Model Answer 1:
Nowadays, TV and smart phone have become the main sources of entertainment and spending
leisure time for most of the children. In fact, most children are addicted to TV than doing
meaningful or creative activities. As far as my opinion is concerned, I strongly believe that the
availability of huge number of channels, easy access to satellite TV channels, lack of proper
guideline and the lack of ambition in children are the main reasons behind the children's'
inactivity and less participation in creative tasks.
It is taken for granted that children watch TV all the time due to the availability of various
channels with diverse means of entertainment which appeal to them. Moreover, watching TV has
become a permanent habit without which children would get bored and uninterested.
Consequently, children will not be enthusiastic in doing anything creative owing to their addiction
to TV. For example, my child is 6 years of age. He is used to spending his time on watching TV
rather than on creating or making new things. I have been endeavoring to let him active and do
new things, but unfortunately he always refuses to do so. This is surely because he is
accustomed to this habit since his tender age. Again, bygone are the days when a small
percentage of households in a country owned TV sets. On the contrary these days a single family
owns more than one TV and all of them have satellite connections. Moreover, children these - Học để khẳng định mình 2 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98

GV: Nguyễn Quỳnh Trang

days can watch TV programmes from their smart phones using internet. The easy access to TV
channels has made them prone to watch it more.
Another reason which deprives children of doing creative activities or new things is the lack of
ambition and encouragement. Unfortunately, most of the parents do not motivate or encourage
their children on what children do or intend to do. For example, my niece seems to be a
pessimistic child because whenever she does or intends to do anything, her parents neglect her
instead of encouraging and appraising her.
However, children can reduce the hours spent on watching TV and utilise those hours in doing
creative or active things. If highly encouraged and motivated, children are expected to engage in
those useful works and be accustomed to doing creative and effective activities, no matter how
difficult or complex those works or activities are. Again teachers in school should also motive
them to get involved in creative works. Parents should allow children to watch suitable TV
programmes for a certain period of time each day and they should also get involved in different
activities to set example for their children. Consequently, children will be highly effective and
proficient when they become adult and this surely is attributed to their past useful experience.
To conclude, children spend much time watching TV because of the easy access of numerous
channels and the lack of zeal to do useful things. To eradicate this phenomenon, children must
be motivated, guided and mentored.
[Written by - Abdulaziz Alharthi]
Model Answer 2:
Laurence J. Peter has rightly said that 'Television has changed the child from an irresistible force
to an immovable object.' After coming home from school, children spend a lot of time in watching
TV instead of playing outdoor games and pursuing other creative hobbies like in the olden days.
In the following paragraphs, I shall discuss the causes of this phenomenon and also suggest
some ways forward.
The first and foremost cause of this is that due to the satellite TV, this medium is available all the
time. So much so, that some channels are exclusively dedicated to children. This has made it
very easy for the parents who use TVs as baby sitters. Secondly, parents are busy to cope with
the demands of the fast paced life of today and after coming home after a hectic days work do
not have the energy to spend time with their children. In earlier times, there were very few
programs for children and because of slower life, even parents spent time with children.
Furthermore, earlier there were joint families and grandparents were there to look after children
and encourage them to play in parks. Nowadays, there are nuclear families and children are left
alone which makes them spend time by watching TV. Finally, the cities have become concrete - Học để khẳng định mình 3 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98

GV: Nguyễn Quỳnh Trang

jungles and there is no place for children to play outdoor games. On top of that, the climate
changes brought about by global warming make it difficult to pursue outdoor games.
The solutions are simple but the onus is largely on the parents. They should give quality time to
their children and ration their TV viewing hours. Even the time to play video games should be set
properly. Outdoor activities should be encouraged and neighborhood societies should be formed
where children can play outdoor games with each other. Parks should be maintained properly so
that children have a safe place to play outdoors.
In conclusion, I believe that, television and video games, in moderation, can be a good thing.
However, excess of everything is bad and therefore I believe parents should set viewing limits to
ensure their children do not spend too much time watching TV and pursue other creative
activities like they did in the earlier times.

Đề thi IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 18/06/2016

Task 2: Cycling is more environmentally friendly than other forms of transport. Why is it not
popular in many places? And how to increase its popularity?

Sample 1:
The unpopularity of using bicycle in numerous places has been brought into question although
there is little doubt about its friendly effects on the environment compared to cars or airplanes.
The reasons for this are varied and several feasible solutions would be proposed in the essay
There are two main underlying explanations for the uncommon use of bicycles. Firstly, it would
consume a considerable amount of time to travel by this means of transport, which, according to
many, justifies the price of potential environmental damage caused by other types of vehicles.
This is because it fails to benefit dwellers of major cities in particular when their pace of working
life would eclipse the values of using bicycles to the environment. Secondly, modern people are
becoming less concerned about the negative impact that their daily use of cars and public
transportation would inflict on their surroundings. Therefore, it is rather impractical to expect
cycling in cities, or even the countryside.
The government play a vital role in encouraging the use of this environmentally friendly vehicle.
They could conduct monthly green days that by law require citizens to cycle to work to get people
involved in protecting their environment. In the long term, such an initiative would help to
gradually form a habit of cycling among occupied individuals. More importantly, propagation via
various means of media along with optional courses about the advantages of cycling to the
environment at schools seem imperative to heighten social awareness of this matter. - Học để khẳng định mình 4 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98

GV: Nguyễn Quỳnh Trang

In conclusion, cycling, regardless of its positive influences on the environment, has become a
rare picture in the modern world for a number of reasons; and the government should take
immediate actions to improve this situation.
Sample 2:
In our contemporary life, increasing the bike using has been one of the most useful ways to
protect the living condition caused by the carbon dioxide emission from the moving engines like
cars or motorbikes. It is true that the method has not been pervasive in many places of the world.
This trend has been resulted by several causes and the government can take steps to mitigate
these to occur.
As the economy develop, several sources of reasons can be attributed. First and foremost, this
method of travelling is quite inconvenient in the big cities where people have to move a long
distance to workplace from their place. In addition, the authority maybe failure to convince his
residents ride bike when they have enough economic condition to purchase cars, especially in
the developed countries. While the number of cars use increase, the space for bike riders would
be decrease. Finally, people do not put the using bike as the environmental solution or they are
not educated about the importance of protecting the fresh air by the small action like cycling.
There are several actions that the government could take to solve the problems describe above.
Firstly, the authority should improve the public transport system such as underground, bus or
train net that gather residents in several stations, which is convenient for riding bike to go there.
Another solution could be seen by automatic hiring bicycles appears everywhere that people can
combine public traffic, walking and cycling. Secondly, the government should invest in education
regarding environment protection. People should be aware of the importance of their small
actions on general environment. Therefore, not only they respect cycling even though they are
affordable to buy the private cars, they also the huge drivers for the next generations.
In conclusion, various measures can be taken to tackle the problems, which are certain to arise
due to the mentioned reasons. It is recommended that investigation on public traffic and
education are the positive solutions that the government could concern.
Đề thi IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 28/05/2016
Nowadays, young people admire sports stars though they often do not set a good
example. Do you think this is a positive or negative development?

Sample 1:
The admiration young people hold for celebrities is not a new phenomenon. Throughout/During
history, youths have been inspired by people with outstanding athletic ability. It is argued that this
admiration brings with it more positive than negative issues/ramifications. This will be proven by
looking at how sports figures both instill inspiration and teach life lessons to young people. - Học để khẳng định mình 5 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98

GV: Nguyễn Quỳnh Trang

Firstly, celebrities often display extremely developed skills, which can help to spur young people
towardsbeing/a life full of physically active. For instance, school children are often driven to
exercise in an attempt to become/emulate superstars, such as Sachin Tendulkar, Li Na and Kobe
Bryant. As this additional exercise is good for their health, it is difficult to argue that the inspiration
celebrities leave upon young people is entirely a bad thing. Thus, this shows that the admiration
people hold for sports stars has positive implications/reasons.
Although the negative character figures/traits of many sports celebrities are often called into
question, it is felt the public mistakes professional athletes make can act as good morality
lessons for young people. A good exhibition/image of this occurred when Canadian runner Ben
Johnson dishonorably lost an Olympic gold medal due to steroid use. This incident showed
young people around the world that drug use is a shameful practice. As this example illustrates/is
shown, often the public errors athletes commit can act as good lessons for adolescents.
After looking at the above, it is felt to hold athletes in esteem does not bring with it entirely
negative consequences. It is assumed the historical admiration people will retain/retain for sports
stars is not going to change into the foreseeable future.
Sample 2:
In the modern society, youngsters often look up to well-known entertainers and athletes. Many
people believe that these celebrities are not good role models for young individuals. Thus, they
are concerned about the influence of such admiration. From my perspective, whether that
idolization is beneficial or detrimental depends merely on the young generation's attitudes.
On the one hand, youngsters' adoration towards celebrities can bring about several positive
effects to themselves. First of all, individuals who are selective will filter out all the negative
characteristics and only opt for good traits in famous figures to emulate. This consciousness
ensures that adolescents will not blindly reduplicate improper actions from celebrities. For
example, even though singer Michael Jackson was involved in several allegations, his talent,
perseverance and work ethic still inspire many youngsters around the world. Secondly, teenagers
can also take valuable lessons from their idols' mistakes. Since celebrities' actions are often
publicized, adolescents have the opportunities to observe various examples of misconducts and
learn from them. For instance, upon hearing the doping accusation of Louis Armstrong, many of
the biker's fans realize that there is no shortcut which leads to success and honesty should be of
paramount importance.
On the second hand, idolizing entertainers and sportsmen may result in adverse effects. To
begin with, since most adolescents are malleable, bad examples from celebrities can develop
moral issues in them. Many teenagers who look up to Hollywood figures such as Paris Hilton
believe that they should pursue a glamorous, material life with parties and nightclubs. Other - Học để khẳng định mình 6 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98

GV: Nguyễn Quỳnh Trang

celebrities like Kim Kardashian present a wrong message to the young generation, suggesting
that using scandals and PR stunts are the most effective methods to gain attention and be
successful. Furthermore, there are considered to be better role models for the young to hold in
high regards, such as activists or philanthropists. However, the popularity of celebrities may sway
teenagers' interest away from these individuals. To be more specific, many teenagers do not care
much about politics and other social issues since their attention is solely devoted to entertaining
All things considered, I believe that the adoration which youngsters dedicate to media and sports
stars have both strengths and weaknesses. While this admiration allows youngsters to emulate
celebrities' good traits and draw a lesson from their mishaps, it also develops moral issues in
them and takes the spotlight away from the more deserving role models.
Sample 3:
Hero worship is in our blood. In this day and age, media and sports personalities are the heroes.
They are everywhere – on the billboards, in the newspapers, on TV and internet. This
omnipresence has earned them widespread fame and millions of fans who try to imitate
everything that they do. Is this a positive development? Let's examine.
Admiring film and sports personalities is nothing unusual but unfortunately it isn't always good. A
large number of our celebrities don't set good examples. Many of them are known for their
extravagant and wasteful lifestyles. They don't mind spending millions of dollars on shopping.
They wear expensive designer garments and drive super luxury cars. They earn millions of
dollars every year so it doesn't really matter to them. Unfortunately, they inspire middle class
people, who can hardly afford this, to adopt the same life style.
Wafer thin models promote unhealthy eating habits. Anorexia has become a major health issue
these days. Models and film stars who look nearly perfect because of Photoshop effects have
given rise to a generation obsessed with looking perfect. Even extramarital relationships are now
considered perfectly acceptable because several celebrities have multiple partners.
Celebrities are human beings too and they have their own weaknesses. Just because they
happen to excel in a particular field, we can't expect them to be paragons of virtue. They are
influential people and it would be great if they can be good role models, but the truth is that that is
where most of them fail.
On the other hand, we do have something to learn from these famous people. They are
achievers. Many of them had humble beginnings. Still, they rose to fame because of their
determination and hard work. We can also achieve the same if we make a sincere attempt. - Học để khẳng định mình 7 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98

GV: Nguyễn Quỳnh Trang

After analyzing the situation, it is not hard to see that admiring and imitating film and sports
personalities who do not set a good example is bad. Simply admiring them is alright. The
problem begins when you try to imitate everything that they do.
Sample 4:
Celebrities and sport stars are considered as the main influence and inspiration on the youth in
the 21th century. In fact, many of them are not qualified to become a role model for youngsters
but they still spread their lifestyle to young people all over the world. Personally, i think that this
might be an adverse improvement in our modern society.
One serious problem that can arise from teenagers who try to follow their idol activities is
sometimes they can acquire many unfavorable gestures and behaviors accidentally through their
idol scandal or daily routines. As a result, youngster could start imitating celebrities’ manner
which might bring some negative effect on their daily life due to their weak awareness and
judgment. For instance, some famous singers such as Justin Bieber used to consume drugs in
his vacation which shock not only his parents but also his fans. Even though this is a shameful
act that could destroy his career, long-time young fan still believe what he did is cool and begin to
use illegal substances.
In my opinion, there are many other individuals in other field that could be a better model. Many
soldiers or doctors should receive more respect from our community especially teenagers
because they are already some great heroes with huge contribution to our society. I suggest that
the youth should rethink about what basic requirement of a person to admire to make the best
decision instead of focusing on famous ones. In my peripheral view, an ideal idol should not only
be rich and in public eyes but also more importantly have some good personalities such as
passion, persistence and courage.
In conclusion, I think that the youth should notice their idol personality to choose to become a fan
or not also there are many great leaders and citizens in other fields should be appreciated from
Đề thi IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 04/08/2016
Đề bài: In many countries, people now wear Western clothes (suits, jeans) rather than
traditional clothing. Why? Is this a positive or negative development?

In many places, people nowadays prefer being dressed in Western clothing such as suit and
jeans to conventional clothes. This is the result of changes in taste of fashion. Considering many
good aspects of wearing foreign garments, I am convinced that this change is encouraging.
In my book, the root of the trend is human consideration. Because modern clothing are more
convenient than traditional ones with a wide range of designs appropriate for all ages, they
become ideal choices of everyday appearance for almost everyone. In addition, clothes that are - Học để khẳng định mình 8 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98

GV: Nguyễn Quỳnh Trang

containing characteristics of the West such as short dresses or T – shirts are regularly
considered as fashion trends, hence, they are being more and more common not only in our
country but also throughout the world.
From my point of view, this trend is an unavoidable and approving alteration as changes improve
our life. It is true that people, especially teenagers, like Western clothing better since they help to
show their personalities and thus they make them stylish as well as unique. It may be argued that
Western clothes may make tradition less important to us, for we tend to put on conventional
clothing less frequently. However, I remained unconvinced that this is a real problem for all of us
because our original features appears not only in the way we dress but also in many other
aspects. Dresses are just small issues.
To sum up, the reason why Western clothes enter into our country is changes in people's taste of
fashion. Although there are arguments that this replacement is unacceptable, I am convinced this
tendency brings out positive effects to our lifestyle.
Đề thi IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 21/04/2016
Đề bài: Nowadays, more and more older people who need employment compete with the younger
people for the same jobs. What problems this causes? What are solutions?
Sample 1:
Regarded as the fastest - growing SEGMENT OF TODAY'S WORKFORCE, more young
candidates have been short-listed in the eyes of recruitment teams. However, there is a growing
concern that the young's job titles might be threatened when senior workers now tend to steal
jobs from juniors. This essay will point out the two problems of this and propose some solutions.
The first predictable consequence is the abundance of mature aged employees. Even though,
there is no disputing the fact that aging workforce is highly experienced, they seem to be less
productive due to their HEALTH DETERIORATION. This would negatively influence their job
performance as a result. The other outcome is the increasing rate of unemployment among junior
workers which is often reported to be the major cause of teenage crimes. Because of
joblessness, youngsters often lack money and thus they may misbehave such as spoiling, killing,
etc to LIVE FROM DAY TO DAY. Consequently , not only does our society indirectly incite crime
in youths, but we also do not EFFECTIVELY EXPLOIT YOUNG WORKERS who seem to be
non-experienced but dedicated to work.
To mitigate these problems, I think, companies would soon IMPLEMENT EARLY RETIREMENT
INCENTIVE PROGRAMS for devoted elderly laborers. Special healthcare and other social
welfare payments should be given to ensure that they live healthily in the rest of their life.
Besides, employers should also create more job opportunities for young employees. Take, for
example, FAST-TRACK SCHEME, a system for rapid training and job promotion of talented - Học để khẳng định mình 9 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98

GV: Nguyễn Quỳnh Trang

young staff. By this way, they can develop their potential to the fullest and make significant
contributions to the company they are working for.
In conclusion, young and old workers play an equally important role in each company's growth.
Therefore, it is necessary for managers to LEAD MULTI-GENERATIONAL WORKFORCE by
training activities as well as staff incentive schemes.
-The fastest-growing segment of today's workforce: Ý của đoạn có sử dụng cụm từ này là : Lao
động trẻ đang được coi là lực lượng phát triển nhanh nhất của thị trường lao động hiện nay.
-Health deterioration: Sự suy yếu về mặt sức khỏe
-Live from day to day: Sống qua ngày
-Effectively exploit young workers: Khai thác hiệu quả lao động trẻ
-Early retirement incentive programs: Chế độ ưu dãi dành cho
những người nghỉ hưu sớm
-Social welfare payments: Sự chi trả, thanh toán phúc lợi xã hội
-Fast - track scheme:Chương trình đào tạo, bồi dưỡng nâng cao nghiệp vụ dành cho những
nhân sự có năng lực.
-Lead multi-generational workforce: Dẫn dắt lực lượng lao động nhiều thành phần độ tuổi khác
Sample 2:
It is common these days for older people who need employment to compete with people much
younger for the same type of work. While this can create problems, there are steps that can be
taken to reduce the impacts.
The main problem is that older people may find it more difficult to secure work, which arises
because younger people are more likely to have up-to-date qualifications and experience. For
example, information technology is integral to a variety of jobs these days and the skills needed
for this are rapidly changing. Young people may well have recent knowledge through university
or through using technology in their leisure time. If older people cannot secure work, this leads to
other problems. As they are likely to have a family to support, they may not have an adequate
income to provide for their children's education or other such necessities.
It is the government that needs to take measures to ameliorate such problems. This needs to
begin with ensuring that older people have all the skills needed to compete in the job market,
which could be achieved by providing free training on the most important job requirements at
local community colleges, for example. In addition to this, the government needs to encourage
employers to change their employment practices by promoting the value of experience that older
workers can bring to a job. - Học để khẳng định mình 10 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98

GV: Nguyễn Quỳnh Trang

To conclude, the main issue with competition for work between these groups is that older people
may start to find it more difficult to find work. However, despite this, through the right training and
changes to recruitment practices, older people can compete on an equal footing to the younger
generation in the jobs market.
(282 Words)
Sample 3:
It is true that competition is a significant attitude in a workplace which is more prevalence
between young and old employees. There are numerous reasons regarding this issue and
various measures can be taken by governments to improve this situation.
Higher unemployment proportion and the incursion of innovative breakthrough are the major
causes of increased competition amongst both young and old groups. Since people have faced
economic recession in the world, the unemployment rate is rising they are more willing to
maintain the job they have and youngsters compete with their older counterparts to find a great
job. At the same time, due to the advanced technology, employers find young generation more
knowledgeable with higher qualifications. In this regard, youngsters are more likely to be
recruited by them. However, the sense of competitiveness will arise at this point because older
people believe that traditional and conventional methods are far more useful and never replaced
with novel ones.
Providing greater job possibilities and utilizing both young and old people to train each other are
the keys to solving this problem. It is governments' responsibility to invest in creating job
opportunities and employ or maintain the elderly who are skillful and experienced so as to train
younger counterparts. Besides, authorities can offer training courses for old workers in order to
boost their technological knowledge. As a result, older people can benefit from the younger to
learn modern technology usage at work.
In conclusion, the competition among the young and the old workers will only be tackled if both
groups help each other to improve their weaknesses and providing more job opportunities in the
Sample 4:
Those seeking a job are now facing stiffer competition from the younger generation. This essay
will suggest that the main cause of this is high youth unemployment and propose free further
education as a viable solution, followed by a reasoned conclusion.
The great depression of 2008 left a huge number of the world's youth, particularly those between
18-25 years old, out of work. This has resulted in a massive number of people in this age bracket
applying for every available job, whereas far fewer would have applied in the past. For example,
in countries like Spain, Greece and Ireland, over 25% of young people find themselves without a - Học để khẳng định mình 11 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98

GV: Nguyễn Quỳnh Trang

job. However, it should be mentioned that most of them have little or no experience and therefore
should pose no real threat to older people with lots of time on the job.
A possible solution to this problem is introducing universal third-level education. Free tertiary
education would lift many of today's young adults out of unemployment and put them back into
the classroom, thus reducing the competition between young and old. Germany recently
introduced this very measure and it has been shown to be an overwhelming success. Despite
this, it is feared that there will be a glut of highly educated graduates in the future and this may
only exacerbate the problem.
In summary, the financial crisis has not only led to millions of young people losing any hope of
employment, but also increased competition for jobs between generations. Governments should
consider providing the youth of today with more opportunities for further study in order to ease
this burden.
Sample 5:
Those seeking a job are now facing stiffer competition from the younger generation. This essay
will suggest that the main problem this causes is higher poverty among older people and propose
lowering the retirement age as a possible solution, followed by a reasoned conclusion.
Increased competition from today's youth has left many over 50s in poverty. If a young and old
person apply for the same job, it is often the case that the younger individual will have more
qualifications and may also be willing to work for less money, leaving many seniors without work
and 'left on the scrapheap'. For example, a recent survey showed that since the financial crisis in
2008, fuel and food poverty has increased by 82% amongst the aged. Despite this, many of the
older generation own their own property and have large savings and therefore, are somewhat
insulated from these troubles.
The most viable answer would be to drop the age of retirement. Most industrialized countries
could afford to lower this from 65 to 60, thus allowing millions of people to simply retire and be
looked after by the state. For instance, Finland recently decreased the retirement age for all
government employees to free up more jobs for their graduates. However, this initiative may be
very unpopular with the business community, who would have to pay for many of these early
In summary, the increased rivalry between young and old in the job market has resulted in the
impoverishment of many of our older citizens and countries should consider reducing the age of
retirement to solve this. - Học để khẳng định mình 12 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98

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