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Speaking / Writing

Trung Ly
Created 2017.11.07
Last update 2018.01.07

Sample answers cho PTE Speaking và Writing, dựa theo các tricks đã hướng dẫn
trong Lecture Slides.
Read aloud
Smartphones have become an everyday essential for millions of us – we rely on them for everything from
updating our social media profiles to banking. Taking out a smartphone contract that bundles together your
calls, data and texts with the cost of the handset can help spread the cost – but can also mean you’ll pay
more over the long run. Audio: Read_aloud_1

The Bermuda Triangle is a mythical section of the Atlantic Ocean roughly bounded by Miami, Bermuda and
Puerto Rico where dozens of ships and airplanes have disappeared. Unexplained circumstances surround
some of these accidents, including one in which the pilots of a squadron of U.S. Navy bombers became
disoriented while flying over the area; the planes were never found. Audio: Read_aloud_2

Monotone / Fluent / 20s

Do NOT follow the below sample answers
Describe image
● Dùng 1 template duy nhất (khuyến khích tự soạn template) và ráp keywords:
○ The [CHART /...] describes [FULL TITLE], represented in [UNIT].
○ It also provides information about different [CATEGORIES] such as [2 x CATEGORIES].
○ As can be seen from the [CHART /...], [MAX POINT] contributes the highest, which is
[NUMBER 1]. On the other hand, [MIN POINT] contributes the lowest, which is [NUMBER 2].
○ In conclusion, this [CHART /…] is showing interesting information, supported by many
details, especially for [2 x KEYWORDS not mentioned before].

● CATEGORIES = countries, cities, regions, products, years, genders… shown

on the chart / objects shown on the picture
● Nếu gặp khó khăn trong việc đọc số, cứ nói đại số nào cũng được
Describe image
● Linh hoạt thay thế câu (3) nếu cần:
○ As can be seen from the [DIAGRAM], the process starts with [STEP 1] and ends with [STEP n]. In
addition, it also includes important steps such as [STEP 2 and STEP 3].
○ As can be seen from the [MAP], in the left there is [OBJECT 1] and just opposite to it, we can find
[OBJECT 2]. In addition, [OBJECT 3] is situated in the right, and [OBJECT 4] is located in the

● Từ thường dùng:
○ chart, bar chart, line chart, pie chart, image, map, diagram, table.
○ describes, illustrates.
○ in the left, in the right, in the North, in the South, in the East, in the West, at the top, at the bottom,
in the foreground, in the background.
○ opposite to, adjacent to, beside, in front of, behind, above, below
○ color (red / blue / green…), size (big / small...), shape (square / rectangle / round / circle…)
Describe image - Bar Chart
● Audio: DI_bar_chart
● Template
● Oral Fluency
● Keywords
● 30s
Describe image - Pie Chart
● Audio: DI_pie_chart
● Trong ví dụ này: đọc sai
min max và % numbers

=> no problem at all, chỉ

cần có Oral Fluency là
Describe image - Table
● Audio: DI_table
● Trong ví dụ này: đọc sai min
max và % numbers

=> no problem at all, chỉ cần

có Oral Fluency là được.

● Đọc nguyên văn title, không

cần paraphrase
Describe image - Map / Layout
● DI_map_layout
● Trong ví dụ này: nói bừa
những gì xuất hiện trên
hình, miễn sao có Oral
● Không cần nói tất cả
các chi tiết
Describe image - Map
● Audio: DI_map
● Trong ví dụ này: nói bừa
những gì xuất hiện trên hình,
miễn sao có Oral Fluency
Describe image - Process Diagram

● Audio: DI_process_diagram
● Trong ví dụ này: Chỉ cần nói
được một số keywords
Describe image - Photo
● Audio: DI_photo
● Trong ví dụ này: Nhìn thấy gì
nói đó, có thể nói về object,
color, people…
● Những hình khó như vậy
cũng cố gắng nói 25~30s
Re-tell lecture
● Dùng 1 template duy nhất (khuyến khích tự soạn template) và ráp keywords /
sentences hoàn chỉnh:
○ The lecturer talks about [TOPIC KEYWORD]. Firstly, he / she mentions that [COMPLETE
○ In addition, to put more emphasis on [ANOTHER TOPIC KEYWORD], the lecturer also says that
○ In conclusion, based on the information provided in this lecture, we can state that [COMPLETE

● Có thể chuẩn bị thêm vài câu chung chung để phòng trường hợp nghe được quá ít
● Nếu hầu như không nghe được gì, tự bịa ra 3 sentences (vô nghĩa cũng được,
miễn đúng Grammar) có chứa vài keywords
● Có trường hợp lecture rất ngắn (< 60s), phải để ý timing để kịp chép/bịa 3 câu
Re-tell lecture
● 3 câu chung chung cho trường hợp không nghe được nhiều (tận dụng template
của Describe image):
○ The lecturer talks about [TOPIC KEYWORD]. Firstly, he / she mentions that [KEYWORD] is an
important factor that could have a great impact on [KEYWORD].
○ In addition, to put more emphasis on [ANOTHER TOPIC KEYWORD], the lecturer also says that
the conversation provides information about different [CATEGORIES] such as [ KEYWORDS].
○ In conclusion, based on the information provided in this lecture, we can state that the research is
showing interesting information, supported by many details, especially for [2 x KEYWORDS].

● Tận dụng template Describe image là cực kì hữu ích nếu bài Re-tell lecture có
hình ảnh / chart đi kèm (worst case là làm như Describe image luôn)
● Học tủ các câu Retell lecture / Summarize spoken text in past exams (gần như
chắc chắn trúng tủ)
Retell lecture - Easy
NOTE: same strategy for Summarize spoken text in Listening

Bài này có những từ quen thuộc về technology. Không cần quan tâm nội dung, giả sử chép được / ráp
được 3 câu sau:

● There is a great advancement of technology, which causes social inequality

● Technology gives you an advantage, for example when you have a smartphone
● Since you can use the internet, some people are left behind. For example, 10 millions people in UK
are not online.

=> Sau khi viết ra được 3 câu (bất kể nội dung), không cần nghe tiếp mà hãy dành thời gian để tập ráp
vào template.

● Audio: retell_lecture_easy
● Template / Oral Fluency / 3 sentences / Some keywords
Retell lecture - Difficult

Bài này khó, giả sử chỉ nghe được những từ / cụm từ sau:

● Monkeys
● Wonderful
● Millions years on Earth
● To be or not to be, that is the question
● How long is it
● What are the numbers

=> Dùng những từ trên để bịa ra 3 câu (nonsense, but fluent):

● Monkeys are really wonderful animals, they live in the forest

● It takes millions years on Earth, and to be or not to be, that is the question.
● People often say how long is it and what are the numbers
● Audio: retell_lecture_difficult

Cũng có thể tận dụng template Describe image ở trên

Summarize written text - Easy
(Kids mimic what their parents do…)

Kids learn TV-viewing habits from their parents, but research suggests that children should only be
allowed to watch good TV shows for one to two hours per day, therefore parents could restrict television
time to cut down viewing times of their kids. [42 words]

● 3 clauses, mỗi clause có thể extract từ 1 paragraph.

● Không cần paraphrase quá nhiều, chỉ cần lắp ráp vào template
● Content không quan trọng, chỉ cần có keywords
● Spelling và Grammar phải tuyệt đối chính xác
Summarize written text - Difficult (
(The smallest star yet measured…)

The smallest star has been discovered by astronomers from University of Cambridge, and the star only
has enough mass to enable hydrogen fusion that powers the Sun, therefore it is the best candidates for
detecting Earth-sized planets with water on their surfaces. [43 words]

● 3 clauses, mỗi clause có thể extract từ 1 paragraph.

● Không cần paraphrase quá nhiều, chỉ cần lắp ráp vào template
● Content không quan trọng (trong ví dụ này Content hoàn toàn sai ý nghĩa), chỉ cần có keywords
● Spelling và Grammar phải tuyệt đối chính xác
Essay - Agree / Disagree / Opinion
Most people have forgotten the meaning behind traditional or religious festivals; during festival periods, people
nowadays only want to enjoy themselves. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

Sample IELTS band 9 essay (this is too much for PTE)

PTE essay đơn giản hơn IELTS nhiều:

● Chỉ cần ráp relevant keywords vào template
● Không cần paraphrase topic
● Content không quan trọng (sample essays trong slides này có nhiều câu rất ngô nghê nhưng chẳng
sao hết, vì PTE software không thể hiểu được ý nghĩa của câu)
● Spelling và Grammar phải tuyệt đối chính xác
● Spelling có thể theo British hoặc American style, nhưng phải consistent
Essay - Agree / Disagree / Opinion
People have different views with regard to [what we think about the meaning behind traditional or religious festivals]. While
it is commonly accepted that [people nowadays only want to enjoy themselves], I strongly believe that [actually people still
remember the meaning of these festivals ].
There are numerous reasons why [people enjoy during festival periods such as Christmas and New Year]. But the most
notable [argument in favor of this behavior] stems from the fact that [people can relax with many interesting activities such as
shopping, giving and receiving gifts]. Firstly, [many festivals are great opportunities to have fun together]. As an example, [most
people consider Christmas as a holiday when they can meet their families instead of going to office]. Secondly, [sometimes people
celebrate these festivals without considering much about their religious meaning]. For instance, [almost everybody celebrate
Christmas, even though they might come from different religions].
Despite the above arguments, I firmly believe that [the meaning and tradition of common festivals are not forgotten at all].
In fact, I would argue that [people continue to share and maintain the knowledge about these festivals]. Firstly, [children learn
about different festivals from school through various subjects like Art and History]. This will help to [protect these traditions that
are very important for our community]. In addition, [family also plays an important role to teach people about the meaning of
festivals]. As a result, [each family member will know very well about festivals and appreciate their meaning].
In conclusion, while [it is often said that people only enjoy themselves during festival periods], I personally think that [the
traditions are well protected]. [271 words]
Essay - Problems / Solutions
More and more people are migrating to cities in search of a better life, but city life can be extremely difficult. Explain
some of the difficulties of living in a city. How can governments make urban life better for everyone?

[Many people try to migrate to cities for a better life, but it might turn out that city life can be extremely difficult]. There are
several major contributors to this trend and some actions from governments can be taken to improve the situation.
The problem of [migration to a large city] is mainly caused by [the cost of living which is much higher than it is in a small
village]. Firstly, [inhabitants of cities have to pay higher prices for almost everything]. As an example, [housing, transport and even
food are much more expensive in large cities]. In addition, [the air quality in cities is often very poor, due to pollution from traffic].
As a result, [city life can be unhealthy and stressful].
There are several actions that [the authorities] could take to address the problems described above. Firstly, a simple
measure would be for governments to [invest money in building more affordable housing to reduce the cost of living]. In fact,
[cheaper housing is a key to improve the quality of city life]. The second remedy would be for the authorities to [fight against
pollution and crime]. In this way, [the problems of poor air quality and social safety will be totally resolved].
In conclusion, there are several causes for [the difficulties a person might experience in city life] and effective solutions
should be produced to mitigate the problem. [230 words]
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