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Nowadays the mass media is very present in our society.

There are several types of mass media, it is made up of internet, radio television,
magazines, newspaper and cinema. The media use the power of words, manipulation
with images and slogans to show us a reality that sometimes is completely distorted.
For example, when we see a model in a magazine we have to remember that
everything can be an illusion created to the masses. There is no one perfect, they also
have their faults, although they do not show them in the press. There are many other
cases in which we are influenced by the media and for this reason, we should be very
careful. In one way or other, the media are always present in our lives, we must be
careful and can’t believe in everything that we see and hear. We must be careful when
shopping, because we are often taken by advertising and make superfluous shopping,
only because that product seemed to be a better one. On the other hand, the mass
media is very significant in our life, whenever we need to know everything that goes on
around us, to communicate with those who are near and far from us and even to
perform a simple school work.

The mass media is present everywhere and it manipulates the way we think and act in
our daily live.

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