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Diarra M. Diagne  
Ms. Hawley 
Checkpoint #2 
Biology Honors 
March 15th, 2018  
Honors Project Checkpoint #2-Cancer and Health 
Name:​Diarra Diagne 
Patient #: ​2 
Answer  the  following.  Make  sure  to  use  correctly-formatted  in-text  citations  that 
match the works cited in #9. 
1. Define cancer in your own words:  
Cancer  is  or  happens  when a cell goes through cell division. Now, every cell goes through 
cell  division  but  what  happens  during  this  cell  division  is  that  the  cell  starts  to  send 
chemical  signals  saying  “hey!!  Lets  divide  by  ourself”  and  it  divides  by  itself  over  and 
over  and  the  cell  is  mutated  during  this process. The tumor suppressor starts to become 
inactive  and  the  proto-onco  cells  that  are  what  cause  cell  division  turn  into  onco  or 
cancer cells and they un-normally divide.   
2. Describe how cancer develops and its connection with mitosis: 
  ​As  stated  above,  cancer  develops  when  the  cell  starts  to  send  chemical  signals  and  it 
says  divide  and  TS(tumor  suppressor  that  stops  or  slows  down  cell  division)  starts  to 
become  unresponsive  and  the  PO(  Proto-onco  and  it  causes  cell  division)  become  onco 
cells or cancer cells and un-normally and and rigorously divide and cause tumors.  
3. Define Metastasis. In a timeline, list the steps for how metastasis occurs. 
Metastasis  is  the  spread  of  cancer  cells  from  where  they  originated  to  another 
part of the body.  
1. The first step is “growing into, or invading nearby normal tissue” 
2. The  next  step  is  moving  near  the  walls  of  nearby  blood  vessels  or  lymph 
3. The  next  step  is  traveling  through  the  bloodstream  or  the  lymphatic 
4. Following  is  stopping  at  the  blood  vessel  and  invading  the  wall  to  move 
into the tissue  
5. The next step is the cells growing so a tiny tumor can form 
6. And  the  last  step  is  creating  new  blood  vessels  so  that  the  blood  can  let 
the tumor continue growing   
4.  What cancers have been scientifically linked to poor nutrition and obesity?  For 
each, state why scientists think poor nutrition or obesity is a contributing factor. 
A  few  cancers  that  have  been  linked  to  poor  nutrition  and  obesity  are:  Liver,  Kidney, 
Pancreatic,  Gallbladder,  Breast  and  also  Ovarian  cancer​.  Scientist  think  that  poor 
nutrition  and  obesity  and  a  contributing  factor because ​“ ​obese or overweight people 
Diarra M. Diagne  
Ms. Hawley 
Checkpoint #2 
Biology Honors 
March 15th, 2018  

may  differ  from  lean  people  in  ways  other  than  their  body fat, and it is possible 
that  these  other  differences,  rather  than  their  body  fat,  are what explains their 
different  cancer  risk.”  This  is  basically  stating  that  overweight  people  are 
different  from  normal  weight  people  and  that  not  of  the  weight  difference  but 
the  health  problems  associated  with  the  weight  are  what  give  them  the  risk  of 
getting cancer.  

5.  For the cancers that you described in #4, list the ethnicities that most often get 
these cancers. 
  ​The  ethnicities  that  most  often  get the cancers are non-hispanic blacks(47.8%), 
following  with  hispanics(42%),  non-hispanic  whites(33.4%)  and  non  hispanic 
asians (10.9%). 
6.  What  foods/diets  are  linked  to  lowered  cancer  risks?  (Hint:  Looking  up 
“antioxidants” and describing what they do would be good here) 
Antioxidants  are  basically  a  “batman”  that  can  possibly  keep  cancer  from 
happening  or  even  push  it  back  some  time.  I  refer  to  them  as  batman  cause  i 
know  batman  can  save  all  and  fight  crime,  ​BUT!!!!  ,he  also  could  make  crime 
himself.  Some  examples  of  antioxidants  are  Vitamin  A,C,  and  E,  fruits  & 
vegetables  and  many  more.  But  be  aware  that  high  amounts  of  antioxidants 
can  lead  to  health  risks  such  as:  prostate  cancer,  lung  cancer,  and  even  a  type 
of stroke.  
7.  Describe  how  ​at  least  one  of  the  following  factors  also  relates  to  cancer: 
genetics, lifestyle, stress, environmental factors. 
  ​You  can  receive  or  “pass”  cancer  through  genetics.  This  is  because  or  can 
happen  because  the  germline  or  germ  cells  that  change  it  up  a  little.  Another 
way  that  it  could  be  passed  is  for  example:  ​Billy  Bob was a regular young adult 
and  living  regular  life.  But  he  randomly  went  to  the  doctor  due  to him feeling a 
bit  off.  The  doctor  then  diagnosed  him  with  cancer.  He  didn't  do  anything.  He 
always  ate right and didn't have any germlines. But his doctor said that his cells 
were  dividing  due  to  ​CARCINOGENIC  SUBSTANCES​.  ​But  thing  was,  he  didnt 
smoke.  He  got  these  cancers  because  of  radiation  from  a  nuclear  explosion  1 
year  ago.  This  lead  to  him  getting  cancer.  The  doctor  told  him  that  radiation  is 
very  bad  and  it  “mutates  your  cells”  if  you’re  exposed  to  long.  Your  cells 
uncontrollably  start  dividing.  The  cancer  billy  bob  got  was  so  bad  that  it  lead 
him  to  getting  3  tumors  in  his  body  before  he  “sadly”  passed.  ​You  can  also 
receive  cancer  from  environmental  changes  or  factors  like  in  the  story because 
there  might  be  radiation  outbreaks.  You  possible  even  smoking  or  inhaling  in 
someones smoke frequently and could get it.   
Diarra M. Diagne  
Ms. Hawley 
Checkpoint #2 
Biology Honors 
March 15th, 2018  
When  you  get  these  cancer’’s  or  carcinogenic  substances  into  your  body  they 
mutate  your  cells  and  they  cause  you  to  get  or  have  a  very  high  risk  or  getting 
cancer. And these mutated cells divide alot to cause tumors.  

8.  Give  a  detailed  analysis  of  your  patient’s  risk  for developing cancer later in life. 
Include  in  your  analysis  ALL  of  the  following:  genetics  (family  history),  nutrition, 
antioxidant intake, ethnicity, lifestyle, environmental factors in this area. 
My patient is at a high risk of receiving or getting cancer because her diet is very poor. If
she continues this pathway she will end up obese which is also a factor. Her
Asian/Pacific islander ethnicity also has high risks of cancers. Her parents have high
cholesterol and if she has it or gets it then along with her eating habits(does not take in
enough nutrients and has excessive eating intake) and exercise habits( does not work
out at all) , she potentially could get cancer. She does not take in any vitamin A, C, E, nor
fruits and vegetables she is not helping delay or prevent cancer from happening. Adding
on, since she is a asian/ pacific islander living in america , she is more exposed to other
health problems since she is not natively living in america.

9.   List ​3 ​primary or secondary ​resources that you’ve used in your research.  ​These 
should be in ​correct MLA format! ​Sorry i had more than 3!! 

Works Cited

“Antioxidants: MedlinePlus.” ​MedlinePlus Trusted Health Information for You​,

Diarra M. Diagne  
Ms. Hawley 
Checkpoint #2 
Biology Honors 
March 15th, 2018

“Cancer.” ​Mayo Clinic​, Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 23 May 2015,

“Genetics.” ​National Cancer Institute​,

“Metastatic Cancer.” ​National Cancer Institute​,

“NCI Dictionary of Cancer Terms.” ​National Cancer Institute​,

“Obesity and Cancer.” ​National Cancer Institute​,

“What Is Metastasis?” ​Cancer.Net​, 2 Feb. 2016,

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