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Drill theory

Quick Time: 116 paces to the minute

Recruit: 140 paces to the minute

Slow Time: 65 paces to the minute

Double Time: 180 paces to the minute

Length of pace: 30 inches/

Stepping Space

Stepping Short: 21“

Stepping out: 33“

Slow pace 15“

Double pace 50“

Side pace 12“

Drill Definitions

Flank – Either side of a body of troops opposed to it’s front or rear.

Alignment- A straight line on which a body of troops is formed or is to form.

Covering – The act placing oneself directly behind another body.

Depth – The space occupied by a body of troops from the front to rear.

Distance- the space between men or bodies to form front to rear.

Dressing – The act of aligning oneself with and covering others.

Interval – The lateral space measured between bodies on the same alignment. In 2 Ranks it’s 24” &
in 3 ranks its an arm’s length with clenched fists.

Pace – A measurement of foot space, 30” males, 27” females.

a) File – Either 2 or 3 men of different rank who’re covering others with each other.
b) File – A body of troops

Single file – Men one behind another on a front page of 1 @ a normal marching distance.

Blank File- A file where there’s no center & rare man, due to the inequalities of #’s within a body of
This file is second from the left in 3 ranks & 3rd from the left in 2 ranks.

Directing flank – The flank by which the troop takes its dressing.

Frontage – The extent of ground covered laterally by a body of troops on the same alignment from
flank to flank.
Markers – soldiers employed to mark points on which a movement is to be directed.

Order – Distance between ranks in line which is either 30” depending on circumstances.

Rank – A line of men in a rank.

Supernumerary rank – The extra rank, 4th rank in three ranks or the 3rd in two ranks formed by the
NCO (Corporal) of a body of troops.

Squad – sub-unit formed for drill.

Forming – A method of changing direction in line as opposed to wheeling.

Wheeling – A movement by which a body of troops changes direction, each rank or file pivoting on
the inner flank by retaining its dressing.

Regulation Pause – Short pause between movements of drill, equivalent of 40 drill movements to be
completed in a minute.

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