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Lauren Yager

Dr. Orr

Technology in Education

6 February 2018

Google Scholar

Part A)

1. Dr. Elizabeth Lorah, “The acquisition of intraverbal responding using a speech generating

device in school aged children with autism.” Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities.

August 2015, Volume 27, issue 4, pp 557-568.



Technology has become an extremely important aspect when it comes to school aged children

who have been diagnosed with autism. Handheld tools and speech-generating devices have

become popular because they help individuals verbally communicate with others. Many are

pushing for the expansion and increase of handheld use of devices like the IPad for children with

autism. A study was conducted to test how well children were able to understand and respond to

intraverbal statements. The children tested, both willingly responded to questions asked and were

able to understand information from using the tablets. These results show that the use of

handheld technology for children with autism can result in accurate and positive responses.

2. Elizabeth R. Lorah, “A Systematic Review of Tablet Computers and Portable Media Players

as Speech Generating Devices for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder.” Journal of
Autism and Developmental Disorders. December 2015, Volume 45, Issue 12, pp 3792-3804.

3. Elizabeth R. Lorah, “Acquisition of peer manding and listener responding in young children

with autism.” Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders. Feburary 2014, Volume 8, Issue 2, pp 61-


Part B)

1. Mark Deuze, “What is Journalism? Professional identity and ideology of journalists

reconsidered.” Sage journals, November 2005, Volume 6, Issue 4, pp 442-464.

2. Michael Schudson, “The objectively norm in American Journalism.” Sage Journals, August

2001, Volume 2, Issue 2, pp 149-170.

3. Tony Harcup, “The Unspoken – Said, The Journalism of Alternative Media.” Sage Journals,

August 2003, Volume 4, Issue 3, pp 356-376.


The main purpose of this article is to examine the major differences between alternative media

and mainstream journalism. The goal is to determine if they use different sources, and how their

relationships with producers and sources vary. They accomplish this by exploring the history of
the alternative press in the UK. Secondly, they compare distinctions within local newspapers

covered by both mainstream and alternative journalists. Lastly, they created a radical website in

which they drew upon interviews of members who discussed the values and traditions of the

alternative press. They concluded that alternative media has the power to critique or dismantle

the mainstream media.

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