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rain Name: P Date: April 5, 2018 SUBSTANCE ABUSE CATEGORIZE THE DRUG Write a “D" in front of statements or words that describe depressants, an “H” before those about hallucinogens, and an “S" before any about stimulants. Suppress the central nervous system Marijuana Numb the body to pain Heroin Can cause someone to see things that aren't there Increase heart rate and adrenaline Mushrooms Can cause heart attacks, seizures, and strokes Caffeine Act as a sedative sD Ecstasy Some types of these act like endorphins Amphetamines Slow heart rate, breathing, and blood pressure to dangerous levels Cocaine THINK ABOUT IT What is the difference between using drugs for medicinal purposes and drug abuse? 1999-2018 BrainPOP, All rights reserved Visit us a tps /mwncbralnpop

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