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Sat | Jan 27

Facebook: Craving a taste of our Writer’s Regimen before it begins February 1st? Here’s a daily writing
prompt from the past (and feel free to comment your thoughts):

Have you ever accidentally exposed someone else's secret? Perhaps you felt the immediate sting of
guilt, or a strange sense of power. Write a scene in which a character inadvertently reveals a secret they
have sworn to protect. Who might they tell, and why? Does the character try desperately to cover up
their breach of trust, or do they revel in the attention they've gained for themselves?

Want more? Subscribe here:

Twitter: Lazy Saturday morning? Spend some time writing with a prompt from a past Writer’s Regimen
and be sure to sign-up for our February Writer’s Regimen at! #litmags #amwriting

Instagram: Bored? Love to write? Wanting that extra push? Join our Writer’s Regimen on February 1st
for all sorts of writing inspiration and activities. Here’s a sample of a daily writing prompt from a past
issue: Write about one of the most meaningful moments in your life. Consider events you have heard
about lately. How can a universal truth be found in a quiditian experience? Click the link in our bio to

Mon | Jan 29

Facebook: We love hearing about the impact that poets Kwame Alexander and Nikki Giovanni are having
in our world. Listen to a very insightful interview with them by NPR here:

Twitter: Love this interview with @kwamealexander and Nikki Giovanni on the connection between
poetry and protest. Check out their conversation on NPR here:

Instagram: We love hearing about the impact contemporary poets have on modern culture, and this
charming NPR interview with Kwame Alexander and Nikki Giovanni is chocked-full of informative,
peaceful perspective. Listen or read the full interview at

Tues | Jan 30

Facebook: Check out the craft talks we’re featuring in our Writer’s Regimen this month! We’re so
excited to send you writing wisdom from award-winning authors W. Todd Kaneko, Tara Ison, Lily Hoang,
and Joanna C. Valente. Sign up here: All regimen
participants will receive a free back issue!

#litmags #amreading #amwriting

Twitter: Our Writer’s Regimen starts in two days! We’re excited to send you writing wisdom from
@toddkaneko, @taraisonwriter, @camerainsecura, and @joannasaid. Sign-up here: #litmags #amwriting

*And don’t forget: as a thank you for participating, all regimen participants will receive a free back issue!

Instagram: Don’t forget, our Writer’s Regimen starts on Thursday! Don’t miss out on craft talks from
award-winning authors Tara Ison, Lily Hoang, Joanna C. Valente, and W. Todd Kaneko. All regimen
participants will receive a free back issue! Link in bio. #litmags #amwriting #amreading

Wed | Jan 31

Facebook: We’re excited to see Amy Meng (36.1) at our reading at AWP! But here’s even more exciting
news: her book, BRIDLED, winner of the 2017 Lena-Miles Wever Todd Prize for Poetry from Pleiades
Press, will be available at the conference. AND join her at WORD Brooklyn for her book launch next
month. Grab your copy and don’t miss these chances to see her live! #amreading #amwriting #litmags

Twitter: Looking forward to @amymeng_’s BRIDLED, coming out next month! She is a contributor in our
upcoming 36.1 issue AND part of our reading at #AWP18

****One more tweet: @amymeng_’s collection, BRIDLED is the winner of the 2017 Lena-Miles Wever
Todd Prize for Poetry from Pleiades Press. Check out more here:

Instagram: Issue 36.1 contributor Amy Meng will be reading at our event on March 8, and we’re
anxiously awaiting to purchase her new book, BRIDLED, winner of the 2017 Lena-Miles Wever Todd
Prize for Poetry from Pleiades Press, at the conference! Come join us! #litmags #amreading #amwriting

Thurs | Feb 1

Facebook: Today is the first day of our Writer’s Regimen! It isn’t too late to sign up for 30 days of writing
inspiration here: All participants will receive a free
back issue!

Twitter: Our month-long Writer’s Regimen starts today but it isn’t too late to sign up! If you’re looking
for daily inspiration to jumpstart your writing, click the link and get started with Day 1:

Fri | Feb 2

Facebook: #PoetrySpotlight: Danez Smith was recently a finalist for the 2017 National Book Award for
Poetry. Their book, DON’T CALL US DEAD, should definitely make your must-read list for 2018! In the
meantime, read their poem from issue 34.2: #amreading #amwriting #litmags
Twitter: #PoetrySpotlight: Check out @danez_smif’s poem, “bloodnectar,” from issue 34.2, then be sure
to pick up a copy of DON’T CALL US DEAD, a finalist for the 2017 NBA for Poetry! #amreading #amwriting

*“Poems have helped me figure out a lot about queer sexuality – it is a big hill to climb. The
ability to transform myself in poetry helps me imagine myself differently in the real world.”
@danez_smif’s featured interview in @guardian this past Sunday on poetry, sexuality, and the door to
doing good:

Instagram: #PoetrySpotlight: Danez Smith was a recent finalist for the 2017 NBA for Poetry with their
book, DON’T CALL US DEAD.. It’s certainly on our reading list, and check out their poem “bloodnectar” in
issue 34.2. #litmags #amwriting #amreading

Sat | Feb 3

Facebook: We are so excited to have Tara Ison as a part of our Writer’s Regimen! Her craft talk, “A Map
for Needy People,” explores the wants and needs of creative writing, giving great advice on how to hone
your craft. She is the author of multiple books, including REELING THROUGH LIFE and BALL: STORIES.
Ison is a professor of creative writing at Arizona State University. Sign up for Ison’s craft talk and even
more writing inspiration, here:

#amreading #amwriting #litmags

Twitter: As part of our Writer’s Regimen, we’re excited to bring you @taraisonwriter’s craft talk “A Map
for Needy People” which explores the wants and needs of creative writing. She is the author several
works, most recently BALL: STORIES. Sign up for Ison’s craft talk and more at

For more of Tara’s work and upcoming events visit!

Sun | Feb 4

Facebook: Erica Berry’s piece, “Crywolf,” winner of our 2017 Narrative Nonfiction Contest and AWP’s
Kurt Brown Prize in Nonfiction, will be included in 36.1! While you’re waiting to read, check out her new
piece on Literary Hub titled “Why Do We Fear Wolves?”:

“Yolande Waddington walked to the Six Bells Pub for a pack of cigarettes around 10 p.m., slipping in
before last call. It was Friday, the week before Halloween, 1966. Outside, the moon was a fat pearl.
Inside, drinkers sipped pints at the polished wood bar.”
#litmags #amreading #amwriting #AWP18

Twitter: @ericajberry’s “Crywolf,” winner of our 2017 Narrative Nonfiction Contest is featured in Issue
36.1 Grab a copy of the new issue and check out her new piece on @lithub here:
do-we-fear-wolves/ #litmags #amreading #amwriting

Mon | Feb 5
Facebook: 36.1 is hot off the presses! We’re excited to start sending it out to you soon--and it’s never
too late to get your own copy @

Twitter: 36.1 is here! We’ll be sending them out soon so head to our website to get your own copy:

Instagram: Issue 36.1 is here! Head to our website and order your copy today. We’ll be sending them
soon! Link in bio! #litmags #amreading #amwriting

Tues | Feb 6

Facebook: Our friends at Superstition Review invite you to submit your works of art, nonfiction, fiction,
and poetry! The deadline is March 15, so get your work ready and submit here: #litmag #amreading #amwriting

Twitter: Our friends @superstitionrev are looking for your art, nonfiction, fiction, and poetry! Deadline
to submit is March 15th. Get all the details here:

Wed | Feb 7

Facebook: From Lee Huttner’s “God Waits in the Thunder”: “My father is a prophet. Every peal of
thunder to him is a Word, every storm a sacred text.” Read more here, and be sure to check out his new
piece “The Stone Grows Without Rain,” finalist of our 2017 Narrative Nonfiction Contest in Issue 36.1: #litmag
#amreading #amwriting

Twitter: “My father is a prophet. Every peal of thunder to him is a Word, every storm a sacred text.”
Read @leehuttner’s “God Waits in the Thunder” and be sure to grab a copy of Issue 36.1 to read his
piece “The Stone Grows Without Rain”

*Extra tweet: “The Stone Grows Without Rain” was a finalist for our 2017 Narrative Nonfiction
Contest, judged by @matthewgfrank, and we’re thrilled to be able to feature @leehuttner’s work in our
new issue!

Instagram: Lee Hunter’s piece, “God Waits in the Thunder” is riveting: “My father is a prophet. Every
peal of thunder to him is a Word, every storm a sacred text.” We’re lucky to feature him in issue 36.1
with his piece, “The Stone Grows Without Rain,” which was a finalist for our 2017 Narrative Nonfiction
Contest, judged by Matthew Gavin Frank. You don’t want to miss out. #litmags #amwriting #amreading

Thurs | Feb 8

Facebook: Today’s Writer’s Regimen introduces a craft talk by Lily Hoang, author of multiple award-
winning books, including CHANGING and A BESTIARY. Her talk, “On the Productive Value of Discontinuity
in Storytelling” is about mastering multiple narratives in a single story. Sign up for our Writer’s Regimen
today to read her craft talk, as well as many others:
Twitter: Today’s Writer’s Regimen features Part 1 of a craft talk from @camerainsecura on Little Red
Riding Hood and discontinuity in storytelling. Sign up here to read her craft talk, with more to come!

Fri | Feb 9

Facebook: #PoetrySpotlight: Our current issue features Caylin Capra-Thomas, author of the chapbook
INSIDE MY ELECTRIC CITY (YesYes Books)! Be sure to get your copy at AWP next month, and check out
her new work in Issue 36.1! #litmag #amreading #amwriting #AWP18

Twitter: #PoetrySpotlight: Looking forward to @caylinCT’s poetry in 36.1, author of the chapbook INSIDE
MY ELECTRIC CITY (@yesyesbooks). Be sure to get your copy at AWP next month! #awp18
#litmags #amreading

Instagram: Issue 36.1 features Caylin Capra-Thomas, author of the chapbook INSIDE MY ELECTRIC CITY!
Get your own copy at AWP next month, and check out our new issue! #litmags #amreading #amwriting

Sat | Feb 10

Facebook: Writer’s block? Try out a prompt from our past Writer’s Regimen:

Write in present tense about one of your earliest memories, using the diction and perceptions of a
young child. Does this memory trigger some deep feeling within you? Good. Harness that feeling. Now
write quickly, conjuring up details if necessary to fill in the gaps of memory in the same way that a
dreamer might relate their own dream shortly after awakening.

Sign up for daily prompts and more here:

Twitter: Spend your Saturday morning with this prompt from a past Writer’s Regimen. You never know
where it might lead! And if you would like more prompts like this one, sign up for our current Writer’s
Regimen here:

Mon | Feb 12

Facebook: AWP is almost here! And we’re super excited for our reading with Indiana Review and The
McNeese Review. Can’t wait to see you there! #awp18

Twitter: Four Green Fields with @tianaclarkpoet @shhelleywong @ariaccurtis @amymeng_

@brendapeynado @torresremek & Roger Reeves at #AWP18. We can’t wait!

Instagram: AWP is right around the corner, and so is our reading with The Indiana and McNeese Review.
Mark your calendars and come join the fun! #litmags #amreading #amwriting #AWP2018
Tues | Feb 13

Facebook: Today is the first day of Todd Kaneko’s Writer’s Regimen craft talk: “Poems move forward
and backward, up and down, fast and slow. They zoom in and out and they make leaps that surprise the
reader with logical disjunctions.” Read more by signing up here:

Twitter: “Poems move forward and backward, up and down, fast and slow. They zoom in and out and
they make leaps that surprise the reader with logical disjunctions.” @toddkaneko in his craft talk on
horizontal and vertical movements in poetry. Get both parts of his talk & more by signing up for the
Writer’s Regimen here:

Wed | Feb 14

Facebook: We are excited to include Kim Hyesoon’s poem, “Cultural Revolution in My Dream” alongside
Lauren Albin’s translation from the original Korean to English in Issue 36.1! Grab your own copy here:

Twitter: Our new issue, 36.1 features Kim Hyesoon’s poetry. Here’s “Cultural Revolution in My Dream”,
translated by Lauren Albin! Grab your copy here:

Instagram: Issue 36.1 features Kim Hyesoon’s poetry. Here’s “Cultural Revolution in My Dream,”
translated from Korean by Lauren Albin! Head on over to our website and pick up a copy so you don’t
miss out! Link in bio. #litmags #amreading #amwriting

Thurs | Feb 15

Facebook: What would you do with $1000? We’re honored to have our writing contests judged this
season by Robert Olen Butler and Barbara Hamby. Don’t forget to submit your work--the deadline is
only a month away!

Twitter: What writer couldn’t use an extra $1000? The deadline for our writing contests is a month away
& we’re honored to have Robert Olen Butler and Barbara Hamby as judges. Don’t forget to submit!

Fri | Feb 16

Facebook: #PoetrySpotlight: “Keep a song mind / Don’t smile / Don’t melt.” Morgan Parker, author of
from her poem, “If You Are Over Staying Woke.” Read more here:

Twitter: #PoetrySpotlight: “Keep a song mind / Don’t smile / Don’t melt” @morganapple’s 2015 poem
on coping in the midst of social turmoil:
*@morganapple is the author of THERE ARE MORE BEAUTIFUL THINGS THAN BEYONCE and the
forthcoming MAGICAL NEGRO, both published by @tin_house. For more, visit her website @!

Instagram: #PoetrySpotlight: “Keep a song in mind/ Don’t smile/ Don’t melt.” Morgan Parker is the
both published by Tin House! For more visit her website:! #litmags
#amreading #amwriting

Sat | Feb 17

Facebook: Our reading with Indiana Review and the McNeese Review is coming up soon! Don’t forget to
RSVP here: #AWP18

Twitter: We hope you’ll join us, @indianareview, and @mcneesereview in Tampa in just a few weeks for
a night of poetry and prose! #AWP18

Mon | Feb 19

Facebook: It’s the moment you’ve all been waiting for-- Issue 36.1 is on its way to your doorstep! If you
haven’t ordered yet, be sure to grab your copy @

Twitter: Shipping out today: Issue 36.1! Head to our website to ensure you get your own copy:

Instagram: Breaking News! Issue 36.1 is shipping out today, and on on its way to you. If you haven’t
already, head on over to our website and purchase ne via the link in bio. #litmags #amwriting

Tues | Feb 20

Facebook: Lee Ann Roripaugh’s tsnumai vs. fukushima 50 (Milkweed) will be coming out soon, and we
are excited to include an interview with her by Dorothy Chan in Issue 36.1, titled “Snakes and the
Forbidden Act of Watching.” Get your own copy of our current issue here:

Twitter: We’re excited to have “Snakes and the Forbidden Act of Watching”, an interview with
@artichokeheart’s, given by our own @dorothykchan in upcoming Issue 36.1! Get your copy of the
issue here:

Wed | Feb 21

Facebook: Ignite your creativity with a riff word from our Writer’s Regimen, and sign up today for 30
days of exciting words that get your day started:
Twitter: Ignite your creativity with a riff word from our Writer’s Regimen. For more great riff words,
daily prompts, and craft talks, sign up for the Regimen here:
regimen #litmags #amwriting

Instagram: Spark your creativity with a riff word from our Writer’s Regimen! For riff words, daily
prompts, and other useful writing tools, head to the link in our bio and explore the Regimen. You won’t
regret it. #litmags #amreading #amwriting

Thurs | Feb 22

Facebook: Joanna C. Valente, author of MARYS OF THE SEA (ELJ Editions) and SEXTING GHOSTS
(Unknown Press) and founder of Yes, Poetry, created today’s craft talk for our Writer’s Regimen. Sign up
for Valente’s talk, “Time, Silence, and Non-Linear Plots,” to explore how to creatively execute your story,
plus more inspiring additions, here:

Twitter: “We don’t talk enough as writers about silence. Silence, and what is not being said, is just as
important as the details we choose to give.” Today begins @joannasaid’s craft talk on time, silence, and
non-linear plots. For their craft talk and more, sign-up here:

*@joannasaid is the founder of @yespoetry, “a magazine for whip-smart people who don't fit
in”, which seeks to give a home to LGBTQIA, non-binary, POC, & marginalized voices

Fri | Feb 23

Facebook: #PoetrySpotlight: Shelley Wong, author of RARE BIRDS (Diode Editions), will be reading at our
#AWP18 event with the The McNeese Review and Indiana Review in March! Read her poem “Exit
Strategist” from Vinyl here:

Twitter: #PoetrySpotlight: @shhelleywong will be reading at our #AWP18 event (with @mcneesereview
and @indianareview) on March 8th. In the meantime, check out her poem “Exit Strategist”, and book
RARE BIRDS, from @diodeeditions

Instagram: #PoetrySpotlight: We’re getting more excited about our approaching reading at AWP with
Indiana Review and The McNeese Review, and especially excited to read with poet Shelley Wong, author
of RARE BIRDS. Come out to Four Green Fields in Tampa on March 8th at 7pm and join in the fun!
#litmags #amreading #amwriting

Sat | Feb 24

Facebook: Can you imagine winning $1000 for your writing? Submit short-short stories and poems to
our contests, judged by Robert Olen Butler and Barbara Hamby, today:
Twitter: Win $1000 and a spot in our next issue with our writing contests, judged by Robert Olen Butler
and Barbara Hamby. Deadline to submit is March 15th!

Instagram: The deadline for our Writing Contests, March 15th, will be here before we know it and we’re
looking for all you talented, upcoming writers out there. The contests will be judged by Robert Olen and
Barbara Hamby, and the winners will receive a $1000 prize and be featured in our next issue! Click the
link in the bio for more info! #litmags #amreading #amwriting

Mon | Feb 26

Facebook: Looking for a chance to win $1500? Our friends at The Journal are accepting submissions for
their Non/Fiction Collection Prize for a chance to be featured in The Ohio State Press! The deadline is
March 1st— don’t miss out:

Twitter: Submit to @OSUtheJOURNAL’s Non/Fiction Collection Prize for a chance of a $1500 award &
publication with @ohiostatepress. Deadline is March 1st so don’t miss out!

Instagram: Our friends at THE JOURNAL are currently accepting submissions for their Non/Fiction
Collection Prize for a chance of $1500 and publication with The Ohio State Press. The deadline is March
1st—so don’t miss it! Check out:

Tues | Feb 27

Facebook: Come say hi to us at the AWP bookfair! Our booth is located at T433! We will have
broadsides, issues, and other merchandise available for sale at our table. AND Stay tuned for a big
announcement coming up soon involving our contributors! We can’t wait to see you there. #AWP18

Twitter: Come visit us at the AWP bookfair @ booth T433! We’ll have broadsides, issues & more for sale.
AND stay tuned for a big announcement involving our contributors coming just in time for #AWP18!

Wed | Feb 28

Facebook: Calling all writers: New Ohio Review’s 2018 Contest is now accepting submissions! With
judges like Mary Gaitskill, Kevin Prufer, and Roxane Gay and a chance to win $1000, who wouldn’t want
to submit? Get all the details here:

Twitter: @NewOhioReview 2018 Contest is now open for submissions, judged by Mary Gaitskill, Kevin
Prufer, & @rgay. Submit by April 15th for a chance to win $1000 and publication in their next issue!

Instagram: Attention writers! NEW OHIO REVIEW’S 2018 Contest is now accepting submissions! Judges:
Roxane Gay, Mary Gaitskill, and Kevin Prufer. You could even win $1000 and be published in their next
issue! The deadline is April 15th—don’t miss out!
Thurs | Mar 1

Facebook: Our 30-Day Writer’s Regimen is coming to a close tomorrow! Don’t miss your chance to sign
up for daily inspiration and a free copy of our latest issue--it’s now or never!

Twitter: Our Writer’s Regimen ends tomorrow but it isn’t too late to participate. Receive every day of
inspiration and a copy of our latest issue by signing up here:

Fri | Mar 2

Facebook: #PoetrySpotlight: “A hundred flowers I lay here for you. A hundred / I have counted. A
hundred white rabbits roaming / for a hundred years, a hundred years of moss I will grow / for you.”
From our contributor Kara Kai Wang’s poem, “Hundred Flowers Campaign” for Four Way Review. Read
more here:

Twitter: #PoetrySpotlight: “A hundred white rabbits roaming / for a hundred years, a hundred years of
moss I will grow / for you” from past contributor Kara Kai Wang’s poem “Hundred Flowers Campaign”
for @FourWayReview

Instagram: #PoetrySpotlight: “A hundred flowers I lay here for you. A hundred / I have counted. A
hundred white rabbits roaming / for a hundred years, a hundred years of moss I will grow / for you.”
Past contributor Kara Kai Wang’s poem, “Hundred Flowers Campaign” for FOUR WAY REVIEW. Read
more here:

Sat | Mar 3

Facebook: Only five days until our reading with The McNeese Review and Indiana Review @ AWP! Let us
know if you can come kick back and listen with us-- don’t forget to invite your friends: #AWP18

Twitter: Prose, poetry, and free drinks for the first 50 guests! Our reading w @mcneesereview &
@indianareview is only six days away. Will you be there? #AWP18

Mon | Mar 5

Facebook: Our friends at Indiana Review are looking for your best poetry! The deadline for their contest
is March 31st, so don’t miss your chance at $1000 and publication in their magazine. For more
information, visit:
Twitter: The deadline for @indianreview’s poetry contest is March 31st. Don’t miss your chance at
$1000 and publication! For more info, visit

Instagram: Calling all poets! Indiana Review’s 2018 Poetry Contest ends on March 31! Don’t miss out on
a chance to win $1000 and publication in their magazine. For more info, visit

Tues | Mar 6

Facebook: We are excited to announce that our contributor Beejay Silcox has won the Australian Book
Review 40th Birthday Fellowship! Read her piece “...” from Issue “...”:

Twitter: Congrats to past contributor Beejay Silcox on winning the Australian Book Review 40th Birthday
Fellowship! We couldn’t be prouder!

Wed | Mar 7

Facebook: #AWP18 is here! Tomorrow afternoon, our editor Alex Quinlan and assistant editor Dorothy
Chan will be a part of “Voice in the American Southeast: A David Kirby Tribute Panel,” honoring the
work of National Book Award finalist and Florida Humanities Council’s Lifetime Achievement Award
recipient, David Kirby. The panel ends with a reading from Kirby himself, so don’t miss out! Room 22,
first floor, 4:30pm. Hope to see you there! For more details, visit:

Twitter: #AWP18 is upon us! Tomorrow evening SER editor Alex Quinlan & assistant editor
@dorothykchan will be a part of “Voice in the American Southeast: A David Kirby Tribute Panel”. Room
22, first floor. Don’t miss it!

Thurs | Mar 8

Facebook: Are you at AWP? Come visit us at T433 for some goodies and good conversation. #AWP18

Twitter: We’re here! Visit our booth T433 for copies of the current issue, back issues, broadsides, and
more! #AWP18

Instagram: What’s up AWP? We’ve arrived! Stop by our booth T433 for copies of our current issue, back
issues, broadsides, and more! #AWP18

Facebook: Our reading with The McNeese Review and Indiana Review is TONIGHT! Don’t forget to stop
by and get inspired, and, if you’re one of the first 50 guests, even get a drink on us: #AWP18
Twitter: Tonight's the night! Our reading with @mcneesereview & @indianareview is at 7pm. And don’t
forget– a free drink for the first 50 guests on us!

Mon | Mar 12

Facebook: Thank you to everyone who visited us at #AWP18! We had a blast meeting you all at our
booth and at our reading with The McNeese Review and Indiana Review!!

Twitter: #AWP18 has come to an end! Thanks to everyone who stopped by our booth and came to our
reading with @mcneesereview and @indianareview. It was a blast!

Wed | Mar 14

Facebook: Don’t forget to send in your submissions for our contests! The deadline is tomorrow, and you
don’t want to miss your chance at $1000 and publication. For more details, visit us at:

Twitter: Our two contests are still open for submissions! Don’t miss your chance to win $1000 and
publication in our next issue. Check out our website for more details:

Fri | Mar 16

Facebook: Guess what? We’re EXTENDING our submission deadline for our contests to March 22nd! Use
your new time wisely:

Twitter: We’re EXTENDING the submission deadline for our contests to March 22nd! If you missed the
initial deadline, don’t hesitate to submit!!

Mon | Mar 19

Facebook: We’re greatly anticipating our contributor Hugh Martin’s forthcoming book, IN COUNTRY
(BOA Editions). But while we wait, read his piece “.50-Cal. Gunner, Sandbag Detail” from Issue 35.2:

Twitter: We’re looking forward to past contributor Hugh Martin’s forthcoming book, IN COUNTRY (from
@boaeditions)! Check out his piece “.50-Cal. Gunner, Sandbag Detail” from Issue 35.2! #litmags

Instagram: Issue 35.2 contributor Hugh Martin’s forthcoming book, IN COUNTRY (BOA Editions) will be
released soon! In the meantime, check out his piece “.50-Cal. Gunner, Sandbag Detail” from issue 35.2.
#litmags #amreading #amwriting

Wed | Mar 21
Facebook: It's your lucky day! Our contest deadline has been extended to March 31st-- so get your
short-short stories and poems ready and enter for a chance to win $1000. For more information about
our contests, check out our website:

Twitter: Our extended contests deadline is tomorrow! Last chance to submit for either our poetry
contest or short-short fiction contest. This year’s submissions will be judged by Barbara Hamby and
Robert Olen Butler! Don’t miss out!

Instagram: Our contest deadline has been extended! We are now taking submissions until March 31!
Last chance to submit for either our poetry contest or short-short fiction contest. This year’s
submissions will be judged by Barbara Hamby and Robert Olen Butler! Don’t miss out!

Thurs | Mar 22

Facebook: What’s your reason for supporting the literary community? Listen to Caylin Capra-Thomas tell
you why The Southeast Review is important to her, and enjoy an excerpt from her piece “Lake Monster
Family Reunion.” Don’t forget to donate here and get free broadsides, back issues, and other cool gear
with each pledge:

Twitter: Listen to Caylin Capra-Thomas on why SER is important to her, enjoy a brief excerpt from her
piece “Lake Monster Family Reunion”, & don’t forget to donate to receive free broadsides, back issues,
and other goodies with each pledge!

Instagram: If you love the literary community as much as we do, listen to Caylin Capra-Thomas tell you
why The Southeast Review is important to her, and enjoy a brief excerpt from her piece “Lake Monster
Family Reunion.” Don’t forget about free broadsides, back issues, and other goods available with each
pledge! Link in bio.

Fri | Mar 23

Facebook: #PoetrySpotlight: Read National Book Critic Circle Award for Poetry winner Layli Long
Soldier’s poem “from WHEREAS” (Poetry Foundation): “WHEREAS a string-bean blue-eyed man leans
back into a swig of beer work-weary lips at the dark bottle keeping cool in short sleeves and khakis he
enters the discussion;”

Twitter: #PoetrySpotlight: Read “from WHEREAS” by Layli Long Soldier and check out her debut
collection WHEREAS, which just won the NBCC Award for Poetry! *tag NBCC*

Instagram: #PoetrySpotlight: “Whereas under starlight the fireflies wink across East Coast grass and me I
sit there painful in my/silence glued to a bench in the midst of the American casual.” Read Layli Long
Soldier’s poem “from WHEREAS” and check out her most recent collection WHEREAS, which just won
the National Book Critic Award for Poetry!

Sat | Mar 24

Facebook: Don’t forget-- our contest deadline has been moved to March 31st! Submit for your chance at
publication and $1,000:

Twitter: Don’t forget– there’s still time to submit for our contests! The extended deadline is March 31st!

Instagram: There’s still time to submit to our contests! The extended deadline is March 31! Don’t miss
out on your chance at publication and $1,000. Link in bio.

Mon | Mar 26

Facebook: Listen to our contributor Brendan Stephens read an excerpt of “The Waters” from Issue 36.2
and explain why our literary magazine is important to him. Our community needs supporters like YOU so
we can continue sharing new work and creating a collective of creative minds. Donate to our cause here
(and don’t forget to check out the free goodies included with each pledge):

Twitter: As part of our 2018 Kickstarter campaign, we asked past contributors to share their work and
what SER means to them. Here’s an excerpt from Brendan Stephens’ piece “The Waters” from Issue

Instagram: Past contributor Brenden Stephen reads an excerpt from “The Waters” and explains why
The Southeast Review is important to him. Because of supporters like you, our community can continue
to showcase creative talent. We also have goodies such as broadsides and issues available when you
pledge! Link to our Kickstarter in bio.

Tues | Mar 27

Facebook: Our past contributor Allegra Hyde has a short story in Kenyon Review! Read “Loving Homes
for Lost and Broken Men” here: “I took in my first foster husband when I was thirty-eight. I knew, by
then, that I would never have a husband of my own, and I wanted to do some good in the world.
Fostering these abandoned men was a way to give back.”

Twitter: “I took in my first foster husband when I was thirty-eight.” So begins past contributor
@allegra_hyde’s “Loving Homes For Lost & Broken Men”. Check it out! *tag
Kenyon Review*
Wed | Mar 28

Facebook: Have you heard about our contests? This year, they’re being judged by Robert Olen Butler
and Barbara Hamby. AND the deadline is only four days away! For more information, click the link:

Twitter: The final deadline for our contests is only 4 days away! This year our judges are Robert Olen
Butler and Barbara Hamby. Don’t miss your chance at $1000 and publication in our next issue!

Instagram: The final deadline for our writing contest is just 4 days away! Don’t miss your chance for
publication and $1000. Judges: Robert Olen Butler and Barbara Hamby. Link in bio! #litmags

Thurs | Mar 29

Facebook: We’re committed to bringing emerging and established voices to your doorstep. Help us
continue to foster a literary community by donating to our cause today. With each pledge, you will
receive broadsides by contributors like Caylin Capra-Thomas and Amy Meng, issues, subscriptions, and
other surprising goodies. Check out our campaign for more information on what you can get when you

Twitter: Join us in fostering a literary community by donating to our Kickstarter campaign today! With
each pledge, you could receive broadsides from contributors like @CaylinCT and @amymeng_, issues,
subscriptions, & other goodies! Check out our page for more info:

Fri | Mar 30

Facebook: #PoetrySpotlight: Check out our past contributor Nathan McClain’s poem “Love Elegy in the
Chinese Garden, with Koi” (Poetry): “Near the entrance, a patch of tall grass. Near the tall grass, long-
stemmed plants; each bending an ear-shaped cone to the pond’s surface.”

Twitter: #PoetrySpotlight: “Because who hasn’t done that / loved so intently after everything has gone?”
Check out past contribuor Nathan McClain’s poem “Love Elegy in the Chinese Garden, with Koi”

Facebook: March Wrap-Up: We have new book reviews up on our website! Want to hear about play
dead (francine j. harris), UNTIL THE COWS COME HOME (Alain Ginsberg), and NORSE MYTHOLOGY (Neil
Gaiman) from our poetry editor, Jayme Ringleb, Mat Wenzel, and Peter Waldman? Check out the link:

Twitter: March Wrap-Up: new book reviews on our website! Hear from our poetry editor, @Jayme
Ringleb, @matwenzel, and Peter Waldman on play dead (francine j. harris), UNTIL THE COWS COME
HOME Alain Ginsberg), and NORSE MYTHOLOGY (@neilhimself):
Instagram: March Wrap-Up: We recently posted three new book reviews on our website! Read reviews
by Jayme Ringleb, Mat Wenzel, and Peter Waldman on play dead (francine j. harris), UNTIL THE COWS
COME HOME (Alain Ginsberg), and NORSE MYTHOLOGY (Neil Gaiman) Link in bio.

Sat | Mar 31

Facebook: You’ve heard right. Today is the LAST day to submit to our World’s Best Short-Short Story and
Gearhart Poetry Contests. It isn’t too late-- click the link:

Twitter: Today is the LAST day to submit to our two contests! Don’t miss your chance! Click the link for
more info:

Mon | April 2

Facebook: Thinking about donating to our campaign?? Good news-- with each donation toward Volume
37, you’ll get a gift: issues, subscriptions, broadsides, and even your name in lights in our next issue.
Help us reach our goal here:

Twitter: Thinking about donating? With each pledge, you could receive broadsides feat. work from our
most recent issue, yearly subscriptions, back issues, & even your name in lights in our next issue! Help us
reach our goal:

Instagram: When you donate to our Kickstarter Campaign to help fund Volume 37, you’ll receive some
awesome stuff. For each pledge we’re offering prizes such as broadsides, issues, subscriptions, and even
your name in the acknowledgments page! Don’t forget the window closes April 19 (link in bio), and
thank you from all of us here at SER. #litmags

Tues | April 3

Facebook: Do you love the literary community as much as we do? Listen to Pamela Baker’s reasons for
supporting and contributing to our magazine, as well as an excerpt from her piece “Montanans Give the
Best Advice.” We hope you’ll consider donating to help us continue to expand our community:

Twitter: Do you love the literary community as much as we do? Listen to Pamela Baker’s reasons for
supporting & contributing to our magazine, as well as an excerpt from her piece “Montanans Give the
Best Advice.” Donate today to help us continue to expand our community:

Wed | April 4
Facebook: Our friends at Superstition Review are working on their 21st issue. Mark your calendars!
Release Date: May 1st. Learn more about Superstition Review @

Twitter: Our friends at @superstitionreview are hard at work on their 21st issue! Mark your calendars
for May 1st & learn more about the journal @

Instagram: Our pals at the @superstitionreview are launching their 21st issue soon! Don’t forget to mark
your calendars for May 1st, and learn more about Superstition Review here:

Thurs | April 5

Facebook: Our poetry editor, Jayme Ringleb, on francine j. harris’s play dead: “The major tension of play
dead is between socialized self-silencing in the face of a very real, very persistent series of violences
witnessed and experienced by queer women of color.” Read more from this review here:

Twitter: “The major tension of play dead is between socialized self-silencing in the face of a very real,
very persistent series of violences witnessed and experienced by queer women of color.” Our poetry
editor @jaymeringleb, on francine j. harris’ play dead, on our website now!

Fri | April 6

Facebook: #PoetrySpotlight: Have you heard of Versify? “Part story, part poem, each episode features a
person who sits face to face with a poet, shares an experience, and then marvels as their life story is
given back to them, one verse at a time.” Be sure to check them out from Nashville Public Radio, PRX
and The Porch. Find Versify at Apple Podcasts or RadioPublic and follow Versify at @VersifyPodcast.

Twitter: It’s #NationalPoetryMonth! How would you like having your life story read back to you in lines
of poetry? Check out @versifypodcast, where each episode, a person gets that experience! Find it on
Apple Podcasts or RadioPublic & be sure to follow them on Twitter!

Instagram: #PoetrySpotlight: “Part story, part poem, each episode features a person who sits face to
face with a poet, shares an experience, and then marvels as their life story is given back to them one
verse at a time.” Check out Versify podcast out of Nashville Public Radio, PRX, and The Porch. Find it on
Apple Podcasts or Radio Public. #NationalPoetryMonth

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