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Most of the people in the Khmer Empire consisted of peasants.

They were the largest group in the

Khmer society. Peasants mainly consisted of rice farmers or workers who were forced to labor and pay
taxes. Peasants farmed and work on large rice foods field and vegetable gardens. The peasants did not
get to own the land they worked on those land are belongs to the landowner that they’re working to.

Servants were the ones who could work for the elite for a shelter or food, they could be a normal
peasants but they could have owe their master something, done something impolite or they wanted to
became a servant instead of a farmer. They don’t have to do the work that farmer do.

The artisans were important for the Khmer, they were the ones who produced goods, such as clothing
and handcrafted things. They’re specialized in crafts like construction, clothes, jewelry or pottery, they
also supplied war weapons.

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