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the fatima's hand.

This amulet is a hand with an eye in the center.

This amulet has a story:
in an occasion fatima was very busy in the kitchen preparing the lunch to her
husband, Ali. when he arrived unexpectedly. To hear it, fatima was to receive it, but
She was surprised and disappointed to see him with a concubine. but how she was
very sad, didn't realize that cut and put her hand in a pot and removed the hot
stew, without feeling pain.
When her husband the found it, he asked her "what are you doing?".
It was then that she noticed the burn and the pain that it had caused.
This amulet brings good luck and endows the virtues of patience, fidelity and
fertility and has protection power, Protects you from the Evil Eye, Gives you the
understanding and confidence to clear up misunderstandings.

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