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Cancer is an abnormal cell which is hava ability to growht auyonom, wild and uncontroed.

Who reported that 6.25 million people was died caused by cancer each year. In indonesia there was
100 people with cancer in every 100.000 people reported in 2007.

There has been a considerable rise in the number of oral cancer worldwide and it is estimated that
there are more than 750.000 patients who have oral cancer globally, with 275 new cases of oral
cancer reported in 2007. Furthermore, survival rates have not dramatically inproved in the last few

There was a lot of plant in indonesia used for traditional treatment and one of this is pukul empat
leaves. Sudjadi et al., (2007), about “Cytotoxic Effects of an Acidic Ribosom-inactivating Protein Like
Protein Isolated from Mirabilis jalapa L. Leaves on Cancer Cell-lines”, which the cancer cell-lines are
servic cancer cell (HeLa), myeloma cancer cell and breast sell cancer (T47D).

My research want to proved that ethanolic extract of pukul empat leaves can inhibit invation activity
of SP-C1.

the research procedure is: we used botde chamber kit to inspect is it any antiinvation activity of SP-
C1 use ethanolic extract of pukul empat leaves. We aplied a various of ethanolic extract, there are
7.5, 15, 25, 50 and 70 mg/ml for each weel..than we aplied membran pvd and stuffed it with SP-C1
at upper chamber..after that incubate for 24 hours..after that we take out the membran pvd, rinse
with millQ after yhat with alkohol absolut after that with PBS after that with PBS for each 5 minutes
and coloring with millQ for 5 minutes and incubate at room temperature for 24 hours.

Invasion of the cell on membran PVD accounted by light microscope than we analyze the data.

Result show that 25mg/ml extract ethanolic pukul empat leaves is the most potent to inhibit
invation SP-C1with the 41.8%.


Pukul empat leaves contain of flavonoid whic is have ability to supressing the expression of MMPs
and increasing the this is why that ethanolic extract of pukul empat can inhibit invation of

Conclussion: as we know that

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