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my first minute paper I wrote, we were asked to reflect on what

kind of general knowledge do we feel we possess at that point in the
semester that our future pa:ents would benefit from? As well as what
strategies could we use to be>er our knowledge. At this point I felt that
I had a good grasp on the anatomy we had done. I felt that my
experience in the past with postural correc:ve exercises would benefit
my future pa:ents. I thought with the improvement of our
understanding of treatment planning and be>er postural assessment I
would be able to be>er my knowledge to further help my future
In my second minute paper we were asked to think about how
reflec:on will help our clinical experiences while at school. My general
thought on this was an s:ll is that reflec:on is a great tool to learn
about things that you are doing well and things you need to improve.
This is something that I have always done in my own life. I was told not
to forget about research. I completely agree with this. Research will be
very important in my professional career as a massage therapist as we
need more peer-reviewed research to further legi:mize our profession.
In my third minute paper, we were asked about whether or not were
were aware of the sta:s:cs in regards to male sexual survivors and to
reflect on why this is such an unknown group. I was definitely surprised
by the numbers and explained my opinion on why I thought it was this
In my final minute paper, we were asked about how we felt aGer
we did the self complimen:ng exercise in class. Like most I felt a li>le
strange complimen:ng myself in front of the class, but as an athlete I
have always used affirma:ons in my mind to build my confidence so I
could have the belief that I could perform at a high level in whatever I
I found that the minute paper exercises were very insighJul and
definitely put me on a more self aware path. I have always done things
like this but not in a formal seKng, so this was great to actually write
my thoughts done.

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