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Mochammad Baskoro



HIV is a virus that weakens the human body’s immunity. People who affected by
this virus will be susceptible to opportunistic infections or easily affected by
tumors. Although existing treatment can slow the rate of virus progression, it is
not completely curable.

The first sign of HIV sufferers will usually have a fever for 3 to 6 weeks
depending on the immune system. Once the condition improves, people who are
infected with HIV will remain healthy within a few years and their immune
system will slowly decline due to recurrent fever.

Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome is a set of symptoms and infections that

arise due to the destruction of the human immune system due to infection with the
HIV. AIDS attacks specific white blood cells called T-lymphocytes.

The length between HIV infection and becoming ill from AIDS can vary from one
individual to another. With a healthy lifestyle, the time interval can range from
10-15 years, sometimes even longer. Antiretroviral therapy can slow the
progression of AIDS by lowering the amount of virus (viral load) in the infected

There are several ways of transmission of this disease. The mode of transmission
of HIV AIDS can be through intermediaries as follows:

- Free sex
- Getting a blood transfusion contaminated with HIV virus.
- Use of alternating syringes, use of piercing needles or tattoos that have
been contaminated with the HIV virus.
- From pregnant women who are HIV positive to the pregnant fetus.

However, there are several ways to prevent HIV / AIDS. Among them:

- Abstinence, is absent for sex so as not to spread

- Be Faithful, that we must stay in pairs with 1 person only
- Condom, is using condoms if they have sex
- Drug, which should avoid the use of syringes together / ex-others
- Education, the provision of good and correct information will make people
stay away from the virus

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