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Our Basic motive is to provide information about preparation. OneStopMBA.

com is a
MBA course

leading credential that validates your experience and skills to keep you competitive in today's
changing business environment. provides you the latest information available for preparation of MBA

Why An MBA

Nearly eighty percent of top executives polled in a recent survey said that earning a graduate
degree in business is important for those who want to obtain top management positions in most
companies. The truth is that as the world moves toward a more corporate and service-oriented
economy, earning an MBA becomes an effective way of not only ensuring your employment, but
also ensuring your success and marketability an ever evolving job market. As businesses have
continued to be impressed with abilities and accomplishments of MBA graduates, the MBA
degree has become much more popular. But is an MBA really worth the extra years of schooling
that are required -- especially when you could be spending that time working? The numbers
indicate that the answer is most likely yes. A recent survey of accounting/financial workers of
varying skill and seniority levels found that CFOs without a formal degree had an average salary
of only $38,920, those with a Bachelors Degree earned up to $88,836, while MBAs with relevant
experience earned an average of $104,284. The return on investment for an MBA certainly
appears worthwhile.

Most MBA programs regardless of the major focus will provide you with training in basic
business principle needed by any business manager including, corporate finance, economics,
strategic planning, marketing, basic accounting, etc. However, if you know which career field
you are interested in, selecting a specific MBA focus will allow you to specialize and better
prepare yourself for your career. This means you won't just learn the basis of corporate finance,
but rather advance corporate, investment finance, financial accounting and financial markets
which will make you much more marketable as a financial analyst or banker. The flip side to
earning a specialized MBA is that it make be difficult to change career fields if you change your
mind down the road. The following are different types of MBA programs.

Where you decide to pursue a general MBA or a specific specilization earning an MBA in any
field is an excellent option - especially for students hoping to land excellent jobs once they
graduate. Research indicates that individuals with an MBA tend to move up the promotion ladder
much quicker than those without the degree. Not only that, but most employees possessing an
MBA on average earn more than their lesser-educated contemporaries. These statistics should
come as no surprise given the fact that MBA graduates are in high demand at multi-million
dollar companies throughout the world.

MBA graduates aren't the only people who benefit from and MBA. Students earning their
earning their degree can also benefit while still attending school. Due to the fact that graduates
are in such high demand, many companies have been known to hire students still earning their
MBAs in order to better ensure future services. These students are often treated exactly like their
MBA carrying colleagues, and thus receive all or most of the MBA benefits bestowed by these

Finally, earning MBA is an ideal networking opportunity for those interesting in obtaining a
career with large corporations in many different industries. Most reputable MBA programs have
relationships with local business, business leaders and community leaders who have connections
high up. Almost as valuable as the degree itself are the connections that are made while earning
an MBA.

We believe earning an MBA is a good idea for anyone interested in a successful business career.
In fact, we are loath to think of any reason not to pursue an MBA - the benefits are just too good
to pass up. If you have any questions about MBA Programs, the GMAT, or how to find a good
graduate school, don't hesitate to contact us.

Earning An Online MBA

Today all almost two thirds of MBAs are earned by part-time or distance-learning students who
are looking to increase their marketability, qualify for career advancement opportunities, change
careers or start their own business. With the advent of virtual online education, distance learning
MBA programs have become common place and more and more business professionals and busy
executives are opting to earn their degree online as opposed to going to back to school in
traditional sense.

Online higher education has become an efficient and cost-effective way to continue education
and it is today's prepared learners who will become tomorrow's highly desired professionals.
However, the real appeal of earning an MBA online is the freedom it affords you to continue
working full-time and manage your personal affairs. There are many other benefit to an online
MBA to consider. An online MBA will prepare you for professional and leadership roles in any
number of domestic or multinational corporations, as well government, upon graduation. Since
so many online MBA students are working professionals and executives these programs are
designed to prepare students for the real world of business, and consequently, online courses are
very relevant to today's working world.
Courses include classical and current business theories with up-to-date business strategies to
teach students how to more effectively manage and lead complex organizations in today
competitive business environment. Each course is developed with imput from academia and
leaders in the business community. And unlike many traditional MBA programs that only require
professors to obtain a Ph.D. most online MBA professors are successful business professional
with real-world experience and insight who are actively working in the field that they are
teaching. And although the course instructors encourage the class and post lectures and
discussions on a timely basis, learning is self-paced and whereby providing students opportunity
to finish their degree at their own pace. Online programs utilize a variety of teaching methods
within a variety of technologies, including streaming audio, visual, etc.

Online distance learning elimnates geographical, physical and time barriers that limit traditional
MBA programs. The lack of geographic impediments truly opens up many new broader options

 Accomodates a wide variety of students with diverse cultural backgrounds and business
 24/7 accessibility makes scheduling easier and allows a greater number of people to
attend class
 On-demand access enables learning to happen precisely when need
 Travel time and costs are eliminated

In addition to travel, tuition is another cost that is much lower for an online MBA than a
traditional campus-based program. Since online programs do not require a campus, class rooms,
maintenance or many other expenses associated with a tradtional MBA these programs offer
students a competitive degree a much lower price. And when all is said and done you will be just
as marketable as any other MBA graduate. And when it comes to understanding the latest
internet technologies and computer skills you will be a step ahead of the competition.

One of the most important reasons to get earn your MBA whether online or on-campus is what
this degree will do for your earning potential. Many MBA graduates see their salary jump more
than 50% while their job mobility seems to have no limits. Whatever your final decision may be,
earning an MBA is an important decision that can change your career and your life, so make sure
you have all the information you need to make an imformed and educate decision.
Synergy-Work Out Together
( SWOT )

It is a group movement organized at the initial stages for students of MBA  within the colleges. The main
purpose of organizing the Synergy is

 To inculcate in the Youth of our country.

 An awareness on the care of their own health and that of others.
 The understanding and acceptance of civic responsibilities and acting accordingly with
humanitarian concern, to fulfill the same.
 To enable the growth and development of a spirit of service and sense of duty with dedication
and devotion in the minds of youth.
 To foster better friendly relationship with all without any discrimination.

t is a group movement organized at the initial stages for students of MBA  within the colleges. The main
purpose of organizing the Synergy is
 To inculcate in the Youth of our country.
 concern, to fulfill the same.
 To enable the growth and development of a spirit of service and sense of duty with dedication
and devotion in the minds of youth.
 To foster better friendly relationship with all without any discrimination.
 To enable the growth and development of a spirit of service and sense of duty with dedication
and devotion in the minds of youth.
 To foster better friendly relationship with all without any discrimination.

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