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Mobile Learning Applications for Technical

Vocational and Engineering Education

The Use of Competence Snippets in Laboratory Courses and Industry 4.0

Steffen Jaschke
Technical Vocational Didactics
University of Siegen
Siegen, Germany

This paper focuses on the facilitation of mobile learning II. FOURTH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION
processes in technical vocational and engineering education as well
DVLWV¶LQWHJUDWLRQLQOHDUQLQJRQWKHMREVFHQDULRV of the industry Interfering to a discussion whether ongoing changes in
4.0. This includes the distribution of classical learning materials industry can be seen as an evolution or a revolution is not the
like texts, pictures, videos, or simulations, but, here, workplace- way teachers and researchers should face the upcoming
based learning environments are of particular importance. While challenges. Undisputed is the fact that production processes are
electronic learning (e-Learning) is well known and broadly used in affected by the increasing appearance of cyber-physical systems,
different kinds of education, this is not true for mobile learning (m- and, just as well, their extended capabilities.
Learning), even though it offers new possibilities as a supplement
beyond micro learning. ³Cyber-physical production systems will drive industrial
manufacturing to the digital-age and create technological as well
Keywords—e-Learning; m-Learning; industrial revolution as the organizational basis for the 4th industrial revolution.´[2]
(industry 4.0); engineering education; life-long learning; Compared to further industrial revolutions, the impacts
I. INTRODUCTION seems to be less drastic which may be caused by the fact that this
is (just) another application area of cyber-physical systems or
Frequently, mobile learning is considered as a mobile degree of networking.
version of e-Learning where the content is adapted for mobile
devices, former cellphones. Today, the development of m- Each industrial revolution has changed work processes
Learning is closely connected to the development of the mobile dramatically. 6RPH ZRUNHUV¶ SURIHVVLRQ ZDV REVROHWH, some
technologies themselves, above all, smartphones and tablet emerged, and of cause, many changed slightly. To sum up, each
computers [1]. Existing e-Learning material is revised and industrial revolution was a revolution of the work processes and
transformed for mobile platforms which is not subject of the as a result a revolution of the education of workers.
authors¶ work. Instead, the focus is on learning processes that are The working group ³LQGXVWU\´ founded by the German
even not feasible without mobile devices, or else, are Federal Ministry of Education and Research identified eight key
extraordinary improved by mobile concepts. As a result, a areas in which research and development is mandatory [4]:
mobile learning application is being developed that enables a
quick access to learning content in laboratory and mobile x Standardization and reference architecture
environments. The capabilities of mobile devices are getting
constantly expanded so that they have a lot of sensors and x Managing complex systems
interfaces embedded. Using these interfaces as a connection to x A comprehensive broadband infrastructure for industry
the cyber-physical environment allows learning processes that
depends heavily on the cyber-SK\VLFDOV\VWHP¶VVWDWH x Safety and security
7KH DXWKRUV¶ ZRUN regarding learning in industrial work x Work organization and design
processes is influenced by research on laboratory courses in
x Training and continuing professional development
computer science education. Some of the considered problems
concern engineering and vocational education also. Thus, the x Regulatory framework
motivation and the development of the described mobile
learning system as well as its¶ field of application have x Resource efficiency
references to both, laboratory courses and work processes of the At first sight, only the areas ³training and continuing
fourth industrial revolution. professional development´ seems to have a strong educational
perspective, but going into detail shows that research on
engineering education has to face manifold problems. The

978-1-4799-4437-8/14/$31.00 ©2014 IEEE 03-06 December 2014, Dubai, UAE

2014 International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL)
Page 605
underlying technological development requires new perform all services from memory, even less, if the students are
competences of ongoing engineers as well as the significantly not fully trained in this field. Thus, a strong support within the
changed role of work in smart factories. Assuming that this ODERUDWRU\FRXUVHLVHVVHQWLDO,QWKHDXWKRUV¶studies, almost no
process will continue over decades the educational perspective student has competences in the field of automotive service.
is as important as the technology driven ones. Nonetheless, within their professional field as teachers in
vocational colleges they need to be able to create projects
³,QGXVWU\  ZLOO UDGLFDOO\ WUDQVIRUP ZRUNHUV¶ MRE DQG deducted from e.g. automotive diagnosis but other domains too.
competence profiles. It will therefore be necessary to implement Because it is not feasible for students to gain all required
appropriate training strategies and to organize work in a way that information within a preparation phase (as mentioned before),
fosters learning, enabling lifelong learning and workplace-based the use of mobile equipment and mobile support is mandatory.
Claiming, these requirements hold true for many areas of
,QWKHDXWKRUV¶ZRUNWKHIRXUWKLQGXVWULDOUHYROXWLRQLVQRW technical vocational and engineering education and are
considered as a process in manufacturing only, but as work transferrable to many engineering disciplines, a new application
processes that are heavily aided or affected by the increasing for mobile learning in technical vocational education that
usage of cyber-physical systems. facilitates learning processes in the first place has to be
Experiences gained within a laboratory course focused on IV. E-LEARNING IN ENGINEERING EDUCATION
embedded systems development for computer science students Ongoing engineers can benefit in many ways by the use of
underpin the needs for e/m-Learning. In order to go not beyond e-Learning that it is considers as learning with aid of personal
WKHVFRSHRIWKLVSDSHUWKHFRXUVH¶VGHWDLOVDQGUHVHDUFKDERXW computers. First of all, simulations and visualizations enable
competences of embedded systems developers are not described insights to systems and processes that are otherwise invisible.
here, but can be seen in [5] [6] [7] [8]. To give a short insight,
They also provide abstractions of very complex systems or
the evaluation of the laboratory course has be done applying a components. Beside these exemplary didactical factors,
non-participating observation (see [9]) that revealed one big economic reasons cause a shift from classical presence events to
question: How can we enable the students to apply, up to now, e-Learning or blended learning concepts, as it save time of
unknown concepts of programming and the operation of laboratory usage and staff [6]. For the selection of appropriate
laboratory equipment without access to the hardware/lab? simulations, the educators, first, have to decide whether a
Although the students had all required documentation and professional tool or some kind of dedicated educational
literature available in advance, and, although they had to pass simulation should be worked with. The former may be a big
multiple choice tests, they had not been enabled to complete the hurdle as the capabilities of professional simulation tools may
lab without applying a trial-and-error strategy. In order to gain overtax the students that may led to demotivation. Otherwise, the
competences, in sense of being able to solve problems, trial-and- students would be prepared for work in industry later on.
error is not the only, and of course, not the preferable approach. Dedicated simulations or visualizations focus on the learning
Especially, operating the oscilloscope was a big obstacle. In process and try to match the learners¶ preconditions and the
consultation with the students it was found that this was due to WDVNV¶SDUWLFXODULWLHV The decision depends heavily on the target
engineering (voltage/power) have been unknown, as well as how
WRPHDVXUHWKHPDQGKRZDQRVFLOORVFRSHZRUNVLQJHQHUDO´[8] Ongoing engineers should be equipped with a set of methods
and tools that are used in practice as well. The question is now:
Nevertheless, a structured approach is not applicable without when to introduce professional tools? The authors claim that
understanding the basics of electrical engineering and how the professional tools should be integrated in areas of specialization
oscilloscope is to be connected. Thus, beside reading manuals within the last semesters where the students can estimate the
and literature, simulating an oscilloscope in advance and/or importance of a tool and understand the underlying processes.
having an extensive support in the lab is absolutely required. The Within the first semesters the students would waste too much
latter one cannot be afforded by staff considering the size of time for e.g. tools they never will use again, or, even not
group and the time needed. The former is currently not available understand so that they apply try-and-error strategies. In general,
and its development would cost too much effort for too little state of the art software/hardware should be used, if a
benefit. Thus, a system is required that supports students, for professional tool is chosen, only. The same is true for vocational
example, at the operating of laboratory equipment or the education and the corresponding teacher training where students
procedure of measuring voltage within a circuit right at their are trained towards different industries, employers, and where
working place. the work processes are changing fast. Within the first semesters
A. Technical Vocational Education and Training in engineering education the students should focus on basic
Within a laboratory course for teacher training for technical processes, technologies, and methods where the handling of
and vocational education and training (TT-TVET) that focuses industrial tools is of minor importance.
on practical work on selected case studies in the field of To summarize, the authors proposes to use dedicated
automotive service, comparable challenges have been environments where the students are to solve problems by
recognized. A car is considered as a large and complex system oneself (in teams), but, with the extensive use of e-Learning that
where, in fact, it is impossible to overview all components with is built for a particular learning process. Without mobile devices,
their manufacturer-specific technical details. Nor is it possible to learner would be forced to get the information by paper or

978-1-4799-4437-8/14/$31.00 ©2014 IEEE 03-06 December 2014, Dubai, UAE

2014 International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL)
Page 606
computers, distributed in the laboratory. Especially, training on A. Mobile capabilities facilitate quick access
the job scenarios in fast changing environments require mobile Tablet computers, nowadays, have two perfect fitting
devices as well as m-Learning to support workers in industry. capabilities that enables the learner to access snippets very fast,
V. MOBILE COMPETENCE SNIPPETS the camera and a near field communication interface (NFC).
Each component of the car that is relevant for the learning
Knowledge floaters are short (five minute) multimedia process is labeled with a QR-Code that is linked to the
supported units of learning (video/slides). These units are not as corresponding competence snippet. Now the learner can access
comprehensive as parts of textbooks or even Wikipedia articles. a video tutorial in less than five seconds simply by scanning the
Furthermore, they are not necessarily scientific. Knowledge code. If the component has no plain surface a NFC tag can be
floater contain the information required to give a broad overview attached. This enables the access to a snippet by putting the
or exactly the information that is necessary to solve a given tablet close to the component. If this is, for any reason, not
problem. For example, the question is how to disassemble the applicable, teachers can extend the system by printing e.g.
car¶s breaks? Watching a video tutorial or reading a very short posters with the components and the QR-Codes. This can also
manual would be much more helpful than reading a scientific be done in preparation phases and corresponding material by
article about breaks and their fastening technologies. This can be printing QR-Codes on worksheets and lecture notes.
transferred to the operating of an oscilloscope, mentioned above.
It is not necessary to know the function of all buttons or the
IXQFWLRQ RI WKH HOHFWURQ EHDPV¶ control. The students need a
short introduction or little help to overcome a particular hurdle.
state one point clear, this is not meant in the sense of a
comprehensive electronic manual, but a quick mobile support.
:LWKLQWKHDXWKRUV¶ work, the term knowledge floater is not
appropriate. Instead of providing videos that contains theoretical
and factual knowledge, MoLeApp (Mobile Learning
Application) serves as a step towards competences. Here
FRPSHWHQFHPHDQVWKH³proven ability to use knowledge, skills Fig. 1. QR-&RGHIRUWDVN³DQWL-UROOEDU´
and personal, social and/or methodological abilities, in work or
study situations and in professional and personal develRSPHQW´ B. Life Long Learning in the Industry 4.0
[10] . This links in particular to problem solving strategies that The scenarios described above are dedicated learning
enables the student to overcome a given hurdle. In addition, each environments where students are supported by staff and
learning object is considered as one snippet of a whole, a snippet additional competence snippets. One step further, competence
for a given task. Thus, the term competence snippet is used, snippets seems to fit perfectly in working processes where the
although it may consist of multiple learning objects. At the focus is not on learning, but on quantity and quality. Both,
moment, a database containing texts, pictures and videos is mostly, depends on the individual employee and his/her
under construction. In order to achieve competences in the field competences. Typically, technical vocational education takes
of automotive service, this includes checklists of diagnostic place before working on real tasks in technical environments. If
steps as well as video tutorials of concrete procedures possible, these tasks are fully accessible in a kind of a sandbox
To deliver an application that provides all snippets where mistakes have no negative impacts. If the work processes
hierarchical seems to be the most pragmatic way, but meets two are changing or are even not transferrable to a sandbox or
problems. First, the selection of the snippet is not easy if the simulator, learning has to take place alongside the processes.
terminology itself is unknown, and second to orient oneself in This is true for all tasks that are typically done by semi-skilled
case of a huge amount of snippets. One possible solution is to workers without any education referring to these processes, but
deliver one app per topic e.g. one for the oscilloscope, one for nowadays also for workers in the industry 4.0.
the multimeter, and one for the function generator. This would As a first approach, educators accompany the workers and
improve the orientation but neglects the problem of unknown instruct them within the first time. Later on, workers are doing
terminology. Furthermore, it means high administrative costs. the job independently and ask for help if needed. To intervene as
Therefore, a one-app solution seems to be more appropriate. In necessary is no longer possible. Because of complex and maybe
case of relative simple or small systems/devices like a fast changing work processes of the industry 4.0, in most cases,
multimeter this proceeding is sufficient. Now, by using tablet it is not possible to impart all eventualities, problems, and
computers, students have a large quantity of snippets at hand. solutions at a time. Therefore, MoLeApp will be extended with
Future courses will contain a part of contribution where the interfaces that support workers during the process. In advance,
students are to deliver a snippet for the catalogue. Unfortunately, such an implementation should educate the workers so that some
searching for the right snipped is time wasting and misses the problems or mistakes do not reappear. A system that operates
goal of a quick access. To solve the problem of orientation and OLNH ³SUREOHP ;RFFXUUHGSOHDVHSHUIRUP <´ LV XQUHZDUGLQJ
access to a snippet as a part of a larger or more complex and just indicates a process that may get automated. The workers
system/device an approach, promoted by new capabilities of should be educated in order to be able to solve problems by
mobile devices, is explained within the next section. themselves. It is necessary to comprehend the reason for the

978-1-4799-4437-8/14/$31.00 ©2014 IEEE 03-06 December 2014, Dubai, UAE

2014 International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL)
Page 607
occurrence of problems DQGLWV¶IHDVLEOHVROXWLRQVThe workers proposed the use of competence snippets instead of
may be sensitized for the impacts of mistakes (if they are not comprehensive material that can be accessed easily via QR-
obvious). For the extension of MoLeApp an interface to the Codes, NFC, or process data. The database of snippets is under
cyber-physical environment is necessary that triggers the construction.
learning processes depending on process data.
Whether to trigger learning process depends on the actual
system state. For example, systems may, in principle, not be in a [1] C. de Witt, A. Sieber, Mobile Learning: Potenziale,
safety-critical state. The problem has to be solved pragmatically Einsatzszenarien und Perspektiven des Lernens mit
first. Afterwards, the surrounding conditions can be part of a mobilen Endgeräten, Springer, Dordrecht/Germany, 2013.
teaching unit. Other processes may produce data that can be [2] J. Schlick, Cyber-physical systems in factory automation -
analyzed automatically and instruct/teach the workers before an Towards the 4th industrial revolution, 9th IEEE
impact may occur. Tablet computers that are embedded in the International Workshop on Factory Communication
cyber-physical environment will connect working and learning Systems (WFCS), 2012.
and will help to support life-long learning as well. [3] German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, From
Industry 1.0 to Industry 4.0: Towards the 4th Industrial
Revolution, 2011.
Laboratory Courses Work Processes [4] Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF),
Umsetzungsempfehlungen für das Zukunftsprojekt
maschine data
Industrie 4.0: Abschlussbericht des Arbeitskreises
NFC-Tag Industrie 4.0, 2013.
trigger snippet
[5] S. Jaschke, S. Büchner, IEEE International Conference on
trigger snippet Teaching, Assessment and Learning for Engineering,
Data Analysis
Kuta/Indonesia, 2013.
[6] S. Büchner, S. Jaschke, IEEE Global Engineering
Education Conference, Berlin/Germany, 2013.
[7] S. Jaschke, in: IFIP TC3 (Ed.), Tenth IFIP World
Fig. 2. Trigger snippets by tags and process data Conference on Computers in Education, Torun/Poland,
VI. CONCLUSION AND FURTHER WORK [8] S. Jaschke, S. Büchner, S. Schubert, A. Schäfer, R. Brück,
The need for mLearning applications that supports learning in: P. Marwedel, J. Jackson, K. Ricks (Eds.), Workshop
within the actual working process was motivated by two areas of on Embedded and Cyber-Physical Systems Education,
application. ACM, Tampere/Finland, 2012.
[9] J. Bortz, N. Döring, Bortz-Döring, Forschungsmethoden
x Laboratory courses und Evaluation: Für Human- und Sozialwissenschaftler,
x Industry 4.0 Springer, Heidelberg/Germany, 2005.
[10] European Parliament Council, On the establishment of the
Within the latter one, the learning processes can be triggered European Qualifications Framework for lifelong learning,
by data of the cyber-physical systems of the working processes. 2008.
This allows mobile training on the job scenarios. The author

978-1-4799-4437-8/14/$31.00 ©2014 IEEE 03-06 December 2014, Dubai, UAE

2014 International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL)
Page 608

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