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Martin Rueda

Paralelo 2
Matricula: 728782

The Social Responsibility of

Software Development
In this text we can read about what can you do if you are engineer so
you have the big part of the company with the decision from the job of
the other and make projects that have revolution in this world.

the bad part of this are that you need to make decision of leave many
people unemployed, that if you are a programmer and do softwares that
are bad to the society that is your fault and if you make other programs
and softwares and provocate wars so that it is again your fault, but that
not is the only job that have the programmer.

The good part of be programmer is that you can see all the things that
the world need to better, and you can say all lot of ideas to make new
projects for example do a software that helps people with poor resources
just programing a teacher that give classes to the students via internet,
just all through web.

in conclusion I say that the programmer its important in all of aspects

because can help the world, can change the world, just with innovate
ideas for resolving problems, avoide technological wars, the best of this
that you can help the world just with a click, obviously that we have in
the world bad people that do all for bad of the world programming to
attack other countries, make wars and other bad things.

For that reason I think that if we do work together to have innovative

ideas and be able to solve so many problems that invade this world and
change that way to think and help the people that need more than us.

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