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Nekeisha Berry

-As a group, the whole class is not doing well. The average is 67% which tells me that most of
them did not get a lot of what was taught and needs to be taught the lesson over. The median
was also 67%.
-Juan seems to be one of the students who excelled in all areas of the test since he did receive a
100%. Another student who is doing well is cody. He received the grade of a 93% overall. Cody
got a 100% for both the subtraction and division part but on his addition he averaged at an
80%. The other student who I thought was doing well would be Jack who received an 80%
overall and also receive the same average for all three topics covered in the assessment.
-A student that may need help in the class would be Luke who received a 40% on the test and
received the same average on all three parts. Another student would be Nathan. He needs help
in all three areas also but more so in the topic of subtraction since he received the average on
20% in that area. Also Sarah needs help. She received a 53% overall and did well in the addition
part (80%) but lack in the areas of subtraction (60%) and division (20%).

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