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Megan Adkins

Module 10 – Analyzing Assessments

Step 5:
1. Considering the class average is 66%, we could be doing a lot better. Not sure where we
are in the learning process, but the students seem to be struggling across the board. Only
5 of the 16 students made an A or B, and 5 made an F/failing grade. We will need to
work on some review exercises before we assess these skills again. Addition seems to be
the strongest subject, but there are still a few students struggling with it.

2. Juan is doing the best in all areas, with 100% on the evaluation. Cody had a 93% and is
excelling with subtraction. His addition score was good, but his subtraction score was
100%. Jamal and Hugh both scored an 80% overall, with Hugh receiving a perfect score
on the addition questions, while Jamal had 100% on subtraction. Both students did well
with the other topic, but still struggle a bit.

3. Luke really seemed to struggle with this test. He received 40% overall, with the same
percentage in both addition and subtraction. He missed several questions in a row, so that
may indicate an outside factor during that period of the test. Either way, he needs some
extra help and practice in all areas that were tested. Nathan struggled with both subjects,
but especially with subtraction, where he scored only 20%. He will need guidance in both
areas, with emphasis on his subtraction skills. Both Holly and Molly received 53%
overall, and both only answer 20% of the subtraction questions correctly. They did much
better with addition, but need much more practice with subtraction before the next

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