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Health and safety

1. The first health and safety issue would be the cables in the room which
could be a tripping hazard or electrical fire, for example if there is a
shortage within the cable and it doesn’t touch the ground it can cause
greater issues than the wires being on the floor. To prevent this from
happening we could use extension leads or wires round the back of the
keyboards and drums.

2. Another health and safety issue would be volume, in the drum room it is
very compact and it can be very loud with four people with instruments
and amplifiers we can control this by maybe opening a door or
rehearsing in a bigger room

3. Fire safety is another warning in our music room we have fire exits out
of most of the rooms and we have fire extinguishers but this could still
be a major issue as we have so many plugs and plug sockets meaning we
most commonly have electrical fires especially in the drum room
because of the amount of plus and extension cables there are and

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