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Integrated skills
Varianta 2
 Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii.
 Nu se acordă puncte din oficiu.
 Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 90 de minute.

I. You will watch an excerpt from the film Before Sunset. For questions 1–5 choose the
best answer (A, B, or C).

10 points
1. In the man’s story, why did the Germans leave one man behind?
A. to apologise to the French army.
B. to activate the explosives.
C. to retreat faster.

2. When the woman says ‘I’ve never done this’ she refers to
A. never being on a canal boat before.
B. never visiting Paris before.
C. never talking to a man before.

3. The man says that the reason behind writing his book was
A. to create his own fairytale.
B. to change the way he met the woman.
C. to have a reminder of their previous meeting.

4. The woman is happy about the man’s book because according to her
A. people will have more relationships from now on.
B. people tend to forget their love affairs too easily.
C. men are not able to get over their previous encounters.

5. Why is the woman reluctant to get involved in relationships?

A. Because every single one of them can be emotionally painful.
B. Because she is afraid of break-ups.
C. Because she might lose hope when it comes to love.

II. Write a 180-200-word narrative essay, beginning as follows: We were in this gorgeous
place having an amazing time. It was the best date I had ever been on. Unfortunately we both
knew our story would have to end in just a few hours… 50 points

Olimpiada de limba engleză clasa a IX-a, SECȚIUNEA A Varianta 2

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