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Blockchain is one of the most innovative technology ever made .

The most important

purpose of this technology is to make payments fast ,accessible from anywhere
without a third party , and the most important to make us free from commissions
and tax slavery .


During our evolution , the human brain has demonstrated its ability to create even
from a most harmless and useful thing a tool designed to control !
If we will take a look in our past we will not notice major changes.
What?! ''Slavery was abrogated will say many of you.''I agree , but not all its
forms! We are still slave of a bad government forms , money and a lot of other
things.Things that are not proportionately divided between us .

One important lack that Bitcoin have is that people cant' buy it at the same
value .This provide possibility for the rich people to become much more rich in
future .This is just a small part of the real problem.

You probably think that N.W.O will come like a BOMB ,but i will say NO!!It will
come slowly in stages.And the first stage is ''A WORLD CURRENCY'' then ''ONLY ONE
LANGUAGE''(i guess it will be chinese :D ) and after that ''A SINGLE POWER''.
If they succeed to regulate Bitcoin and other crypto, then it will be the first
sign that the N.W.O. it's closer than we could imagine!!

Enjoy the read , and tell me what you think about that.

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