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English Formative Test

Nome:_____________________________ Date: __/__/__

Mark: ________________ Teacher: _________________

1 - Read the following sentences and see if they are True or False and correct the
false sentences:

A – Humans don't need to worry about the environmental questions and climatic

B – The levels of pollution in the planet are increasing.


C – If we don´t stop the pollution of rivers, in the future we will have more water to

D – Recycling will help us to reduce the increase of garbage and pollution.


Read the following text carefully:

We Must Save Our Planet:

Everyone must play a part in protecting the environment. There are many
things you can do every day to Help saving the planet.
Here are some suggestions.

Really, the best thing we can do for the planet is to use less of it. At the centre of
Earth´s Environmental crisis is our consumer society. Here are some questions you can ask
yourself before buying something: Do I really need this? Is there another product which
would do the same thing, but more sustainable? Will this last a long time? Is it recyclable?

Regrettably, because we live in a disposable society, we are encouraged to buy new and
Improved items when the old ones might be upgraded of repaired. We should buy items with
a “long life”, that are durable and we should maintain them for more time. In the old
Days, items passed from generation to generation. If you really don't want the item, you can
Always give it to someone that really needs it, like charity institutions.

To protect the environment, you should recycle items that neither you or anyone else will use
Again. Recycling is not a perfect system but its better than sending goods to landfill or having
Them incinerated. Find out what kind of materials you can recycle in your area. Clean them
Before you take them to the collectors, try not to mix them and you will be helping the
2 – According to the text, answer the following questions:

2.1. The text speaks about a growing concerning. What is it?


2.2. What are the suggestions given by the text to help solving this issue?

2.3. What is in the centre of Earth Environmental Crisis?


2.3. How should we choose an item when we buy it?


2.4. What advise is given in the text when you really don't need an item?

2.5. Why must we recycle?


3. Find evidence in the text:

3.1. Consuming is a problem when we speak of environment problems.

3.2. In our days, society has no worries on buying things that are not needed.
3.3. The issues were passed from father´s to son´s.

4. What is the meaning of the following words, explain by your own words:

reuse: _______________________________________________________
recycle: _______________________________________________________

reduce: _______________________________________________________

5. Complete the sentences with: Will, Shall and Going to:

5.1. _________ I make you some tea?

5.2. Tomorrow ________ rain.

5.3. Next week I _______________ to Paris. _________ you came with me?

5.4. On Monday I _________ have Maths test. I ____________ to study at

the weekend so I ___________ not go with you to the Cinema

6. Complete the sentences with the following modal verbs:

Can, Could, May, Should, Shouldn´t, Must, Mustn´t, Would, Wouldn´t

6.1. _______ you give me the salt please?

6.2. We __________ go to the cinema tomorrow!

6.3. _________ I seat here?

6.4. You _________ buy this book, it´s very good.

6.5. Next Friday you ________ came to my house. _______ I count with you?

6.6. You _________ do that, its not polite to do it.

7. Complete the following sentences in the conditional using: If or Unless.

7.1. She will came to dinner _______ I make her favourite dish.

7.2. Mary wont speech, ____________ the teacher asks.

7.4. ___________ it´s raining, we will go to the zoo.

7.5. ________ you study, you can go out with your friends on Saturday.

7.6. Mary will came with us, ____________ she gets sick.
8. Choose a theme and write a text with 100 words:

A – Global warming is a daily concern to the governments of the world.

Imagine that you are a government leader that will participate in the
Copenhagen Conference about the environment in December. What would
you suggest to improve the environment?

B – Today is very easy to reduce pollution. Why must we recycle and what is the
importance of separate the garbage? What is for you recycling? Do you
recycle. Writhe your recycling experience!



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