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Alicia Lovato

Instructor: Kevin Okleberry

Chemistry 1010: Spring Semester 201 8
Date: 04/27/201 8
The Reflection

Summative Reflection

The most important thing that I can take away from taking this Chemistry 1010 course is that I
have come to understand that Chemistry 1010 is not just about blowing things up. As a college
student, I have come to respect chemistry, as the central science, simply because without the
knowledge of chemistry we would not have the multitude of medicines that are made from using
chemistry to help improve and save the lives of people every day. With the knowledge gained by
chemistry, we are able to understand how our bodies are made of chemistry. In addition, by
understanding how the chemistry in medications works alongside or against our chemicals in our
body, we have come to understand chemistry’s advantages. For example as a future Respiratory
Therapist, this course has better prepared me to understand the components of the commonly
used Albuterol (C13H21NO3). The chemical components of this medication are used for
Asthmatic patients while they are experiencing an Asthma attack. By understanding the
individual patient’s chemicals, I will know the right amount of Albuterol to give the patient to
help them breathe.

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