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The article, How Many Frenchmen Does It Take to…?

By Stewart Doty was very

interesting and impactful to read, how the French who have resided in the united states have been

mistreated like many of the immigrant groups. Just like many immigrants the some of the French

consider and call the united states their home. It was shocking to read how no more how they

have contributed to communities they are plagued by degrading stereotypes that have placed on

them. The use of scholars to label and claim French Canadians to be retarded. The terrible

experiences that are express through this article has some clear similarities with the Mexican

culture. Both the French and the Spanish speaking population share almost the same experiences

based on how americans of english and german descent treat them.

The right wing politicians gain political success by conducting a nationwide opposition to

immigrants, and on the Northeast it was the french immigrants and of french descent. By

creating a common enemy and insight fear. The right wing politicians also said that New

England was being taken over by the french. These kind of tactics has also been used against

with spanish speaking population. Like the 2016 presidential elections displayed now president

Trump, used the same ploy to gain voters to his side. He inform many of his followers that

mexicans were bringing drugs, crime and rapists. They also spread the false idea that with

spanish speaking population coming into the united states in mass quantities, they are trying to

take over the country.

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