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Bartender : a person who serves drinks at a bar or restaurant

2. Barber : a person whose job is to cut men's hair
3. Dentist : a person whose job is to care for people's teeth
4. Nurse : person who is trained to give care to people who are sick
5. Soldier : person who is a part of an army
6. Tailor : person who makes, repair or alters clothing professionally
7. Attorney : person who practices law
8. Banker : a person who owns a bank or who has an important job in a bank
9. Butcher : someone who cuts and sells meat in a shop
10. Fisherman : a person that catches fish
11. Postman : a person that deliver mail to the house
12. Singer : a person who sing a song
13. Lecturer : a person who teach students in university
14. Mechanic : a person that repairs machines.
15. Farmer : person that works on a farm

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