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Jensen Gonzalves

MUED 373
April 23, 2018
Percussion Ensemble Warm Up

 Students will be able to play 8 on a hand effectively
 Students will demonstrate their knowledge of creating an eight-beat rhythm
 Students will show their ability to call and response basic rhythmic patterns.

 Stand and Drum Pad
 Snare Sticks

 MU:Cr1.1.E.8a Compose and improvise ideas for melodies and rhythmic passages based
on characteristic(s) of music or text(s) studied in rehearsal.
 MU:Cr3.1.E.8a Evaluate and refine draft compositions and improvisations based on
knowledge, skill, and collaboratively-developed criteria.
 MU:Cr3.2.E.8a Share personally developed melodies and rhythmic passages –
individually or as an ensemble – that demonstrate understanding of characteristics of
music or texts studied in rehearsal.

1. Students will get into their assigned spots in the arc with a stand, a proper drum pad, and
snare sticks ready to play.
2. I will start the students on doing 8 on a hand as I am looking at each student to make sure
that they are holding their sticks the right way.
3. Once I believe that the students are warmed up then I will move the students onto double
stokes and make sure that the students are doing these as well too.
4. I will then move onto a repeat after me rhythmic pattern and I will be trying different
rhythmic patterns and gradually get harder when I feel like the students will be able to
handle it.
5. After this I will let the students make up their own rhythms as I walk around to see if the
students are being able to keep up with all the rhythms.
6. If there is time I will work on buzz rolls while working on dynamics.

I will be assessing the students by seeing if they are able to produce rhythmic patterns by
themselves when I allow them to go around the arc creating these rhythms. The other part of
their assessment would be to see if they are able to keep up with their classmates’ rhythm
patterns as well. Since this lesson is designed as a warm up I will be assessing the students
informally by a participation grade for their warm up time. If I see students struggling with this
warm up I will give them a 0 for participation and say that they need to come in to see me to
work on these techniques for the 0 to go away.

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